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Games you really could not get any BETTER at...

With my friends, I can pretty much beat anyone in Soul Calibur 2 and SSB:M playing as ANY character. I just know their moves (or they just suck). My twin brother and I are monsters when playing Halo; we don't even own the game and still take out many players.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
At one time, it was Contra 3 and Star fox, i knew everything about them. Joint Strike Fighter aswell on PC, i was DOMINATING on mplayer, ah the good days.

Now though.. i cant think of a game that im beyond "average"


Agressive Inline

I could do infinite trick combos, there was a light tower(something like that anyway) where you could get inside and ride the walls around and around and around forever.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Gargoyle's Quest
Final Fantasy Legend
Final Fantasy Legend II
River City Ransom


F-Zero GX has been like that recently for me. It was tough staring the game, but by the time I was ready for story mode on very hard, I could breeze through it the in one sitting.


Sea Manky said:

Yeah! I was so good at Gauntlet back in the day that when I went to the arcade, other kids would pay for me to play just to have me in their party. (I was the only person around that had the home version for C64, and so I had every single map memorized.)

We also had a rule that whoever shot food would get a knuckle-punch in the shoulder from the person next to him--that contributed a lot to increasing everyone's skill in the game.


ge-man said:
F-Zero GX has been like that recently for me. It was tough staring the game, but by the time I was ready for story mode on very hard, I could breeze through it the in one sitting.

I cant even get past chapter 3 on normal. But I finally unlocked the Daimond Cup!


Who else wants to see all the people proclaiming they can't get better at SSB/SSBM get together and take on eachother? ;)

Me? I'm a jack-of-all-trades, as well. I'm reasonably good at some games, but not the best at any of them. I rarely put enough time into one game to get that good at them.


Belfast said:
Who else wants to see all the people proclaiming they can't get better at SSB/SSBM get together and take on eachother? ;)

I'd like to see it. :D But that'll never happen. Unless an online version is released for the Revolution.


"Gaiares: beaten without dying (no F-force weapon, either- I think that was the name)"

You played on real hardware right? That's very impressive.


Queen of Denmark
None that I could really brag about, but I do have a few noteworthy accomplishments in my gaming history, such as completely finishing Goldeneye (all levels beaten on all difficulty levels and all cheats unlocked...without using a strategy guide or button codes, of course). But I really don't have anything to compare to some of you in this thread...good lord!


Truly, I was the bomb diggity in Asteroids and Joust on Atari 2600. I never died, ever. Brother and sister would make me set a time limit for myself so they could get a turn in. Flying rocks and spacecraft? Whatever. Pterydoctyls? FUCK THEM they ate my spear regularly. Flew into them at full running ostrich speed, belly bouncing off the platforms and right into their sweet spot; it never ended for me.

Then there's Galaxian for Atari 2600, once you get past a certain stage, something will *click* and you will never, EVER lose no matter what (so long as you make the effort to dodge and what not). Anyone can do this, even my parents.

The catch to all this? You have to break in the Atari joystick...
I use to be THE man at the local Quake 2 server. People would drop out of the game to spectate me. When people asked why THEY weren't being spectated, the spectators would reply "because XeQ+10NeR is so fun to watch" or things along those lines.

I also had no social life back then. I guess the two went hand in hand.

None that I could really brag about, but I do have a few noteworthy accomplishments in my gaming history, such as completely finishing Goldeneye (all levels beaten on all difficulty levels and all cheats unlocked...without using a strategy guide or button codes, of course). But I really don't have anything to compare to some of you in this thread...good lord!

My cousin is the master of goldeneye...i swear he's probably the best goldeneye player in the world. His single player accomplishments are crazy (he managed to beat control on 007 when he set it to one shot kills him, and one shot kills bad guys, although he's only done that once). He's got the respawn routes memorized for every level, he knows exactly how to position himself so that he'll kill you the moment you spawn in...the list goes on. It's crazy.


Damn, forgot two more; Sega Genesis' Super Monaco GP and Dick Tracy. In the end I wasn't even playing them so much as doing rote thumb motions, especially for Dick Tracy. No mobster could get a bead on me, and I owned the racetracks.


Jumpman said:
Halo. I can play through single player on legendary without dying once, and am obviously a one man army in multiplayer..

Single player dominance in Halo has minimal correlation with multiplayer.
Do you play Halo with MLG, or any of the Halo 50ks? Squared off against Zyos ever? Played with Clockwork?

Multiplayer is a whole new game. :)


The only games I'm really good at that I can remember right now are Megaman Zero and Halo. I love replaying MMZ over and over, toying with the bosses and beating most of the game without getting hit.

Halo's the game I'm really good at though. My friends are all pretty good, but I torch them in multiplayer consistently. No matter what game type we play, I always win if I want to. I was so dominant that they started ganging up on me to win, which never worked. I started losing on purpose because my super competitive roomate would get extremely heated because he could never beat me. He broke a bunch of our furniture because of a couple really intense matches where I beat him sitting at the computer, reading GA between kills.

I can't fucking wait for online multiplayer Halo 2.


My Mom, who isn't a gamer, played Ms. Pacman on our Atari 2600. She got addicted and got so good that she memorized the ghost patterns and flipped the board over and over an over.


Scoot said:
Single player dominance in Halo has minimal correlation with multiplayer.

I disagree, there is a lot of correlation between single player and multiplayer. If you are great at single player then it is like likely that you have developed the necessary skills to be great at multi. The big difference with multi, is that you are playing against a different A.I. than what you are in single player. Human players may seem unpredictable to some, but that is simply not the case. It takes me very little time to figure out a human players style and tendancys. When that happens my opponents must resign to being pummeled mercilessly for as long as they can stomach playing against me.

Scoot said:
Do you play Halo with MLG, or any of the Halo 50ks? Squared off against Zyos ever? Played with Clockwork?

Multiplayer is a whole new game. :)

I assume these are people? How would I go about playing these guys? Is that over that tunneling dealie? I don't even know how that works. I can tell you that I am good enough to single handedly lay waist to full teams of people who in their circles are considered dominant players in their own right. Maybe I'll get Xbox Live for Halo 2 and back up my talk with some action.


I'm not a master of any game. >__<

But then again I barely played ( translation= 30 minutes a week avg.) games during the last several years-- that includes all of high school. I just got back into gaming about a year ago.

Loki said:
Oh yeah:

This goes along with my SF2 post above, but I beat SF2:T for the SNES with Ryu on the highest difficulty, on the 10-star speed setting, while facing upside down in relation to the screen and also with the controller upside down in my hands. Without getting hit-- all perfects. L33T. p433R. :p


.. controller upside down? That just messes up the entire configuration (up = down for example). You played like that and was NEVER hit? oh while also facing the TV upside down? How much practice did that take?



Has problems recognising girls
Although I am pretty decent at multiplayer games, the usual arcade fighter and the like, I rather challenge myself in RPGs.

One of the greatest undertakings was to not only defeat the last boss in Breath of Fire 2 in the mid level 30's, but also to go through the entire dungeon and defeat Barubary as well without having to go back up and restock your items. Tried three times and eventually did it :p


Looking for Pants
Blinky said:
Not really. I guess I could get my WaveDash a little better. But that's about it.

Perfect Blocking and Catching Items... really really hard and almost impossible to do on a more than 50% basis.


Count of Concision
Shompola said:
"Gaiares: beaten without dying (no F-force weapon, either- I think that was the name)"

You played on real hardware right? That's very impressive.

Yup, on the Genny. :) To give you an idea of how far my skills have regressed, I recently fired it up on ROM after not playing it for nearly a decade and could barely get past the second stage. :p


.. controller upside down? That just messes up the entire configuration (up = down for example). You played like that and was NEVER hit? oh while also facing the TV upside down? How much practice did that take?


Quite a friggin' bit. :p I used to play that game for about 4-5 hours/day; the time I wasn't playing the SNES version was spent at the arcade taking names at the various versions of SF2. I was already an SF2 demon, but I put a LOT of time into the SNES rev of Turbo. I got too good at the game, which is why I set up those sorts of absurd challenges for myself-- because I got tired of playing for high score (all perfects was too easy). I think I broke 2.3M points w/Ryu, but I forget since it was so long ago.
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