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Gaze into the fist |OT| DREDD 3D


And people were thinking this was going to be worse than the original!! A lot of people in this thread are eating crow right now!


It wasn't great movie (hell, probably wasn't even a good one) - wooden acting, cliche characters and plot, etc.

But it entertaining as hell. Used the R rating to the fullest, had several very cool sequences and some great visuals, and was really mean spirited, which I loved.

I'd see a sequel to this. Also, Anderson is hot.

Funky Papa

It wasn't great movie (hell, probably wasn't even a good one) - wooden acting, cliche characters and plot, etc.

But it entertaining as hell. Used the R rating to the fullest, had several very cool sequences and some great visuals, and was really mean spirited, which I loved.

I'd see a sequel to this. Also, Anderson is hot.

Eh, that went better than I expected :p

If we are going to judge Dredd (lolololol) by its cinematographic merits, I'd say is a 6/10. But the movie is so damn fun that it gets two extra points just because.


Eh, that went better than I expected :p

If we are going to judge Dredd (lolololol) by its cinematographic merits, I'd say is a 6/10. But the movie is so damn fun that it gets two extra points just because.

Yeah, it was fun, no question. Like I said, I particularly enjoyed how dark and mean spirited it was. Dredd was a straight up dick.

Also, lolz @ trailers/TV spots showing
Ma Ma's death


Movie was awesome and yeah that slow mo drug bust was nice. It accomplished a lot given the budget I think.

There are 2D showings of Dredd 3D :p


there is joy in sucking dick
Movie of the Year so far for me. Fuck Batman and other summer blockbuster movie which name eludes me. Also very worth a 3D viewing. Its so stylistically shot, and absolutely gorgeous at times, that the 3D really adds to the movie.


Watched it; loved it. Whether it got its inspiration from The Raid: Redemption or not, it still stands on its own and was well executed. I liked the slo-mo idea but there were a couple of scenes where they dwelled a little too long on the slow motion.
I wish they delved a little more into Dredd's backstory but atleast they left some mystery to unravel for a sequel. I was surprised they didn't
show his face during the entire movie.
, I thought that was pretty ballsy.

Anyway, Karl Urban did a terrific job as Dredd. Nailed the persona! I would definitely be hyped for a sequel. Hope this does well in the box office.
Just got back from seeing it. Pretty good. I'd love for them to continue the series, there's so much they can do with it and I really enjoyed Urban's Dredd and the Anderson character.

I appreciated the fact that the action wasn't as crazy and over the top as modern action movies are, it actually reminded me more of Die Hard than a big sci-fi action movie. Though there was a few places I felt they could have fleshed it out.
I would have liked to seen more time spent on the evil Judges and I thought they went down too easy.

Overall, good flick with a lot of potential for a superior sequel.


Saw in 3D, wow, the picture looked just as bright as a notmal 2d movie, maybe all the previous 3d films I had seen were in poorly setup theaters which projected very dim and washed out images.
If all 3d movies looked as good as this, then my opinion of 3d has greatly improved. It was a RealD showing at a Regal Cinema. Even when I saw Avatar, the picture was washed out, if theaters are not bothering to properly calibrate their 3d projectors, they are not giving the audience the experience they paid for. Is Dredd 3d some sort of special case where they really nailed the presentation of bright 3d images?

There is plenty of good action in Dredd 3d, hopefully it will hit $50 million stateside which is the target box office that allows for sequels.
Saw it in 3d. Really enjoyed it.

some great shots/cinematography
good music/sound design (loved how heavy Dredd's footsteps were)
Karl Urban was great
judge outfits looked fucking cool
3d was tolerable (I usually despise it)

Would love to see a sequel with a larger scope, and more judges.
Had a blast. Loved that Dredd wasn't some white knight hero, and did some pretty questionable shit, as he should. Action was brutal and great. Emphasis on brutal.

Ma Ma's head fucking exploding against the camera
.... Yeesh.

Lot of "Fuck Yeah!" moments. Like Dredd
throwing Ma Ma's right-hand guy

Didn't think I would like Anderson's character, but she won me over quickly.

My theater was about half full. I know this thing isn't going to break any records, but I do hope they make enough to warrant a sequel. I'd love to see more.


Saw it in 3d. Really enjoyed it.

some great shots/cinematography
good music/sound design (loved how heavy Dredd's foot steps were)
Karl Urban was great
judge outfits looked fucking cool
3d was tolerable (I usually despise it)

Would love to see a sequel with a larger scope, and more judges.


Agreed on the sound design especially. And Urban. And the costumes... every time there was a "reflection shot" with Dredd's visor, it looked absurdly cool.

I was convinced from the trailer that Anderson's presence meant the whole movie was going to be an escort mission, and it didn't exactly play against the trope when she got captured, but overall I was pleasantly surprised at her character's contribution.
EDIT: Yup, time for a new avatar.


A friend told me that this is like English-language version of "The Raid". Is it true? Pretty excited if that's the case.
Yea it's pretty much identical.

I found it funny how they gave away the ending in the trailer. It was pretty obvious too and it didn't surprise me when it happened. It's a good film though.


Saw it, it's not bad, but it also felt a bit boring because the stakes weren't really raised from the beginning until the end. Unlike The Raid, you never really felt that the protags were in deep shit. Also, the gun fights were mostly uninteresting.
Fuck yo' Stallone, this was Dredd done right. Urban was perfect.

I really hope this does well. I hope it gets a sequel, but I just really hope plenty of people see it.

Funky Papa

I'm deeply saddened by the lack of attention to the poor bum panhandling at Peach Tree's doors.

Life in Megacity-One is some rough shit, son.
I'm deeply saddened by the lack of attention to the poor bum panhandling at Peach Tree's doors.

Life in Megacity-One is some rough shit, son.

'Will debase self for credits'

Funny that they mentioned the massive unemployment rate but not the reason for it. Not a single robot in sight.

Mr. Sam

A friend told me that this is like English-language version of "The Raid". Is it true? Pretty excited if that's the case.

They share the same premise, but don't expect anything as intricate or brutal as The Raid's fight scenes. It's an accomplished movie in its own right.


Yeah, I'll agree that I loved how heavy Dredd sounded. Also, the guns the Judges had were cool as fuck.
Was it just me that hoped that

they were going to show Ma Ma land from the angle it showed prior to impact?

I hope there are sequels as I would like to see more of mega city one outside the complex

And I still want a game with kinect to change ammo


This movie was fucking awesome.

It's pretty much "watch judge dredd be a fucking badass and clean house: the movie"

Agreed on the sound design especially. And Urban. And the costumes... every time there was a "reflection shot" with Dredd's visor, it looked absurdly cool.

The sound design really is ace. The Lawgiver inparticular sounds fantastic, even when Dredd's switching between ammo types, but I also liked the little inconsequential details, like the leather in Dredd's uniform creaking when he changed his stance. As others have said there's a real weight and heft to his movements in this film. I know a lot of folks were down on the uniform in this, saying it strayed too far from the comics, but in the context of the film as a whole it makes perfect sense. The traditional, ornate uniform would've looked ridiculously out of place.

I've not read the comics for years, but I thought they did a great job nailing Dredd's character in the opening exchange:

Dredd: "I'm offering you a one-time deal of life in an iso-cube with no chance of parole."

Hothead: "That's it? That's your offer?

Dredd: "If you comply."

Fox Mulder

Movie was awesome and yeah that slow mo drug bust was nice. It accomplished a lot given the budget I think.

There are 2D showings of Dredd 3D :p

It sucks that this movie will probably be held down by Finding Nemo and Resident Evil hogging 3d screens. I don't particularly want to watch a film called Dredd 3d in 2d.


Glad to see you all liked this. Really looking foward to seeing this. Might go today w/ my dad.

Is it a must that I see this in 3D?
It sucks that this movie will probably be held down by Finding Nemo and Resident Evil hogging 3d screens. I don't particularly want to watch a film called Dredd 3d in 2d.

It's actually just called "Dredd" according to the credits in the actual film. (I thought it was Dredd 3D, too.)


The 3d was done well, not like Clash of the Titans pathetic 3d, so if good 3d is what you want, it is a must see. I would say 3d is the preferred version and that is from a person that wasnt really too keen on 3d movies.
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