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Gay Colorado couple accuses baker of discrimination over refused wedding cake

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you can't put a price on sparks
Those exit polls were wrong, but keep believing us big scary negroes are to blame.

Hey look at that, Latino/Hispanic's must be against homosexuality they are 1% higher than blacks.

forget those guys, i'd like to know who voted yes and fell into the categories of

"hardly ever" religious services
"independent" party identification
"liberal" political ideology
have gay friends/lesbians

they must be a miserable human being. at least the others have some sort of "reasoning."


forget those guys, i'd like to know who voted yes and fell into the categories of

"hardly ever" religious services
"independent" party identification
"liberal" political ideology
have gay friends/lesbians

they must be a miserable human being. at least the others have some sort of "reasoning."

Granted, it was five years ago, but yeah, I don't get those either.
I think the baker should be forced to watch them make out on one of his cake making tables.

Seriously though something is off with this:
A gay couple is pursuing a discrimination complaint against a Colorado bakery, saying the business refused them a wedding cake to honor their Massachusetts ceremony, and alleging that the owners have a history of turning away same-sex couples.

So they allege that the place has a history of turning away same-sex couples yet ask them to make a cake anyway so they can kick up a fuss about it?


I think the baker should be forced to watch them make out on one of his cake making tables.

Seriously though something is off with this:

So they allege that the place has a history of turning away same-sex couples yet ask them to make a cake anyway so they can kick up a fuss about it?

Or they found out about the history after they were refused service.


I read the title as "Colorado baker faces possible prison time for refusing to service a gay couple." and expected something else.
Probably a law put in place to stop religious discrimination, then it goes and bites them in the arse when they want to persecute gay people....Doh'!!
I'm also confused by the guy saying it violates his Christian Beliefs.

Does god say you aren't allowed to bake a cake for gay people?

I thought Christians were supposed to hate the sin not the sinner.

Either way this guy is hiding behind his 'beliefs' to get away with his bigotry.

I definitely wouldn't want a cake from this guy with him knowing that I was a gay person, you don't know what he would put in the cake.


Gabriel Knight
I'm also confused by the guy saying it violates his Christian Beliefs.

Does god say you aren't allowed to bake a cake for gay people?

I thought Christians were supposed to hate the sin not the sinner.

Either way this guy is hiding behind his 'beliefs' to get away with his bigotry.

I definitely wouldn't want a cake from this guy with him knowing that I was a gay person, you don't know what he would put in the cake.
Yup on all points
see the voting breakdown of California's proposition 8.

more white people voted for prop 8 than all minorities combined voting for and against prop 8. i guess white voters in california hate gay people.


So can we send all the racist restaurant owners in the 1950's and 1960's to jail for having signs that said we don't serve niggers?

no, just the ones currently being racist...


If the law say's you must treat all customers fairly then by all means you shouldn't be denying gay people the chance to enjoy your restaurant or whatever it is based solely on that fact.


If i was in a gay relationship i wouldn't buy anything from that place if they had to open their services for me. I'm too afraid of e coli


Eh, this is definitely iffy. I don't really believe you should have a right to refuse service based on something like race/sex/ethnicity/religion, because that's just straight discrimination, which is some bullshit. I also don't have tolerance or compassion for bigots, but 1yr in jail? Ehh . . . that frankly is excessive, fine the shit outta him or something instead.
i actually feel like, if you're a private business, you can put up white only sign. it's just that, i dunno, in this day and age, and anywhere outside of the south, you would lose all businesses...which would defeat the point of operating one

That's how capitalism is supposed to work. You run your business how you want and if you fuck up you lose costumers and worst case scenario you're dealing with a boycott.

This mickey mouse half-and-half legal system we have only takes the worst parts of socialism and capitalism, forces it down our throats, and then tells us it's freedom.

Stuff like this makes me sick (the penalty). If I were the baker, of course I'd give these dudes cake, but I also should reserve the right not to if it's my own business and for any reason I want. A big issue was also the fact that it was a wedding cake, clearly gay marriage is a big issue and just because there's a lot of back-patting going on here about how it's 'objectively right' doesn't make it so. If this guy were to refuse service to a Hindu couple and said "No, I don't want you sell you this cake for your arranged marriage because it's against my personal beliefs" people wouldn't even bat an eye.

I also hope anyone in this thread who is clicking their heels that this guy is getting locked up is literally promoting penalization over a moral issue. You know, that stuff you get so mad at the Bible-thumping conservatives about.


I don't get it. How many criminals, divorcees, liars and general assholes have they sold cakes to, that they don't care, but selling a cake for a gay couple is too much?

Down the street is a bakery that is run by very conservative Iraqi residents. They are probably against gay people, but they'd never refuse a sale or say no.

I'll take heat for this, but photographers I can understand, but not florists or bakers. A photographer would have to physically be present, in rooms, be there capturing intimate moments and so anyone that is homophobic will be SUPER uncomfortable. But if all you need to do is deliver or provide goods, what's the problem? I don't see how it'll affect you.

On the one hand, you need to confront bigotry and to show its not right on the other, there's probably dozens of bakers who'd love their service. If someone refused service to me because of my skin color, I don't know if I'd care enough to sue, or to say fuck you, badmouth them to my friends and take my business elsewhere.
Ugh @ everyone involved in this.

Just slam the bakery on Yelp, tell your friends, then move on and get your cake from somewhere else. Sending a baker to jail over a fucking wedding cake just makes the baker seem like the victim.

edit: the jailtime for defying a court order makes sense though. I was misled by the OP's thread title!


Reagan Coalition is my to-go source of news for sensible discussion of capitalism and racial issues in America.

Funny how they can twist it. "Could face a fine/jail time after repeated cases of discrimination for losing the case and defying a court order," from the defense attorney to a news headline stating, "Facing jail time for denying service to a gay couple."

Unfortunately, it seems few people in the thread are reading about it and are just reacting to the biased source the OP provides.

[...] I also hope anyone in this thread who is clicking their heels that this guy is getting locked up [...]
He's not getting locked up. He'd potentially get locked up if he defied a court order, but in that case he's a bloody imbecile.

Next to nobody in this thread is cheering on his going to jail; most thought that was too overboard. A good half of this thread is exclaiming how horrible it is that he's going to jail... those people didn't read into it, because this case is dealing with multiple counts of discrimination and the up-to-a-year jail time will only be if he both loses the case and defies the court order. Lemme guess, you also didn't read into it?

Again, to make this clear.

The complaint seeks to force Masterpiece Cakeshop to “cease and desist” the practice of refusing wedding cakes for gay couples, and to tell the public that their business is open to everyone.

If Phillips loses the case and refuses to comply with the order, he would face fines of $500 per case and up to a year in jail, his attorney said.


On the other side of the world Russia is jailing openly gay couples. Sounds like the universe is just trying to balance itself out. Fuck 'em.


Discrimination that ends in murder -> No jail
Discrimination that ends in saved calories -> Jail

Although dude shouldn't discriminate
Bigoted people suck. But you Americans really need to find other solutions to problems than putting people in prison (notable exception seems to be white people murdering black people, but I digress).


Bigoted people suck. But you Americans really need to find other solutions to problems than putting people in prison (notable exception seems to be white people murdering black people, but I digress).

us americans huh, i guess we're a borgly collective.


Setec Astronomer
Quoted because people just don't seem to get it.
When the OP cites a source that deliberately slants the story to incite people, you're going to get angry reactions before anyone realizes that the source shouldn't have been used in the first place and few will notice the mentions of it after they do.

Drilled into the link and came up with these:


Neither of which mention jail at a glance.
So the old saying "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." is a lie? You learn something new everyday.....

That phrase has been taken out of context.

It was made for unruly customers.

But people use it to discriminate all the time.

You think it's right to refuse service to someone just 'cause they are a Jew?


That phrase has been taken out of context.

It was made for unruly customers.

But people use it to discriminate all the time.

You think it's right to refuse service to someone just 'cause they are a Jew?

That's what I was thinking. Imagine how many business's would stop serving Arabs if they can get away with it.
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