His EN voice has a lisp too which always bugs me in game dubs for some reason.I cringed every time Ororon was on screen. What a clash between characterization and visual design. He acts like a dumb kid but looks like a 30-year old stuck in his emo phase. Is this supposed to be a gag? Like a reverse Citlali? Is it a fetish thing? I don't get it. His design also emphasizes the freakishly long legs tall male characters have. His body is 3/5ths leg. What a step down from Kinich.
I forget which character mentioned it, but there was a specific bit that Harbingers are free to pursue their own goals separate from the goals of the Tsaritsa. I think it was Capitano that mentioned it. Plus as far back as Inazuma, Chasm, and the 2nd GAA, we see that the soldiers have their own thoughts about everything and aren't a monolithic entity full of bad people that listen to evil orders. They've always been portrayed as morally grey as an organization, but there have been good/evil/indifferent characters throughout the game. Plus the trailer with all of the Harbingers that didn't mention/show the Tsaritsa at all might indicate she's not really in control of what the current Fatui are up to. I never really took them as explicitly evil, even though they definitely have been shown more than most other factions to have the capacity for evil.Speaking of the Archon quest, I am a bit disappointed that they're once again going the same route with the Fatui. The entire point of them is that they're ambiguous in their goals and morality. They do evil deeds but sometimes they're helpful. Kinda like Childe. That effect is diminished when Harbingers join the good guys twice in a row. It feels like they're setting up a poor twist where Snezhnaya were the good guys all along, and they're just a bit misunderstood. That's not how they were characterized at all in the earlier parts of the game. I wonder if real life politics have anything to do with that shift.
That said, yea I'm not a fan of them essentially aligning themselves with Natlan, though it is believable that Capitano would want to do anything possible to stop the abyss after what happened to his homeland. I have a feeling that a few of the Harbingers are gonna be straight up bad guys, like the little Penguin looking dude and Pierro. Maybe Columbina if she plays the 'yangire' stereotype like I'm expecting.
Yea I'm not saying the new Natlan characters aren't strong, they really are. But to me, it's like playing a minigame with them and damage pops out, it doesn't feel like "combat". That's why no matter how strong they are, I can't get into their kits. Plus as you mentioned, the strict cooldowns and positioning requirements make it really a chore to play them in timed challenging content. Screenshotters and speed runners are probably used to spamming restart to get their big weenie numbers, but to me that takes the fun right out immediately. So no matter how strong they are, I'm just not interested.I played Mualani in the current Abyss and her flaws are obvious here. She's very inflexible. The Consecrated Beasts in 12-2 constantly move away, and Mualani's limited Nightsoul stamina doesn't allow for too many variables like that. It's an immediate reset if the enemy behaves in an unfavorable way. The pufferfish spawns in a bad place and doesn't make it to you in time? Reset. You don't crit? Reset. Some kind of hiccup with Pyro app? Reset. I was able to get 36 stars with Mualani (after switching Dehya to Xiangling) but it's not a very pleasant experience. Mavuika should alleviate some of those issues, but there will probably always be situations that are unfavorable to her. Arle and Neuvi don't really have that, I think.
I don't think this is the case at all. There is a lot of confusion in the community lately between the Abyss and the Abyss Order which I think causes some of these misinterpretations.They've been hinting for years that we might actually be the baddies. The lore keeps implying the gods were dicks in the past. Our twin joined the abyss/fatui(?) after learning more about the world, after all.
Also, I think it was mentioned previously that Chinese law made it so playable characters can't be irredeemably evil so that's why the playable Fatui have taken our side/worked with us.
- Abyss - chaotic evil entity that wants to consume and corrupt. Doesn't seem to have intelligent thought but has a "purpose" and reacts to it. Mostly represented as the black goo and corrupted beasts/people until this recent patch where it showed an evil eye/anti-sun
- Abyss Order - Led by Traveler Sibling, it's an order of ex-Khaenri'ah people and others who have crossed the line into (maybe?) forbidden knowledge. Sibling has a clear purpose with the Loom of Fate and wants Traveler (MC) to see the world and form their own opinions about it.
- Heavenly Principles - Current "god" of Teyvat. Has sent nails down to Teyvat which caused mass chaos and destruction, but was actually done in an effort to 'plug' the abyss away to keep it from spreading across the land, with mass casualties as a tradeoff. Seems cold and calculating (like a computer) about keeping Teyvat in a certain state. Heavily implied that it's in someway related to Phanes and the First Descender. Not native to Teyvat but trying to 'help' in its own messed up ways. Likely dead or deep sleeping since it has interefered with humanity since the nails despite several things "against" its will happening within the past few years.
- Archons - given power by the HP to govern over their respective regions and elements. Strictly speaking they are to make sure people are following the HP's decrees and protecting humanity/suppressing the abyss. They do have their own motives and desires though, which has caused wars and fighting in the past. Currently they all seem to realize that the HP has been suspiciously quiet.
- Fatui - Led by the Harbingers (namely Pierro) and (maybe?) backed by the Tsaritsa (Archon of Schnez). Definitely trying to get all of the Gnosis for some unknown reason. Stirring the pot in various ways in various places. Sometimes helpful, sometimes hurtful.
Thanks for the heads up. Might switch to JP for the event. It felt really weird when Kachina and Kinich were silent during the Archon story.Started the quest for the sabzeruz event and Paimon is the only character that's voiced. It's so weird.
One of best girls' birhday official art:

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