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Gamespot: 'Abandoned' from Blue Box doesn't exist, Hasan misleading fans intentionally and making fake NDAs.


Interesting Tweet by the article author here:

Wonder why his managers didn't want to touch BBG/Hasan with a bargepole? Instead allowing the game guides editor do a lengthy article (mostly a compilation and a restating of Jason's Bloomberg piece nearly a year ago) and only given the go ahead after he got access to the very recent info from the secret Hasan "Hellfire Club". Then apparently that Lance dude then gets a 2 week heads-up on the article describing it as a "shitstorm".

I agree the cringe is strong with this all round.


Interesting Tweet by the article author here:

Wonder why his managers didn't want to touch BBG/Hasan with a bargepole? Instead allowing the game guides editor do a lengthy article (mostly a compilation and a restating of Jason's Bloomberg piece nearly a year ago) and only given the go ahead after he got access to the very recent info from the secret Hasan "Hellfire Club". Then apparently that Lance dude then gets a 2 week heads-up on the article describing it as a "shitstorm".

I agree the cringe is strong with this all round.

Maybe they didn't want to subject themselves to defimation lawsuit if he did not have enough evidence.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The key thing for me is that Abandoned/Hasan are not interesting in themselves, only in the context of what they could be hiding. i.e Is it another Kojima stunt, has it some relationship with the rumoured Silent Hill revival.

Once the situation with those things becomes clear, and they are proven unrelated, Abandoned is basically just another failed indie project. Its simply not newsworthy.

Which leads to me to the conclusion that if Hasan was running some kind of scam he'd be trying to milk this for all its worth while the opportunity exists. If he was just an honest but incompetent wannabe, he should also be trying to make the most out of a golden opportunity. That he appears to be doing neither of these things... I dunno.
Wonder why his managers didn't want to touch BBG/Hasan with a bargepole? ... given the go ahead after he got access to the very recent info from the secret Hasan "Hellfire Club"
You answer your own question

Surely the manager at any type of news publisher will protect the reputation of the company, and the staff if they don't have enough to go on, that's part of their job.
Once there's a story with enough evidence to publish, they allowed it. Until then, they protected themselves, otherwise the site could be sued

Then apparently that Lance dude then gets a 2 week heads-up on the article describing it as a "shitstorm".
Lance had some info and an idea that this was bullshit, but not everything. Mark probably contacted him and told him what he was investigating, and to not have any links to Hasan when it comes out, giving Lance time to explain and get out of that situation.

It is a shitstorm. Why is a guy supposedly making 2 games, hanging about in private chats with a 12 year old? Why is he grooming female fans to meet up for romantic entanglements? Why is he asking fans for their full names, addresses, emails and phone numbers with a hastily made up NDA?

Now he's not just a scammer, he's creepy and if he's got the 12year olds info, bordering on the wrong/illegal. He's a joke and a loser


Hasan is a hack, i've been saying this for a year. I've looked into stuff. He has no office space, no employees. He doesn't even seem to be eligible to develop games or running a studio.

When hes talking in the WE sense, he's talking shit. No one is affiliated with him and my guess is that he gets funded by the government for maintaining a so called game studio. I do know that our government stimulates game development and has funding for it. A chamber of commerce intake is too easily done. And if its like other fundings here, there isn't really much of a check going on and you can hold out for quite some time.

I think its something along these lines, next to perhaps receiving funds from investors or something but those likely want results. He doesn't scam end users, I think he refunded at some point.
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Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Blank Stare GIF


You answer your own question

Surely the manager at any type of news publisher will protect the reputation of the company, and the staff if they don't have enough to go on, that's part of their job.
Once there's a story with enough evidence to publish, they allowed it. Until then, they protected themselves, otherwise the site could be sued

Lance had some info and an idea that this was bullshit, but not everything. Mark probably contacted him and told him what he was investigating, and to not have any links to Hasan when it comes out, giving Lance time to explain and get out of that situation.

It is a shitstorm. Why is a guy supposedly making 2 games, hanging about in private chats with a 12 year old? Why is he grooming female fans to meet up for romantic entanglements? Why is he asking fans for their full names, addresses, emails and phone numbers with a hastily made up NDA?

Now he's not just a scammer, he's creepy and if he's got the 12year olds info, bordering on the wrong/illegal. He's a joke and a loser

Sorry, but no. You're giving Hasan far too much credit. If Hasan is just a hack possibly claiming grant money from the NL government like SkylineRKR SkylineRKR talks about above then he won't be suing anyone. Did he sue Jason/Bloomberg or anyone else? No.

The really scary thing for those who've had it up to the back teeth with this.....look forward to copycats given how easy it is to do with basically zero consequences.


Thats just wrong…
Sony has some system in place where Indie devs can get a slot on shows, thats all this shitshow did, get a slot, showed a trailer and got the same exposure/promotion as every other Indie dev did. So no, Sony has nothing to do with Abandoneds running trend of nonsense.
There is certainly debate over the page thing (which is somewhat pay to play), but so far nobody at all has squashed the oddity of why Sony didn't simply address this when literally ALL gaming press and even some well respected NON gaming press ran multiple stories on it.

People get very tribal and defensive in the gamingsphere (not implying you), and defend whatever for anything. It's like politics at times. I have said I have preferred PS for... 4 generations. I own every PS console and also a VITA. I was a KZ2 1% player - I worked in the industry, though not for PS ( or any of the big 3 ).

Just laying out that I am not someone that hates PS (generally the opposite), but sometimes criticism is due where it is due. Playstation has to approve indie devs (they approved BB for... reasons?), then never squashing it / kind of playing along is weird.

Meh, so be it. Agree to disagree I suppose. I do feel they take some of the responsibility though.
Feels good knowing I was right about this guy from the beginning. Total hack. It's the only thing he has in common with Kojima.


Hasan could've stayed in the shadows, and he likely did as Blue Box is around for nearly 10 years now. But what happened is that it blew up because his work resembled PT and then he had to tweet something insinuating SH. He probably underestimated its fans as shit hit the fan and reached mainstream media which means more people were going to look into him.

It probably got over his head and what he does from there is drip feeding nothing burgers to a select few retards who eat everything he feeds. This way he maintains his project is WIP and more importantly maintains a lie. I wouldn't be surprised if you can fool the government with UE asset flips, if they even ask for proof to begin with.

Hasan has nothing, so he can't sue anyone at all. He's probably looking for a way to get out of this shit storm, and anonymously start up another project under a different name.
Sorry, but no. You're giving Hasan far too much credit. If Hasan is just a hack possibly claiming grant money from the NL government like SkylineRKR SkylineRKR talks about above then he won't be suing anyone. Did he sue Jason/Bloomberg or anyone else? No.

The really scary thing for those who've had it up to the back teeth with this.....look forward to copycats given how easy it is to do with basically zero consequences.
I'm giving him no credit. At all. I've said from day 1 he's a total fake

It's not about him suing Jason or Bloomberg or anyone, it's about the news sites protecting themselves from being sued. Otherwise anyone could say anything about anyone without proof. That's not how it works

The reason Hasan hasn't even considered suing is because he would have to disclose everything to the courts, which would then publicly show that he's a fraud, and then, if he had been claiming money, he'd get in major trouble for that


Hasan is a hack, i've been saying this for a year. I've looked into stuff. He has no office space, no employees. He doesn't even seem to be eligible to develop games or running a studio.

When hes talking in the WE sense, he's talking shit. No one is affiliated with him and my guess is that he gets funded by the government for maintaining a so called game studio. I do know that our government stimulates game development and has funding for it. A chamber of commerce intake is too easily done. And if its like other fundings here, there isn't really much of a check going on and you can hold out for quite some time.

I think its something along these lines, next to perhaps receiving funds from investors or something but those likely want results. He doesn't scam end users, I think he refunded at some point.

I've been saying that for a while too. It was pretty obvious he has no employees. BlueBox barely exists as a company.
He's obviously a narcissist who's had his 15 minutes of fame, thanks to a bunch of retarded who think are being edgy by calling themselves Team Real and constantly masturbating thinking of weird Kojima/Silent Hill connections.
I've been saying that for a while too. It was pretty obvious he has no employees. BlueBox barely exists as a company.
He's obviously a narcissist who's had his 15 minutes of fame, thanks to a bunch of retarded who think are being edgy by calling themselves Team Real and constantly masturbating thinking of weird Kojima/Silent Hill connections.
To be fair to "team real", majority of them are just being daft and know it's fake, there's only a few that are actually drinking Hasan's cool aid


Teamreal is just one person at this point. The mastermind bitbydeath bitbydeath
Best thing to do is to troll him now. Like saying he is right; Silent Hill is real and it is being developed by Kojima...............................................................................AND it is going to be an xbox exclusive. They are going to announce it next week.

hopefully that gives him anxiety for a week.


Hasan is a hack, i've been saying this for a year. I've looked into stuff. He has no office space, no employees. He doesn't even seem to be eligible to develop games or running a studio.

When hes talking in the WE sense, he's talking shit. No one is affiliated with him and my guess is that he gets funded by the government for maintaining a so called game studio. I do know that our government stimulates game development and has funding for it. A chamber of commerce intake is too easily done. And if its like other fundings here, there isn't really much of a check going on and you can hold out for quite some time.

I think its something along these lines, next to perhaps receiving funds from investors or something but those likely want results. He doesn't scam end users, I think he refunded at some point.

This is it. He has received money from public funds (and maybe private too) but he doesn't have what's required to put something out.
All indie games released on PlayStation have to do with Sony. Each need to register and be approved by Shu (head of indies) via the partner portal. They won’t even get a devkit without performing this initial step.


Shu of course knows nothing about Blue Box which is really, really sus.

Interesting that Shu says that he has no idea if the game is in development or not and you decide to interpret it as something that supports the existence of the game.

I don't think this will last for much longer now. Hasan will come out and apologize and will exit the game industry. I feel sorry for him because obviously he put some energy in funding a company but he is no different than the people creating shitty kickstarters without idea of what they are doing. He might have had a chance to actually develop something by working for a company but evidently he can't lead a company. Must have been a few fun months at some point but I bet he can't sleep that well anymore knowing he will be scorned by the Internet soon.


Best thing to do is to troll him now. Like saying he is right; Silent Hill is real and it is being developed by Kojima...............................................................................AND it is going to be an xbox exclusive. They are going to announce it next week.

hopefully that gives him anxiety for a week.
Lol, I’m not that attached. I’m here for the fun and it’s been a great ride so far.


This is it. He has received money from public funds (and maybe private too) but he doesn't have what's required to put something out.

Interesting that Shu says that he has no idea if the game is in development or not and you decide to interpret it as something that supports the existence of the game.

I don't think this will last for much longer now. Hasan will come out and apologize and will exit the game industry. I feel sorry for him because obviously he put some energy in funding a company but he is no different than the people creating shitty kickstarters without idea of what they are doing. He might have had a chance to actually develop something by working for a company but evidently he can't lead a company. Must have been a few fun months at some point but I bet he can't sleep that well anymore knowing he will be scorned by the Internet soon.

Creative hes absolutely clueless and talentless. All he did so far was ripping off existing ideas. There is zero originality in anything he released, or has written. And Abandoned seems to change genre and mechanics on a weekly basis, probably to justify 'setbacks'. It makes sense because hes not a developer at all, and has gotten no education in it either. And what he has made and put on Steam early access, any hobbyist with some basic program could code it on a sunday morning. It looks extremely bad, so bad that its not even resembling a hint of quality like the deliberately somewhat indie looking PT demo.

All that amateur hour shit that already existed on the net, as well as shady KS and Steam sells to be refunded etc should be a huge red flag that KojiPro had absolutely nothing to do with this guy at any moment in time. There is just no way. And in any other scenario they wouldn't throw an existing young man toward the pitchforks of a vocal and sometimes insane fanbase either. That would be highly irresponsible. If KojiPro would do it, they likely pull a Mogren/MobyDick/7780 again. Those persons absolutely didn't exist which is the only correct way to do this.


Best thing to do is to troll him now. Like saying he is right; Silent Hill is real and it is being developed by Kojima...............................................................................AND it is going to be an xbox exclusive. They are going to announce it next week.

hopefully that gives him anxiety for a week.
MS has thier money tied up buying Sega, they can't afford Abandoned/SH

Dr. Claus

We are living in our own personal Silent Hill with this title. That is the game, and it was all orchestrated by Kojima. A master class in subverting expectations and pushing a meta narrative.
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