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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


catfish said:
Not allowing joining at any level in horde mode REALLY is a bad design oversight that should be fixed with a patch. I'll never get horde finished, because I don't have 5 friends that play together at the same time EVER.
are you sure this doesn't work? The last time I played horde I blanket invited a bunch of friends and started the mode with 3, by the end of the night we had 5 and we never quit back to the lobby.
Is there still a chance for them to make the boomshot have 2 rounds, reduce the power weapons on many of the maps, or even something as drastic as removing the ragdoll from smoke grenades and making it a stagger animation instead? The chainsaw still needs to be toned down too

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
pr0cs said:
are you sure this doesn't work? The last time I played horde I blanket invited a bunch of friends and started the mode with 3, by the end of the night we had 5 and we never quit back to the lobby.

I think you can join a horde private party?

Unsure, there's no 'find a game in progress' feature for people like myself that have maybe 1 or 2 people max on their friendlist that plays gears in a Euro timezone.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
RSTEIN said:
Yeah, that's still the last major hurdle in my opinion, more so than a region filter (I'm in NA, but if I was in Europe I may feel differently). You should be able to join empty slots in ongoing games. Or, a bot should join that's matched with the truskill of the players in the room. Hell, even if the game pauses for 30 seconds to load the new player/bot in it's worth it.

Obviously, people are still quitting and they just don't care. So, in a situation like this, the only alternative is to bring new people in to ongoing games. Before starting the matchmaking process, I could have the option to choose to search for ongoing games or choose to join a pre game lobby and start a new game (i.e. Quick Join or Custom Search).

I don't know if their whole netcode is set up to handle this sort of thing so it may be impossible to patch.

I'm in Europe, and the laggiest matches I experience are always from people from Spain and France - and I usually check whether it's no lag or not...
I just had a match where I was the host. This game is incredible when the connection is great.

I just want TU3 to come out ASAP.

Are there any Aussies here that wanna party up for a few games?

My gamertag is Dublo Seven 19

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Falagard said:
Then you should have said "Wow, Epic did a full Zn+1 = Zn2 + Z on us".

HAHA :lol

BTW, TU2 has made Gears of War 2 a lot more tolerable, for now.

TU3 should push me to purchase the Compustible Map Pack. :)


the only major fault i see with the multiplayer is if 3-4 of my teammates quit, do i have to stay in the match? because staying in a match of 2 on 5 or 1 on 5 does nothing more than mess your kill/death ratio. i shouldnt be punished for quitting after my teammates quit.


formerly cjelly
There seems to be a really weird bug where if you pick B Carmine as your character, the game will give you Hoffman... but only for a few rounds. You'll suddenly be Carmine a couple of respawns later.

I dunno if it's just when you select Carmine on the quick select thing before a game starts, as I don't normally use him.

It's happened to me twice now. First time I just thought I'd picked incorrectly, second time I am 100% sure I picked Carmine.

Really weird.


Few of my old school WoW buddies just a couple of weeks ago out of the blue picked up 360s and Gears 2. When I saw the friend invites I was like what are these guys doing. Anyhow, they're hooked to Gears 2 co-op. Had a nice run to 50 today on hardcore and were planning to hit up insane tomorrow. If Epic nailed anything with this game it is Horde as it is so addicting. More co-op goodness for Gears 3 for sure Epic.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Question about the Title Update: when you shoot people who run towards you with the revved chainsaw, do they actually get interrupted instantly or do you have to empty a clip in them and still possibly get chainsawed?


aka II VerTigo II
johnFkennedy said:
I just re-bought this game. Add me for some horde or multiplayer hi-jinx.

GT:Sebby F Baby

Did you send me a FR? To Z IR 0 C O O L?

Because if so I denied it, due to not knowing you. Lol sorry but if you want you can re-send it.


I'm gonna try to get some of the new achievements, for Horde and such. It doesn't seem like anyone online has any of the map packs. If you're interested in helping me out, my name is bloodian. I'll be playing, so just send me a note if you wanna play!


Teknoman said:
Whoa. Gears 2 water giant boss beats out R2's giant water boss by a long shot.

Except the whole thing was practically a QTE.
Why would you run into the mouth of a giant monter trying to kill you? Dumb...

I thought I read there were like 500 improvements the the cover system? Why does it feel just as bad as Gears 1? I stick to everything I don't want to and fail to take cover when I am getting shot. The water boss was a pain because I keep trying to run between the boxes and kept getting stuck to them. Ya, I suck, but so does the cover system.


DeadGzuz said:
Except the whole thing was practically a QTE.
Why would you run into the mouth of a giant monter trying to kill you? Dumb...

I thought I read there were like 500 improvements the the cover system? Why does it feel just as bad as Gears 1? I stick to everything I don't want to and fail to take cover when I am getting shot. The water boss was a pain because I keep trying to run between the boxes and kept getting stuck to them. Ya, I suck, but so does the cover system.

Eh you dont really need to run (at least not at the part im at). Though it does seem a little strange to
run into the mouth of something you dont want to get eaten by
. I thought the battle would play out like Del Lago in RE4. Havent beaten it yet (dinner time) but just the design and feel of the battle seem better than R2's big water battle.

EDIT: Im up for horde anytime i'm on my 360. Also GAF Gears 2 tag should still work for invites.


So I played some games tonight and I'm not sure if I was hosting or the patch really did improve the netcode, but I felt that the game played VERY smoothly. So much so that I am considering getting back into it regularly. I had a problem finding matchmade games but then I remembered to cancel the search and usually that helped matters. I am hoping that I was not the host because I was very satisfied with the netcode tonight. Felt like a different game in a lot of ways (bet i was host lol).


HA! One bars my foot. Bumpkin and I (with 3 other players of course) just ripped through some XBL rank elitists (players who think rank = skill) in Annex mode.


Seriously though, I cant believe there are still people who go by rank insignia as an indicator of skill. Maybe in a game like MGO or a fighting game that only rewards certain ranks by win/lose ratio...
-PXG- said:
So is this motherfucker actually playable now or what? Me, 'duf and I guess the rest of Gears guys have been holding out for quite some time.
You still can get killed, so that is going to piss people off to a point where they will definitely sell their consoles for.


pelicansurf said:
Question about the Title Update: when you shoot people who run towards you with the revved chainsaw, do they actually get interrupted instantly or do you have to empty a clip in them and still possibly get chainsawed?
Nothing changed.

DeadGzuz said:
I thought I read there were like 500 improvements the the cover system? Why does it feel just as bad as Gears 1? I stick to everything I don't want to and fail to take cover when I am getting shot. The water boss was a pain because I keep trying to run between the boxes and kept getting stuck to them. Ya, I suck, but so does the cover system.
Don't push forward on the joystick while running, just keep pressing A and use only left/right.

If it's already how you are doing.... then yes, you kinda suck :D


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
Well I am happy with the patch. I wasn't looking for a perfect game after the patch, I just wanted GOW2 to play as good as GOW1. The Shotgun feels good again and my K/D ratio has been going up ever since the patch. If you want to play Execution or Warzone hit me up.

Screen name: Gunstar77


aka II VerTigo II
Just got done playing a match with two guys that had the 5th rank (star) on the other team. Started off with cocky trash talking from the two no big deal, we were in a party chat. We go up 3-1 and the 5th round starts as it starts I see my team-mates running into the walls saying to myself"the host quit,gg!" but that didn't happen,I see my whole party on the bottom left side getting headshoted by one of the 5th rank guys. Man did that piss me off, hate mail was sent along with avoiding the players.


Seems my positive impressions were premature or I really was host last night (OR Americans should just play late at night when the Euros are in bed) because I played some Wingman early this morning and the lag was shit - same old shitty Gears lag all around. GTA fucking 4 has better netcode w/ more players and an open world.


Tekno and I played a bunch of multi last night... I'm really not sure how I feel about the adjustments that were made. In fact I don't know if I noticed much of a difference. The annex games we played were still the same back and forth nonsense of smoke grenade deluges and change of control; over and over. People rushing the power weapon on the map like the mortar and spamming it; people running around shooting the Gnasher off the hip all game long. I think the only difference is I felt like I got cheesed out by people two-piecing less, but that could also just be me playing particularly well. Who really knows.

Either way, the only thing I want to see is for Epic to tone down the goddamn smokes. They shouldn't be concussive and knock you on your ass, especially when people can still perforate you while you're mashing "A" trying to get back to your feet. And people that grenade tag the spawn points on maps like Pavillion can go eat a dick. Seriously. I didn't notice any sort of "spawn protection" whatsoever.

I can say that we had one really good match where two or three guys on the other team were bitching about having 1-bar ranked players on either team. They were talking shit up and down about how they were going to waste us. Their team was like three 3-bar ranked guys, one 2-bar, and one 1-bar. Ours was two 3-bar and three 1-bar. We kicked their asses! :D The 3-bar guys on our team were like, "oh yeah, 1-bars stepping up and doing their part. Good game, guys!"


Got my red-ringed 360 back, fired up gears and the update, and am back to my Gears 1 form of kicking ass and taking names. With the improvements to the shotgun, it's cemented its position as my close-up weapon to pair with the hammerburst for medium range. Also, it seems as if the smoke grenades have been toned down, with a well-timed flip landing me clear of ninety percent of them. Finally, even though there were no real matchmaking improvements I definitely was matched up more often and experienced less lag overall.

Big ups to CliffyB. You're doing it right.

gt: CidDelNorte
DeadGzuz said:
I thought I read there were like 500 improvements the the cover system? Why does it feel just as bad as Gears 1? I stick to everything I don't want to and fail to take cover when I am getting shot. The water boss was a pain because I keep trying to run between the boxes and kept getting stuck to them. Ya, I suck, but so does the cover system.
I feel that the cover system is worse. They have definitely made it much harder to get up on ledges in this game. Half the time my character will jump sideways instead of going up. And btw, hold down while running and you won't get stuck to anything.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Skilotonn said:
But this is the first I've hear that Horde needs "a lot" of work to do - like what?

Many, many things.

Sometimes Locust can pick themselves up without any help (and they do it very fucking quickly).

After wave ten, the amount of DBNO instead of actual kills on Locust gets really excessive.

When a Locust is being revived by a Kantus, it can sometimes levitate around the battlefield to avoid being hit.

Kantus have a tendency to spam the poison ink grenades (there numerous times when my team and I had to constantly move for several minutes to avoid ink grenades)

The Kantus scream attack is way overpowered, it has a range of 15-20 feet (maybe more), can sometimes hit you even if your're behind cover, and can be used immediately after throwing an ink grenade and firing it's Gorgon Pistol.

Also as a little bonus, Kantus can not be chainsawed during the duration of their scream attack (you could be standing right behind while it's screaming ready to chainsaw it and you still wouldn't be able to do it).

Locust can sometimes teleport anywhere on the battlefield (really annoying on Blood Drive).

Locust can spawn very close to you and your teammates, like 15-20 feet (once again very annoying on Blood Drive).

Shields can not be placed in the ground if there are too many dead bodies/parts of dead bodies around.

15 seconds is not enough time to pick up weapons, plant grenades, plant shields, and/or get back to the area where you have hold up.

The Cyclops' chainsaw is ridiculously overpowered, seriously.

There are no ranks for Horde, which leads to, no ranked matchmaking for Horde.

And without any ranks, there is no penalty for quitting a Horde match.

After the update, the Locust also gained five second immunity when they spawn.

There are a few enemies missing from Horde, Palace Guards, Nemacysts, Reavers, etc.

And there's a lot of other stuff that needs fixing that I can't think of right, but yeah Horde needs a lot of work.


AndyMoogle said:
They have definitely made it much harder to get up on ledges in this game. Half the time my character will jump sideways instead of going up.
I second this.

Not really annoying though, except on Tyro Station and sometimes on Subway.

_dementia said:
Wave 50 post TU2 to be six Brumaks confirmed
Hey, you're joking, but having reavers could be very cool and doesn't look like impossible to do. :D


Comics, serious business!
Zezboob said:
Hey, you're joking, but having reavers could be very cool and doesn't look like impossible to do. :D

Actually I think they probably excluded reavers is because they wouldn't work on all the maps. True, they would work on River, Avalanche, etc. But could you see them working on Ruins, Stasis, or Mansion? On certain maps (e.g. Blood Drive) they'd always have to spawn in specific places on the map. Then they'd have to program a different Horde wave pattern for every map. Just not worth it, I'm guessing.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
_dementia said:
Wave 50 post TU2 to be six Brumaks confirmed

Well obviously it would be difficult or impossible to put in some of the larger enemies in Horde, but I don't see why Palace Guards, exploding wretches, Nemacysts, or Nemacites shouldn't be in there.

Hell, I'd love to see Drones with Mortars on outdoor maps.

J. M. Romeo said:
Speaking of which, wanna play horde?

Sure, I will be on in a few minutes.


RSTEIN said:
Actually I think they probably excluded reavers is because they wouldn't work on all the maps. True, they would work on River, Avalanche, etc. But could you see them working on Ruins, Stasis, or Mansion? On certain maps (e.g. Blood Drive) they'd always have to spawn in specific places on the map. Then they'd have to program a different Horde wave pattern for every map. Just not worth it, I'm guessing.
Yeah, I know it wouldn't work on indoor maps, but you're not trying to say that Epic is lazy, right ? :D


Reavers are probably my favorites enemies on Gears :(


I don't see why each wave needs to be the same on every map, each one has it's own leaderboard and everything. Reavers in horde would be great on the maps that it's possible


I wouldn't be surprised if horde was patched to include new enemies. I remember in an interview before the game someone asked why there were no Berserkers and someone from Epic said you may seem them in Gears 2 at a later time.
Gig said:
Well obviously it would be difficult or impossible to put in some of the larger enemies in Horde, but I don't see why Palace Guards, exploding wretches, Nemacysts, or Nemacites shouldn't be in there.

Hell, I'd love to see Drones with Mortars on outdoor maps.
I want Berserkers, goddamn


Damn it, when I asked if anyone was playing Horde on Flashback map pack, no response.

*throws copy of Gears 2 out the window*


formerly cjelly
Are the new achievements glitched?

I haven't done them yet, but I've noticed the 'Get to Wave 10 on a Flashback map' achievement, goes up to 50 in the War Journal. There's another one which has 10 or something, but goes up to 30.
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