Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity

For me this year it's GR2 > Persona 5 > Zelda > Horizon: Zero Dawn > Yakuza 0 > NieR: Automata

What a year for games, jesus.

So, I loved GR1 with a passion (my only ps4 platinum trophy). Does this have the same charm as the first did? I had been looking forward to it last year but my anticipation and hype died as release drew near.

EDIT: Nevermind! Read Lotus' feelings on the game in last page! Buying right meow.


What a year for games, jesus.

So, I loved GR1 with a passion (my only ps4 platinum trophy). Does this have the same charm as the first did? I had been looking forward to it last year but my anticipation and hype died as release drew near.

EDIT: Nevermind! Read Lotus' feelings on the game in last page! Buying right meow.

Good choice. Yeah, the charm is still there and it's why a lot of us enjoy it as much as we do.
It really has been an insane year for games. I still haven't even opened my copy of Nioh. Haven't bought RE7 yet, either. Prey comes out Friday... help.

I did cancel ME:A tho hahahaha
So no costume this week?
Following up my post about a Friday release here in the West.

I was watching someone's stream the other night. They were using a Western region account to play, but downloaded the costume dlc through their Asia region account. They explained that they redeemed and download queued the content on their PS4.

I tried something similar with my JP account on a PC, but the browser seemed to catch my region and the option to send the content to my PS4 disappeared after I "purchased" the two costumes through the web store.

So if you have a JP or Asia region PSN account, it might be worth a shot to redeem the content and then see if it is applied when you start up the game on your Western region account/profile.
Following up my post about a Friday release here in the West.

I was watching someone's stream the other night. They were using a Western region account to play, but downloaded the costume dlc through their Asia region account. They explained that they redeemed and download queued the content on their PS4.

I tried something similar with my JP account on a PC, but the browser seemed to catch my region and the option to send the content to my PS4 disappeared after I "purchased" the two costumes through the web store.

So if you have a JP or Asia region PSN account, it might be worth a shot to redeem the content and then see if it is applied when you start up the game on your Western region account/profile.

I actually did this but I've been too engrossed in Persona 5 to check if it did anything to my US game on US profile. I'll see if I can get some time in tonight to check.


Why does the notifications reset every now and then? I have around 140 after being away from the game for a few months, the number increases every day and I surely won't bother clearing them one by one.

Doing the photo collections now (finished only the womans one atm), but the tips for some of the drawings aren't helpful at all lol. Thankfully there are guides already.

And stop sending challenges for Behind the Scenes 1, you monsters.


The best times are when you get a challenge for Behind the Scenes 2 and the challenger has a score of 0.

Then you get tagged and end up tying that score of 0.

I actually tought of doing such thing this morning after seeing the "tied challenges: 0" thing on my stats page lol
Will check my challenges, maybe there's an easy tie just waiting to happen!
Playing GR:R. This game is a slog to play, I wanna like it i really do but the mission design, camera, and combat are all awful. Art, music, gravity novelty are all amazing but im not sure if theyre enough. might drop it :(


『Inaba Resident』;233868241 said:
Trying extremely hard to find someone selling this AmazonJP exclusive theme

Have had no luck but I did notice that some copies with the code are still on AmazonJP and that they just email you the theme once you order it. So you can just order and then cancel.
However, it won't let me order due to my address. I don't even know why this theme is exclusive.
Just let me give you my money lol. This would easily be the only theme that I'd use and its so hard to purchase.

Man Sony is missing out on having this theme published beyond an Amazon exclusive order. I'd gladly drop $5 USD for this


Man.... trying to get back into this game from putting into my backlog for so long. It's full of charm but the controls are taking longer than expected to get adjusted again. Lol


Did the side mission where you had to pull 100 people to one spot, disquised as that actress. The framerate was beautifully bad.

On chapter 23. I'm not ready for this to end. :(


It's nice to see someone new post in here who actually enjoys the game lol. I still think about it from time to time, it's so gooood.


It's nice to see someone new post in here who actually enjoys the game lol. I still think about it from time to time, it's so gooood.

I'm going back every now and then for the photo albums, which makes me go through parts of the map that I never went or didn't pay much attention while doing the story. This game amazes me even more every time.


Yeah I really enjoyed my time with the game, sadly after Chapter 14 it got crushed under a million other games. I don't think I was nearly as frustrated as other people with the side/main quests, felt like your average open world game in that regard.

I love the online photo hunt stuff -- the fact that you get special in-game points by getting rated up for photo-mode submissions, and helping people find treasures with pictures, and finding them yourself, is so much fun. And the music makes it easy enough to want to float around and collect gems forever.

I regret neglecting this game for so long. Still haven't even seen the Nier costumes yet.


Beat the game last night. The ending fight was so good.
When everyone started singing that song and Kat used that to get up and fight, that was so well done.
And now I'm sad.

At least I have Raven's DLC to look forward to. And the hunt for the Platinum.


Yeah I really enjoyed my time with the game, sadly after Chapter 14 it got crushed under a million other games. I don't think I was nearly as frustrated as other people with the side/main quests, felt like your average open world game in that regard.

I love the online photo hunt stuff -- the fact that you get special in-game points by getting rated up for photo-mode submissions, and helping people find treasures with pictures, and finding them yourself, is so much fun. And the music makes it easy enough to want to float around and collect gems forever.

I regret neglecting this game for so long. Still haven't even seen the Nier costumes yet.

The Nier costumes are in Photo Mode. Press up on the D-pad. Then press O. The game doesn't even tell you that's where the costumes are. Lol luckily I found it as soon I got the Camera.
Beat the game last night. The ending fight was so good.
When everyone started singing that song and Kat used that to get up and fight, that was so well done.
And now I'm sad.

At least I have Raven's DLC to look forward to. And the hunt for the Platinum.

It kind of reminded me of Earthbound how
everyone prays for Ness and his friends during the final boss.

Also did you think that the boss fight
mutated Kali Angel looked like something straight out of Siren? That was disturbing as hell.


Now that I'm sinking my teeth into the game... here are some of my criticisms...

Why does it seem like controlling Kat was easier in Gravity Rush Remastered than this game???

Why does powering up seem better and easier in GRR than GR2?!

Why did I just get stuck behind a rail and a wall and had to spam buttons just to get the hell outta there?!

Why are the timed missions have time limits that are incredibly unrealistic?

Did anybody playtest this game and say... "Wow. The controls are kinda sloopy and powering up isn't exactly fun. Too many things cost too much."

And it's kinda boring. I'm trying to stay engage but this is boring so far...

Still playing though because GRR was amazing.
Thought I'd check in because once I finish Persona I'm going to start GR2.

My ranking so far is: Persona>Yakuza>>>Zelda.

I suspect I'm going to be annoyed at the end of the year when Zelda wins it. Maybe Mario can at least take its spot?


I'm playing through Yakuza right now, but so far for me it's Nier >> Gravity Rush > Yakuza. Nier is just in a league of its own for me and GR2 has such a lovely world where just getting from place to place is crazy fun. I'm really enjoying Yakuza though!


So I just forced myself to finish the main story. The final segment was rather slow to begin with but that finale, damn.

I now have the option to continue and play some of the challenges or play the Raven DLC. Does the Raven DLC tie in to the ending or is it part of earlier events? I considered making a LTTP thread too. :D

Great to see the pretzel smashing gif I made from the overture vid used in the OT.


So I just forced myself to finish the main story. The final segment was rather slow to begin with but that finale, damn.

I now have the option to continue and play some of the challenges or play the Raven DLC. Does the Raven DLC tie in to the ending or is it part of earlier events? I considered making a LTTP thread too. :D

Great to see the pretzel smashing gif I made from the overture vid used in the OT.

Raven DLC is set between GR1 and GR2.

And you could try to find all of Saghassi's paintings to complete the album eventually. There's some little lore on them.


Raven DLC is set between GR1 and GR2.

And you could try to find all of Saghassi's paintings to complete the album eventually. There's some little lore on them.

Wow. I think I found 4. 1 before I knew what it was, just thought it looked odd and didn't think to snap it. The next was from the mission and finally the last two I just stumbled upon. No idea how to go about getting them all without resorting to a guide.

Treasure hunts are actually pretty fun. I'm not sure which I enjoy more the easy hunts with easy pics or the bad pics that make it more challenging.
Wow. I think I found 4. 1 before I knew what it was, just thought it looked odd and didn't think to snap it. The next was from the mission and finally the last two I just stumbled upon. No idea how to go about getting them all without resorting to a guide.

Treasure hunts are actually pretty fun. I'm not sure which I enjoy more the easy hunts with easy pics or the bad pics that make it more challenging.

I had to use a guide for two or three of them but most of them I found on my own. It was a fun way to pass the time while waiting for Gravity Storm spawns.


So I just forced myself to finish the main story. The final segment was rather slow to begin with but that finale, damn.

Yeah beat it myself last night. Wow did that ending land harder than I was expecting. Quite a bit stronger than the first game's ending from what I remember (from like 2012).

Cleaning up the side quests I'm still getting chills every time I hear music hinting toward that ending credits theme.


Beat the DLC. That was sad :(
And confusing. So Raven split from Sacha and Sacha grew up as she would have normally if she never became Raven?

Overall I really loved GR2. It had some problems, but it feels like a bigger budget GR1, with better controls and cooler enemies to fight. The side missions are the biggest problem, but I do think there are some really good ones in there, as well as some bad ones. But majority of the main missions are solid, and I think the bad side missions are mainly in the middle of the game. Early on, and towards teh end I liked a lot of the side missions, besides the ones that set up challenges, they weren't bad, but they didn't have much going for them other than setting up the challenges, though I do like that they're genuinely easier than the challenges.
So I just forced myself to finish the main story. The final segment was rather slow to begin with but that finale, damn.

I now have the option to continue and play some of the challenges or play the Raven DLC. Does the Raven DLC tie in to the ending or is it part of earlier events? I considered making a LTTP thread too. :D

Great to see the pretzel smashing gif I made from the overture vid used in the OT.

I'm trying to do this myself right now and it's really pissing me the fuck off. I've died like 5 times during Mission 25.
The boss keeps zipping away just when I'm about to hit her and then all of her copies wreck the shit out of the with their attacks.
It really doesn't help that the camera during these hectic parts is complete garbage. There really needed to be a lock on mechanic in this game.


I'm trying to do this myself right now and it's really pissing me the fuck off. I've died like 5 times during Mission 25.
The boss keeps zipping away just when I'm about to hit her and then all of her copies wreck the shit out of the with their attacks.
It really doesn't help that the camera during these hectic parts is complete garbage. There really needed to be a lock on mechanic in this game.

I found the best way was stick to do rotations of hurl stuff at her from the ground and normal/jupiter shift towards her into luna wormhole kicks. A good hit with Jupiter Stasis Throw will CHUNK her HP but it is quite difficult to land, normal stasis seems to be more reliable.

Ultimately though, survive and panther her. Run away when she gets her lightning aura and toss a bomb at her, again from my experience easier from the ground or at least off to the side of the city around the skyscrapers.

If things start to look bad, hit the ground and slide away. It felt a lot safer than falling through lightning filled skies.

Make sure you got the cutscene where Cyana shows you the light. I retried and died several times before this happened. :\
Beat the DLC. That was sad :(
And confusing. So Raven split from Sacha and Sacha grew up as she would have normally if she never became Raven?
She ended up erasing herself from that timeline entirely (the Sachya that appears at the end actually tells Raven she was named after her Grandpa's - the original Zaza's - imaginary friend) but somehow created an entirely new timeline where she was still Raven but she was never Sachya. New Raven is,
instead, a fragment of Kat (or so Bit claims) which was seemingly not the case in the original timeline.
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