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GameCubeDD / Harddrive?!

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On August 3, the US Patent and Trademark Office approved patent #6,769,989. The abstract for the patent describes the device as "an existing video game system...modified to include additional communication and storage capability via a modem and hard disk drive." The hard drive "permits downloading from the Internet of entire games."



"After acquiring a scan of the actual patent documents (pictured), GameSpot has learned the August 3, 2004, filing was merely for a supplementary patent to the 64DD, the online peripheral for the N64 console. The patent #6,769,989 was originally filed in April 1999, eight months before the 64DD's lackluster release. Shunned by consumers, it was discontinued, and its online support was shut down in March 2001. Nintendo reps contacted by GameSpot confirmed the patent was indeed for the 64DD and not for a new console."
How stupid does GameSpot have to be NOT to know this was a patent for the N64DD? Jeeze, "journalism" indeed. All they would have had to do to avoid their idiotic report is to click the image link.
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