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Gaming Purchases for the rest of the Year?


Currently Playing: GTA:SA

Will be buying this year:
Halo 2 (tomorrow)
MGS3 (the week after)
World of Warcraft (the week after that)
KOTOR 2 (December)

bye bye job
bye bye girlfriend
bye bye food
bye bye non-vg hobbies
bye bye life

The sooner the gaming industry realizes that half the VG audience aren't kids anymore (thus no need to cram all this fucking shit at christmas while leaving spring/summer to be an empty vortex of crap) the happier I'll be.
Halo 2
Kotor 2
maybe Prince of Persia Warrior Within

And next year starts with Advent Rising and Oddworld Stranger. What great three months!

evil ways

Currently playing SD! vs Raw and GTA San Andreas.

Soon to get:

Star Wars KOTOR 2
Capcom Fighting Evolution(if it keeps the $29 price)

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I have holidays coming up so my list is fucking huge

- Halo 2 (Xbox)
- Pikmin 2 (GC)
- Paper Mario (GC)
- KOTOR (Xbox)
- Street Fighter AC (Xbox)
- Metal Slug 3 (Xbox)
- Soul Caliber 2 (Xbox)

My Xbox back log is huge so a few more cheap titles


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Currently playing ToS (I erased my file by accident) and PM2

Jak 3

I plan to get MP2 and Ratchet and Clank 3 if I have the money and the time to play them. I'm hopefully getting an Xbox too.


And the question I always get from people (in real life) is: why do you have to buy all those games at once? you are a part of the system, spread out the purchases.

They don't understand though... there is a method to the madness. Halo 2, MGS3 and KOTOR 2 are very storyline driven games and if you don't play the game within 2-3 months of release and you follow videogaming via forums you will most likely be spoiled from any surprise the games story / secrets have to offer.

With World of Warcraft I don't want to get behind the main experience curve. I will be up there with the best of the best bitches. >:D


This week - Fatal Frame II Crimson Butterfly X-BOX Japanese version

Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3
Kamen Raida Blade
MGS3 (may wait a longer while, not a MGS fan)

Probably that's all, not sure about DQ8 yet.

I will see how good I can run HL2 on my PC before paying, I will wait for a demo.


Has problems recognising girls
Baten Kaitos
Zelda: The Minish Cap

I don't even own GTA:SA or Halo 2 yet :p They will wait since I rented out SA and of course it might improve substantially in the next city but the first few hours were kind of a drag - this coming from a huge fan of the mid 90's gangsta flicks. Won't be getting MGS3 till next year due to PAL.

Musashi Wins!

As far as I'm concerned, Halo 2 and GTA: SA are the only two games I really need.

But I might buy Ghost Recon 2 for online play. And I have to finish up two big RPGs on PS2. Case closed.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
It may come to a screeching halt for me after this week. Halo 2 and Eyetoy love (Sega Superstars and Antigrav) is what I'm focused on this week and I've already swamped myself with enough gaming for the next several months based on other purchases in the past few months (Burnout 3, Fable, KUF, AC5, SMT:Nocturne, GTASA, R&C:UYA, Gradius V).

Besides, 'tis the season to start thinking about somebody other than myself.







Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
There are more than this but off the top of my head:

Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal
Jak 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Mario Power Tennis
Mario Party 6
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Gran Turismo 4
Baten Kaitos
Zelda: Minish Cap
Capcom Fighting Evolution

I'm waiting for the rest of the new releases to hit the bargain bin in February before I buy them.






Hopefully I can score 2 on launch day. One for me of course, and one to ebay for as much as I can milk out of it :p


My answer to this changes every day, it looks like. Looking at my backlog, and thinking that it's time to start shopping for Christmas, I need to drop some things from my list at least until after January.

I might get Growlanser: Generations before Christmas just to support Working Designs, even though I don't see me getting around to playing it until spring or summer 2005.
I'll get Metroid Prime 2 after Thanksgiving, and play it in early December.
I may get Mario Tennis this week, because that game was a primary reason I bought a Gamecube at launch.

Other than that, I'm tapped out--I don't see me buying anything more until spring.
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