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Gameboys help train traders to make millions

Geneva trading use Gameboys and online poker to study applicants...


Fast reaction times

At Geneva Trading, based in Chicago, they train up students to make money out of anything from Brent crude to precious metals and pork bellies.

But as the company's president, Mary McDonnell told the BBC Go Digital programme, they are looking for recruits with a new generation of job skills.

Mary McDonnell, Geneva Trading
And part of their assessment process involves studying an applicant in a video game exercise.

"It is unlikely that we would hire someone who didn't show good proficiency at a GameBoy or online poker or similar video-type game where hand-to-eye coordination is important" she said.

The company follows small fluctuations in the market, easily missed on a bank of trading screens filled with fast moving numbers. Here, traders use mouse clicks to buy or sell.

The faster their reaction the more money they can make, which is where the video games skills come in.

... and my mother still thinks its an unhealthy pastime.


Thats good. See gaming brings with it many good things.

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