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Games that disappear from the radar


What ever happened to Gotcha!, the paintball game from Take Two ?

Wasn't it supposed to come out in August ?

Please state the games you think about that were annonced, but disappeared mysteriously. And, by the way, if someone has any infos on these games, please let it know.
Maybe I've missed something but God of War seems to be laying low. I don't think I even recall any impressions from E3, although I'm sure it was there. Any care to updates me.


Soul4ger said:
Late October, early November last I heard.
Now just find me a place where I can pre-order Technic Beat and we'll be set :)

By the way Die Squirrel Die, God of War was at E3. Running on 4 or 5 kiosks, I'm sure someone will come in here and babble about it.

Agent X

Die Squirrel Die said:
Maybe I've missed something but God of War seems to be laying low. I don't think I even recall any impressions from E3, although I'm sure it was there. Any care to updates me.

I believe this one's scheduled for early 2005.


Unconfirmed Member
Die Squirrel Die said:
Maybe I've missed something but God of War seems to be laying low. I don't think I even recall any impressions from E3, although I'm sure it was there. Any care to updates me.
Well it's not supposed to come out until 2005, so I think they've just been keeping it under wraps somewhat.


MetatronM said:
Well it's not supposed to come out until 2005, so I think they've just been keeping it under wraps somewhat.

I can confirm that God of War will have lenticular cover art. The main dude's tattoo will apparently be all shiny. BELIEVE IT!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Soul4ger said:
A Wizardry came out on GBA in Japan quite some time ago. I don't think anyone cared.

I know. Natsume had already picked it up and started translating it. Then they sat on it for 2 years and now nothing.


Running off of Custom Firmware
G-d damn. I just checked, and Wizardry GBA is STILL listed on Natsume's website, with translated pics and everything. Fuckers.

edit: and what about:

CT Special Forces 1 & 2 for PS1 (ports of GBA games)
Chrome Hound (xbox)
Dinosaur Hunting (xbox)
Rent A Hero No. 1 (xbox)


WHat the hell happaned to HE-MAN: Masters Of The Universe- Defenders Of Greyskull???

I think it came to the UK, but I can't find it in America. TDK Interactive was bought by TakeTwo close to the time it was SUPPOSSED to come out and since then it just...dissappeared!?!


Jonnyram said:
What happened to:
Goldstar Mountain
Mother 3
Gameboy Music

i'm pretty sure Catan came out in Europe. Gold Star Mountain is canned.

Yoshi's Story GBA[\quote]

That more than likely evolved into Yoshi's Universal Gravitation. Go over to Nintendojo to see screens of it. It has the same graphical style as Yoshi's Story.


What about that one cat game that played on the looping video at E3 about 3 or 4 years ago?
Or that GameCube Director Stage thingie?
The Sega/Nintendo RPG collaboration?
The Silicon Knights game erupting from the supposed letgo from Nintendo.


how about that one game with the aliens.. the first person shooter? it looked cool as heck...

quarter-life or hemi-life or something like that..


he's mentioning that because they're obviously done and have been for awhile, but they haven't been released. And yeah, who really cares about those games anyway?
Bog said:
Uh, so what?

Uh, can you try to be just a little less of an asshole and more of a, say, positive contribution to the GA forums? And pick up an issue of OXM while you're at it. Send it to an overseas colleague.

Back to topic: the game I miss the most, flew off the radar only to be cancelled, is Mini Racers for the N64. I love topdown racing games & was deeply hurt to hear of its cancellation.


Rent A Hero (XB) got canned.

As for Technic Beat, I want to believe, but I can't find a place that's even listing it :/


BuddyChrist83 said:
As for Technic Beat, I want to believe, but I can't find a place that's even listing it :/

Gamerush and Gamecrazy both have it listed with a TBA date. It wasnt in the computers but when they pulled out a printed listed i saw it.

I would like to know where the heck that Wolf game on PS2 went it looked nice. there are lots of games that just have gone off the radar completely lately companies must be keeping a tighter lip on things or something.


Infernodash said:
What happened to where in the world is carmen sandiego game.

It's been out for a while now, I recently swooped up the GCN version. It's not worth it, but it's good for nostalgia! Even though it's not the least bit educational.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
What the fuck ever happened to Loose Cannon?

And what ever happened to the best game ever in development...



I still need to go down to Rockstar Toronto's offices and throw eggs at them.

I got nothing against them, I just think it'll be something fun to do.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
In regards to God of War:

Not only was it running at E3, Sony gave it a big push behind closed doors and it impressed the hell out of me and almost everyone else who was back there. I saw that it got glowing impressions not just from Gamedaily but almost every other outlet as well.

We even gave it runner-up for PS2 game of show:


but then again, we're the site that gave Odama two awards and two more runner-up awards, making it our heaviest awarded title, so... our opinion isn't really in line with the rest of the media. It's fucking right though. I was like an Odama PR rep in our heated "best of show" meeting.

Edit - our impressions:
I could go on and on about the cool things I was shown in just that one short demo. There's platforming elements, magic spells, huge 'normal' enemies that would be bosses in another title, and to top it off the game looks absolutely fantastic. The bottem line is that God of War was the best game I've seen at this entire show so far. Even in its early state (it's set to ship Q1 2005) it was extremely impressive."
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