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Gaze into the fist |OT| DREDD 3D

Rotten's consensus is stupid:

Fueled by bombastic violence and impressive special effects, rooted in self-satire and deadpan humor, Dredd 3D is a rare example of a remake that actually works.

That's because it isn't one.

They really need to stop abusing the "rare x type of movie that works" line. It's losing its meaning.


That scene was beautiful. It took me awhile to get that this ethereal scene was literally her fall from grace. The smoke cloud she passed through made it really awesome, and obvious.

Fuck, man. I can't stop thinking about this movie. It was so good. I'd be really interested in seeing Garland go through with his idea of a TV series in the vein of Breaking Bad and GoT. That'd be pretty rad.
My only exposure to this universe was the first movie and that actually pushed me away. After watching this movie, i read up on it and the universe is pretty cool.

On another note, Going to check out The Raid now...
That scene was beautiful. It took me awhile to get that this ethereal scene was literally her fall from grace. The smoke cloud she passed through made it really awesome, and obvious.

Fuck, man. I can't stop thinking about this movie. It was so good. I'd be really interested in seeing Garland go through with his idea of a TV series in the vein of Breaking Bad and GoT. That'd be pretty rad.

a tv show?? i hope not.. make a sequel instead

The music played during the slow-mo sections seemed to be that "Slowed down by 800%" thing that was popular a while back. I wonder when someone will speed it up to hear what it sounds like.
:O wtf
That scene was beautiful. It took me awhile to get that this ethereal scene was literally her fall from grace. The smoke cloud she passed through made it really awesome, and obvious.

Fuck, man. I can't stop thinking about this movie. It was so good. I'd be really interested in seeing Garland go through with his idea of a TV series in the vein of Breaking Bad and GoT. That'd be pretty rad.

I hadn't heard him say anything about a tv show, but that sounds great. High budget HBO series set in this world seems like a perfect idea

even Ma Ma has good days i guess

80s style


a tv show?? i hope not.. make a sequel instead

:O wtf

I hadn't heard him say anything about a tv show, but that sounds great. High budget HBO series set in this world seems like a perfect idea

Yeah, he mentioned in some of the interviews awhile back. Originally, he said that the movie sequels would deal with the cursed earth and the dark judges, but now he's convinced that a tv series would be the way to go. It sounds great to me, but TV budgets can be pretty skimp. GoT is one of the more expensive ones, and even they can get pretty cheap. If there were to be a tv series, I don't think it'll match the production valued of the movie, but it'll potentially lead to better storytelling.
Really dumb question but does Urban look like the comic version of Dredd

I'm ignorant to the source material and at one point wondered if he was cast because he has a bit of Stallone about the lower part of his face


there is joy in sucking dick
Another aspect I liked is the way the enemies were portrayed. In futuristic scenarios its easy for the bad guys, or gang themes to come off as corny but here all the gangs looked vicious. In that sense they nailed the tone.
Really dumb question but does Urban look like the comic version of Dredd

I'm ignorant to the source material and at one point wondered if he was cast because he has a bit of Stallone about the lower part of his face

I only read a few of the comics a long time ago, but from what I remember he pulls off the look much better than stallone did, particularly with his facial expressions


I only read a few of the comics a long time ago, but from what I remember he pulls off the look much better than stallone did, particularly with his facial expressions

The costume fits well, it's not true to the books, but if it were it would look out of place.

and the sound in this move is freaking great, the creaking of the leather in his suit, little touches. it's amazing.


Just got back from seeing it. Absolutely loved it. Too bad there were like 5 people total in the theater.

It just pisses me off that when a good, hard R action movie comes out, the kind of movie people always claim to want, everyone just fucking ignores it. And then these same people will bitch when Robocop is PG-13.


Just got back from seeing it. Absolutely loved it. Too bad there were like 5 people total in the theater.

It just pisses me off that when a good, hard R action movie comes out, the kind of movie people always claim to want, everyone just fucking ignores it. And then these same people will bitch when Robocop is PG-13.

Just got back from seeing it. Absolutely loved it. Too bad there were like 5 people total in the theater.

It just pisses me off that when a good, hard R action movie comes out, the kind of movie people always claim to want, everyone just fucking ignores it. And then these same people will bitch when Robocop is PG-13.

amen bro. when i went there where only a handful of people. When i went in the End Of Watch theater that shit was packed(it was also a great movie).. everybody is going to theaters to see that


those slow-mo scenes were terrible but maybe it's because I seen it in 2D? there wasn't a whole lot of showings around here so i took what i could get.

really enjoyed Dredd's character and all the one-liners, great movie overall.



Here's an article of Garland talking about a TV series.

On the subject of future “Dredd” installments because, Garland took to outlining an imagined trilogy that he admits is more or less an impossibility. “Just to be clear, this is hugely speculative and also unlikely, for any number of reasons…” Garland began on the message board. “There are some variables which would rule me out [of any sequel] immediately.” We’re guessing those variables include pay and the contentious way that the movie crossed the finish line, with rumors of editing room battles between Garland and director Pete Travis, something that had to rub at least some of the producers the wrong way.

Garland then went into a heavily geeky and, to us anyway, indecipherable ramble about what characters from the comic book (created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra in the pages of British sci-fi anthology “2000 AD”) could be seen in future “Dredd” films – including the Dark Judges, a quartet of otherworldly killers that would up the next film’s budget considerably (in a bizarre “Batman” crossover, The Joker became a Dark Judge in a bid for immortality) and Satanus, an outer space alien who believes himself to be Satan. This comic book was apparently really, really weird. He also says that he would spend time in the Cursed Earth – the bleached out, desolate wasteland that surrounds the film's chief setting of MegaCity One, a super city that stretches from Boston to Washington, D.C.

One of his comments suggests that the Dark Judges was a part of the original “Dredd” script or that he’d already written a preliminary second feature involving them. “If my film-trilogy daydream was to play out, I would completely rewrite my original script for the Dark Judges – because it was junk – and start again,” he said. One of the things that’s so admirable about “Dredd” is how contained and claustrophobic it is. It doesn’t overstretch its boundaries (or its budget) by trying to do crazy, outrageous stuff. It instead has a single location and a mentality that brings to mind John Carpenter’s “Assault on Precinct 13” or this year’s brilliant Indonesian ass-kicker “The Raid.”

By the end of the chat, though, Garland is thinking of a different direction for the series altogether. “But by the way, just so it has been said, I actually think that maybe the best way forward for ‘Dredd’ is television,” Garland proclaimed. “American TV has completely rewritten the rule book where filmed drama is concerned. ‘Game Of Thrones’/’The Wire’/’Breaking Bad’… An equivalent version of Dredd would be fucking great.” We agree – that would be fucking great! It would be a chance to delve into all the dense mythology of the “Judge Dredd” universe but maintaining some level of grounded reality.


Really dumb question but does Urban look like the comic version of Dredd

I'm ignorant to the source material and at one point wondered if he was cast because he has a bit of Stallone about the lower part of his face

I would say less so than Stallone as Dredd's face is pretty long. The style changed over the decades but he pretty much always grimaces. Also you know he's a clone of someone whose face is uncovered, and there are enough partial shots that you can infer what his face looks like.

This is the way to go. More time to expand on the world and numerous Judges within it.

Don't see why people are so opposed to TV series since the bar for television has been raised so high within the past decade. It really is the best way to adapt a novel or a comic series, without reducing everything to the expected beats and moving on.

May go see the flick tomorrow since it's got a 2D showing here.

Visually the Stallone movie nailed a lot of the comic visuals. This one goes a little more grimdark from what I've seen, which goes is the opposite direction of the gloss of the Stallone version. The comics are somewhere in between.


I wish this would do well, but I doubt it. There were like 10 people in the theater today, and the earliest showing was at 2:30 for 3D and 5:00 for the 2D version. This is going to bomb and it totally doesn't deserve it.


I can't see any television network picking up a show based on this.

Do you mean based on the quality and tone of the movie? Or what business it's done so far.'

EDIT: Oh yeah, what was the name of that song that was playing prior to the slow-mo room breach? It played at 800% slower speed during the slow-mo sequences.


Really had a blast with this and it was so spot on with the comics it was perfect and Urban owned the role as Dredd. It's going to take repeat viewings to pick up on some of the easter eggs but I did catch the belly wheel next to the dead fatty.

Sadly yeah, when myself and a group of friends saw it last night at a prime 9:30pm showing the room was practically empty. :(


Do you mean based on the quality and tone of the movie? Or what business it's done so far.'

Neither. I mean based on the property. Network television? Couldn't do this any kind of justice there. Not to mention that when something like a Superman show draws middling ratings, something like Dredd would struggle extremely hard. Premium cable? None of those networks has ever approached a comic property like this.

EDIT: doh! I guess Walking Dead was a comic
Neither. I mean based on the property. Network television? Couldn't do this any kind of justice there. Not to mention that when something like a Superman show draws middling ratings, something like Dredd would struggle extremely hard. Premium cable? None of those networks has ever approached a comic property like this.

EDIT: doh! I guess Walking Dead was a comic

It's not THAT ridiculous.

Walking Dead's a huge success. AMC is already wanting an adaptation of Kirkman's new comic, Thief of Thieves. A pilot has been made for Locke and Key, and even though it hasn't been picked up, it's been well-received. A SHIELD TV series in on the way, as well as the possibility of a Hulk or Jessica Jones show. Arrow's starting soon on CW. Mockingbird as well as Cloak and Dagger are being prepped for ABC Family.

Obviously most of this shit isn't going to happen, and the ones that do will likely not last long, but this could be the start of a big phase of TV. And Dredd wouldn't be the worst property to get your hands on. I don't know if AMC would have the budget to pull it off, but HBO probably could.
Saw it tonight, I liked it. I don't know if I would call it great but it was better than a lot of other films I've seen recently. The theater I went to was fairly full for a 6 pm showing maybe 100 people.


Wow this movie bombed like few movies do. Opened on Friday to 2.2 million. A shame because it seems to be legitimately good. I'll be catching it next week.
Another aspect I liked is the way the enemies were portrayed. In futuristic scenarios its easy for the bad guys, or gang themes to come off as corny but here all the gangs looked vicious. In that sense they nailed the tone.

Well the gang in this just random ppl in modern day clothes, nothing really thematic or futuristic.

The new Speed Racer?

Speed racer had a huge budget and expectations. This didn't have either.
Other then the cool looking suit I didn't really like it. Everything from the action to the music was just forgettable, and the 3D was once again a huge waste of money. I'll just stick to the original movie or better yet watch Robocop instead.

Karl Urban was so fucking badass as Dredd. He is the fucking law. Olivia was so damned gorgeous. Ma-Ma was a pretty good bad guy. Loved the darkness and violence. 3D was actually pretty good! Most of the time, I hate 3D.

I hope this movie gets a sequel, but that's so unlikely, isn't it? :(

This universe deserves more.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
This was great. People should see this movie so it gets a sequel.
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