Even though I still really like a lot of Grasshopper's post NMH output (Shadows of the Damned is a great game goddamnit), I like most of what I'm hearing. Suda and co have a tendency to talk shit about ideas that don't always fully eventuate how they might sound in your head, so I'm not worried about the whole single-Switch-pad-controls thing. Especially since NMH is hardly a complex game and in practice could be mapped pretty comfortably to to a single pad. I'm sure the option of two pads will be there, I just hope they retain the motion input wrestling moves and slices as per the original.
Mainly I just like that Suda wants to teeter the company back to its low budget roots. Their most unique output came from this period and I'm hoping to see the essence of the original NMH reflected in NMH3.
Little bit bummed about the collaborations possibly being tied to aesthetics and whatever, but who knows. Honestly sounds like the game is super early and they're not even entirely sure what they want to do.