Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity


Finally picked up this game!

I really liked GR1 on the vita, even platinum'ed it. However, for some reason, I'm not really enjoying GR2 so far. I just got to the first big city, but until now everything has been fairly boring.
Not sure why...the game looks great with terrific art direction (something I value a lot), Kat is super upbeat and awesome, the traversal is unmatched.. but I'm just finding the game super boring for some reason. I think it might be the pacing of the game, or maybe I'm just a bit burned out of this gameplay from GR1 (even though I beat it years ago).

I will keep pushing and really hope it gets better.
Any recommendations for playing? Should I do side missions or are they "busy work"? Should I just move the story forward for a while?

Draikin 2

I thought it might be worth pointing out that Gravity Rush 2 received a (seemingly) worldwide price drop to $39.99 / €39.99 / £34.99. The physical version appears to be getting the same price drop, but not all retailers have adjusted the price at this point.

I hope this manages to boost sales, much like how it did for The Last Guardian. But it really feels like this game is just being largely overlooked.


Finally picked up this game!

I really liked GR1 on the vita, even platinum'ed it. However, for some reason, I'm not really enjoying GR2 so far. I just got to the first big city, but until now everything has been fairly boring.
Not sure why...the game looks great with terrific art direction (something I value a lot), Kat is super upbeat and awesome, the traversal is unmatched.. but I'm just finding the game super boring for some reason. I think it might be the pacing of the game, or maybe I'm just a bit burned out of this gameplay from GR1 (even though I beat it years ago).

I will keep pushing and really hope it gets better.
Any recommendations for playing? Should I do side missions or are they "busy work"? Should I just move the story forward for a while?

I felt exactly the same way.

I recommend doing a treasure hunt or two, they are fun and pretty short.
Do some side missions as it pleases you for a change of pace. They are generally shorter than story missions and some of them have more interesting requirements. There aren't too many stealth ones (worst mission types imo). The ones to lure people or the movie ones can be entertaining.

In general the side missions help to give character and shows how Kat really interacts with anyone and everyone. The story itself doesn't really hit many beats though it is somewhat pleasantly dark at times without over doing it. I went from "meh" in the beginning to "mildly interested" then "hooked" once I got to the second major city which hit like a truck was for some reason much more fun to explore and meet people in. The escalation of the story towards the end is also fantastic. I struggle to think of something that compares in a similar fashion recently.

The game feels so much better once you push past the early missions and get to mess around with Luna and Jupiter, coming from GR1 we are already well experienced with regular shifting so that is not new and exciting for us.
Finally got around to beating this (along with all side missions and challenges).

Good Lord that last act and ending. This will make my top 5 easily (and I play a lot).


Just started this after platinum the first game, man I love how kat moves in this.

It is really great. The start is a bit slow especially coming from the finale of the first game. The later stuff was incredibly fun though. Challenges are good and I really enjoy the c
you get early on.


2B Kat is cute.

Casual/worker Kat is still my favourite.
Are the newish players having problems getting Dusty Tokens? I can, er, dust off the game a bit and start doing the treasure/challenges grind again if people want to add me. I should still be on the PSN list revealed by quoting the first post!
This game gets so much better the moment you return to Hekseville. I'm a huge fan of the first game and I found myself bitterly disappointed with the first few hours of the sequel, from the slow beginning to the dreadfully tedious and frustrating side-quest design. But now that I've got all the main shifting abilities at my disposal (which took long enough), I'm able to tackle the challenges and the story is picking up, I feel like they've finally recaptured the magic of the first game. It's just a shame it took so long to get there.
I'm basically at the beginning of the game, trial and passage mission, reached a point where the game tells me to press and hold L2 to start doing the gravity slide but nothing happens.

Here's the part where I'm at.

Is this a known bug or something? Should I retry the mission from the beginning or reinstall the game?
I'm basically at the beginning of the game, trial and passage mission, reached a point where the game tells me to press and hold L2 to start doing the gravity slide but nothing happens.

Here's the part where I'm at.

Is this a known bug or something? Should I retry the mission from the beginning or reinstall the game?
Yeah, try restarting. It looks like you lost all your powers, but you should still be able to slide.
I'm not aware of there being a problem with that section in game. Try turning your controller off and on again or try another controller altogether maybe.
Restarted the mission, same problem.

Uninstalled, downloading again. Hopefully it will be fixed, I don't want to end up with a broken game.

I only have one controller and it's working fine with everything else. This is really odd, never had anything similar happen to me before with other games.
I remember Helldivers having issues with some manufacturing runs of DS4s. Maybe Gravity Rush 2 is affected too. In Helldivers it was eventually fixed with a patch and a toggle switch in an options menu. I think the issue had to do with the difference in trigger sensitivity between those manufacturing runs.

Edit: As a work around, you could use the OS settings to reassign L2 to another button to pass that section of the game.
I remember Helldivers having issues with some manufacturing runs of DS4s. Maybe Gravity Rush 2 is affected too. In Helldivers it was eventually fixed with a patch and a toggle switch in an options menu. I think the issue had to do with the difference in trigger sensitivity between those manufacturing runs.

Edit: As a work around, you could use the OS settings to reassign L2 to another button to pass that section of the game.

Yeah I did that too (switched to R2 and also X to try a face button) and it didn't work.

It really sucks. I'm wondering if my current save will be fixed when the game finishes downloading... maybe I will have to start from the beginning.
Yeah I did that too (switched to R2 and also X to try a face button) and it didn't work.

It really sucks. I'm wondering if my current save will be fixed when the game finishes downloading... maybe I will have to start from the beginning.
Wow, that's really strange. Maybe rebuild the PS4 OS database and reset and resync your controller. If that doesn't work, yeah try to start a new game.

You could also try reinstalling GR2 and declining any patch updates. Play up to and after the point where the issue occurs, and then update the game.
Wow, that's really strange. Maybe rebuild the PS4 OS database and reset and resync your controller. If that doesn't work, yeah try to start a new game.

You could also try reinstalling GR2 and declining any patch updates. Play up to and after the point where the issue occurs, and then update the game.

I bought it digitally, I assume it automatically installs the latest version?

I'm not downloading any dlc this time though, might have been one of those to break the game.
Just tried again, same problem, gonna have to restart the game from the beginning.

Even though I deleted the application the dlc's are still there and were also installed again.

To make sure the problem isn't related to that I'm going to play in another account where the dlcs are not installed.

I can't understand how a bug like this just goes unnoticed.

Edit: just tried it on L1 and it worked, I think it's exatcly as you said ExitPlanetDust, seems like the game doesn't properly register the triggers input.

That's why the dodging was feeling so bad compared to the first game. I switched R2/L2 for R1/L1 and it works fine, suprisingly the game doesn't have problems when I decide to activate/deactivate the gravity shifting with the triggers instead of bumpers.
I'm glad you got it working!

That's really interesting though, that another game is affected by a difference in trigger sensitivity between DS4 builds.


It's a bit of a shame that in-game she is wearing some kind of sandals. I don't like them that much.

Not a huge fan of the sandals either but I still like it a lot. Sandals would probably be the only thing I didn't really like about the outfit but then again I guess running around barefoot would be odd, even for Kat


Finally started this game yesterday, and I'd forgotten what an amazing character Kat is. Not only she looks better than ever, and have more powers, but her personality is still as awesome and kind as ever.

I loved her on the 'If I Had Just One Wish' mission, the one when
Cecie wants to buy something to Lisa for Thanks Day and you go into a lot of troubles for some dolls
. It really speaks about Kat as a character and her personality.


Finally started this game yesterday, and I'd forgotten what an amazing character Kat is. Not only she looks better than ever, and have more powers, but her personality is still as awesome and kind as ever.

I loved her on the 'If I Had Just One Wish' mission, the one when
Cecie wants to buy something to Lisa for Thanks Day and you go into a lot of troubles for some dolls
. It really speaks about Kat as a character and her personality.

Her personality is what makes the majority of those side quests so much fun, it's fun seeing how she interacts with people.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I just started this yesterday (got it recently for my birthday).

It's funny, in most games I cannot stand hunting for crystals/shinies/collectibles, but traversal in Gravity Rush is just so much fun, it was probably my favourite part of the game.

I am very very early still but so far the city doesn't seem to have purple glowies to hunt down when flying around freely. Is the rest of the game like that too? I hope not, I will be very very disappointed otherwise...


I just started this yesterday (got it recently for my birthday).

It's funny, in most games I cannot stand hunting for crystals/shinies/collectibles, but traversal in Gravity Rush is just so much fun, it was probably my favourite part of the game.

I am very very early still but so far the city doesn't seem to have purple glowies to hunt down when flying around freely. Is the rest of the game like that too? I hope not, I will be very very disappointed otherwise...

Ooh, nice b-day gift.

And you mean the gems correct? Don't worry, they're scattered everywhere once you get out of the starting location.


Yep. Awesome! I'm gonna waste so much time doing something that has no business being so fun. xD

There are far fewer gems laying about at first when compared to Gravity Rush. I much prefered weaving between narrow spaces and checking the under bellies of islands or buildings in Heskeville but the game addressed this for me in a way I completely did not expect. It really left me grinning ear to ear. The game kept getting better from there for me too.

Oh yeah, happy birthday!


Really big fan of the first Gravity Rush but took me a while to finally buy this. Put in about 4-6 hours I'd say, I'm a few story missions in to the main area now.

Something just feels off, I don't know what it is. There seems to be a focus on things that just aren't fun - stealth? That really does not play nicely and is really tedious when you get caught. Also, as fun as it sounds on paper, the missions that are "find the guy in this area" get old fast. On top of that, the missions that involve you pretty much running around a crowd mashing square until the RNG decides you've spoken to the right person. It's just all bad.

I feel like I haven't really fought anything and if I do it's just a bunch of soliders that I just Stasis Field at each other and even that's rare.

It's starting to feel like a sequel where the developers didn't understand what made the first one fun.

I'm holding out because I've heard the last third of the game goes bananas, I sure hope it does something soon.


It definitely improves. For me it doesn't hit the heights of the original and I really struggled to lose myself in the traversal of this game whereas I'd be constantly just exploring in the first. Can't quite put my finger on why it is - despite there being more traversal options you can ignore them most of the time and just get around the same way you did in the original.


Really big fan of the first Gravity Rush but took me a while to finally buy this. Put in about 4-6 hours I'd say, I'm a few story missions in to the main area now.

Something just feels off, I don't know what it is. There seems to be a focus on things that just aren't fun - stealth? That really does not play nicely and is really tedious when you get caught. Also, as fun as it sounds on paper, the missions that are "find the guy in this area" get old fast. On top of that, the missions that involve you pretty much running around a crowd mashing square until the RNG decides you've spoken to the right person. It's just all bad.

I feel like I haven't really fought anything and if I do it's just a bunch of soliders that I just Stasis Field at each other and even that's rare.

It's starting to feel like a sequel where the developers didn't understand what made the first one fun.

I'm holding out because I've heard the last third of the game goes bananas, I sure hope it does something soon.

All valid complaints that I also had. The pacing is definitely off in the beginning but I also think it is trying to ease in new players but for us who has put in however many hours into Gravity Rush already the basic gameplay and not new or exciting, the novelty of flying around in a new area doesn't carry us far enough.

The stealth quests are bad. The minding aren't great either. The person hunting was annoying if you wanted something exciting instead but otherwise I didn't mind it for a change of pace.

I say the gameplay starts to pick up when you begin getting the new gravity styles as it changes up the gameplay a bit. By this point the game has also mostly finished introducing many of the core characters and you're just building relationships with them through more quests, you begin to get how it all works and can get through them quickly or skip them when you're not in the mood.

Treasure Hunts are fun. Give it a shot.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Late to the party just like I was with the first game, but played the first two hours yesterday. Looks gorgeous, over-long intro though, I was rather bored by the thinly-guised tutorial mission (descending into the Forbidden Lands or whatever it was called and fulfilling all those sub-requirements like hitting enemies with cacti). But knowing what the game has in store based on the trailers and demo, I know it'll get better.

So far loving everything 'Gravity Rush' about it: freedom, Kat, setting, music, Ghibli-esque elements. Very much onboard.

Hope there will be some surreal location stuff again like that Escher-esque dream castle in GR.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
There's a lot to like in GR2, but I don't think I'm gonna ride this story till the end. I love the atmosphere, looks, music, the sense of freedom and exploration, but man do the sections that force stealth upon you suck balls. I also dislike the lazy challenges built into missions surrounding the moments you get new powers and that whole Neu Hiraleon part had me ragequitting hard a couple of times. Somehow where I had the controls pretty much down in GR1, I'm struggling in 2.
I still have no idea why they chose to have a credits roll before the actual end of the game. At least one friend decided they had enough of the game at that point and stopped short of the actual ending, even though the last arc is what actually resolves everything and isn't even all that long.
Wait, this is killing leaderboards too? How could the original game's leaderboards never die but GR2's end only a year after the game came out?
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