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Gamespot: MGS Movies might get a game.

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evil ways

KilledByBill said:
I've been here since 2001 actually, though under several different names.

But that doesn't even matter, it doesn't take a forum veteran to question why bullshit threads like this are allowed so frequently. I'm not calling for bannings to be handed out, I just don't understand why mods don't simply lock them down soon after they are started (like piracy threads). That would seem to send the message that unproductive joke/troll threads won't be tolerated.

Why does a forum that's had a lot of trouble in the past with paying for bandwith allow this shit to perpetuate?

A) "Bleh, I have better things to do that lock up this thread.....let someone else do it"

B) "A trolling thread!!? but man that MAF sure made me laugh a while ago and that thing where everyone had a MAF avatar was witty and funny, so everyone must like him, plus he's a veteran poster"

C) "Fuck Metal Gear"

D) All of the above

There you go, I've narrowed down to these possible reasons.

E) "MAF is stating his opinion -- in his own special fashion -- that the Metal Gear Solid games are shitty movies with decent gameplay made secondary by the director's hubris. Since we allow OPINIONS on this forum, even if they're unpopular with a group of whiners, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this thread. Now, if MAF actually LIKED the MGS series and was simply trying to rile up the usual gang of idiots instead of making a point about the MGS series or the state of gaming in general, then we might lock it."

Trolls that get locked are along the lines of "MGS is for morons" and attack a specific group of people. Humorously observing that the MGS games have a preponderance of shitty cinema and dialogue is barely trolling, if at all. Bash threads are just opinion threads, even if they make your little fanboy teeth hurt. Better not to enter them if they fill your eyes with tears. Restraint!

Consider this thread silenced. Back to bashing HIDEOS Kojima!
EDIT FROM DRINKY: Next person to type anything that might be interpreted as "WAH WAH MODS ARE UNFAIR, FORUM POLICY IS UNFAIR" in this thread gets a week off to cry their little heart out.

If a thread bugs you, BOYCOTT it.

way more



That is so cute!


Drinky Crow said:

E) "MAF is stating his opinion -- in his own special fashion -- that the Metal Gear Solid games are shitty movies with decent gameplay made secondary by the director's hubris. Since we allow OPINIONS on this forum, even if they're unpopular with a group of whiners, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this thread. Now, if MAF actually LIKED the MGS series and was simply trying to rile up the usual gang of idiots instead of making a point about the MGS series or the state of gaming in general, then we might lock it."

Trolls that get locked are along the lines of "MGS is for morons" and attack a specific group of people. Humorously observing that the MGS games have a preponderance of shitty cinema and dialogue is barely trolling, if at all. Bash threads are just opinion threads, even if they make your little fanboy teeth hurt. Better not to enter them if they fill your eyes with tears. Restraint!

Consider this thread silenced. Back to bashing HIDEOS Kojima!
I'll keep your post in mind for the future. Trolls (sorry, "observations") are allowed if:

1) The thread is at least somewhat amusing
2) The exaggerations are inspired by opinions held by some people
3) They are heartfelt

If every member was aware of this, GAF would be in fucking ruins. I personally found this thread funny, but I can't justify its existence in light of so much in the past: locked threads, admonishments, bannings, etc etc.


Society said:
Actually it was closer to the 40 min mark. Most fans cheered when they found out he carried a sword.

till they got to fight with the sword. at which point they exclaimed, "holy shit! this is retarded!!".
The GAF forum wouldnt be the same if I couldnt at least attempt to keep the spooging MGS fans in check.

People always complain about the trolling, but chances are you werent around when I was at my worst. Consider yourself lucky. Plus I tried with this one, it wasnt the usual all caps followed by a infant playing a gamecube.
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