George R.R. Martin flew to New York to 'beg' an HBO executive to make 'Game of Thrones' 10 seasons long, according to his agent


This is good news for the book fans. It was clear anyway that the series had taken a completely different path to the books, but this confirmation means Winds and Dream will still hold many surprises and a I'm sure a better ending than "Bran the broken".
You are never getting these books, just let it go.

let it go GIF


And since he can't be bothered to finish the damn books that ending is the only one we have. Great way to ruin your life's work.

Sure we are.

This is his magnum opus. He's not going to just give up on it. That would destroy his legacy. It will be finished.

Of course it will be finished, just not by him.
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Haas added: "George loves Dan and Dave, but after season five, he did start to worry about the path they were going because George knows where the story goes. He started saying, 'You're not following my template.'"

This is good news for the book fans. It was clear anyway that the series had taken a completely different path to the books, but this confirmation means Winds and Dream will still hold many surprises and a I'm sure a better ending than "Bran the broken".
Imagine believing Wind, let alone Dream are ever going to be finished, let alone published.


The Merenesse knot, the lamest excuse ever to stall. Why? Because he claimed it stalled him and his solution was absolute shit. There was nothing stalling him at all apart from bad writing.


The Merenesse knot, the lamest excuse ever to stall. Why? Because he claimed it stalled him and his solution was absolute shit. There was nothing stalling him at all apart from bad writing.
Wasn't the solution introducing Barristan as a POV? What was so shit about that?


We”ll see Star Citizen before we see another book from GRRM.

A great way of putting it. Probably both milked as much as well.
Wasn't the solution introducing Barristan as a POV? What was so shit about that?

The book was weak, it picked up after 'A Feast for Crows' which was pointless, as in it never went anywhere despite the entire book being about a journey. Best part about that book was the prologue and outro. Barristans' death in the show was shameful.

What happened to Jamie and Brienne? Zombie Stark?

Nothing. Completely ignored the next book. A prologue of 'I swear the next one will be out soon!'. Only to not deliver.'I'm locking myself up in the mountains during a pandemic to finish this'.

Still, no book.


advanced basic bitch
He'll die before it's finished. That's happened plenty of times to better authors who didn't write so damn slow.


LMAO. Imagine believing the books will never be finished or published 🤣🤣🤣

Oh Christ, let us do it and finish it.

I'll start off;

Dany had a period. She bled like a river (of blood) Soooo much bloood. There was blood everywhere!

Then she was Queen and everything was OK.

Was the books. So dumb.


I actually do not doubt that some kind of version of this event took place, but the problem is that when you have a story that spans such a large amount of time you cannot hold a cast together for 10 seasons like that very easily. Especially when you have a show with such a large number of important characters that will have their actors or actresses tied to the role for a number of years. A show like supernatural for example when you have a relatively small number of the core cast it's easier to make it last so long. But in a show like game of thrones where you have well over two dozen actors in recognizable roles that will need to be around for several seasons in a row it gets much much more difficult. You basically have to have the entire cast agree to it from the get-go in such a case.

That is why I have always thought that the Game of Thrones series should have either been an animation or a cgi-based show. You would have a much easier process, a much cheaper process, and a lot less burden on the cast and crew.

Also has a lot to do with people leaving for movie careers and already have plans after the show to move into that the moment there contract expires, so they couldn't do it even if they wanted it. Because that cast is waiting to bail the show to cash out on there popularity.

And add on top of it they gotta make deals with the actors for a new season, which means prices will go through the roof because they are all famous now. Which most of the time results in a reboot with a new cast because actors prices just go up and up and up.

Saw some guy that was in a series once that was pretty famous stating this, that he only earned after 6 seasons at its height of the populairity 20k a episode with 12-13 episodes a season, but had to cover costs himself of traveling and hotel costs with that which could rake up by a lot and he was a bigger earner under the group. The question was then popped why he didn't earn more?, he basically said that they where still under contract of the very first season as they all signed 7 seasons or they had no interest in them. Then to no shock when the 7th season was announced it was the ending of the show as they had to pay the actors if they signed them under a new contract a fuck ton more which basically made them reboot something else with a new cast.

Most money he made was showing up at shows and talks and conferences about the show, because movie deals never happened.
This is also why a lot of actors hate there "most populaire role" as it reminds them of making almost nothing and cripples them to always be reminded as that "character" with casting.
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The ice king shoulda pursued the army right to the gates of kings landing with cersie refusing to let them in and all hell breaking loose, Danys witnessing her army and everyone she loved getting killed by the white walkers and turns her dragons on kings landing and sacks the city would've been my preferred ending

I think every single person wanted The White Walkers to reach King's Landing. I did laugh at the end of season 7 it ends with it snowing at King's Landing. to hint at that. And no trace of snow next time your back there when Dany blows it up.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

I get it. It's been over ten years since the last book. People think that it'll never happen and the series will forever be unfinished.

However, that's clearly not going to happen.

This is his masterpiece. His legacy would be at stake if the series was never finished. It's taking far longer than he planned, but great works of art take time, especially when they're as complex as ASOIAF.

I hate to bring this up, but people always talk about him dying before finishing the series and his previous comments that he wouldn't let anybody finish the series if he died. I call BS to that. First, I believe he'll finish it himself and don't want to speculate on his health. Second, I don't believe his previous comments. Going back to his legacy, do you think that he wants his lasting legacy to be the man who not only didn't finish ASOIAF, but purposely allowed it to never be finished, meaning people have invested time and money into a unfinished story? Absolutely not. I guarantee he has plans if the worst happens and somebody will finish it.

Also, I'm pretty sure his publishers put in contingency plans in the event of his death. If George dies, they would have to stop selling the books because the series would never have a closure. No publisher would be happy to agree to this.

The series will be finished, either by Mr Martin himself or somebody else in the worst case scenario.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
He should just release a cliff notes for the ending, since HBO basically killed the franchise.


The 2nd to last book isn't out yet (2 and a 1/2 years after the end of the show and 3 1/2 years after production of season 8). 2ND TO LAST. How long do you think he'll take on the final book?


The 2nd to last book isn't out yet (2 and a 1/2 years after the end of the show and 3 1/2 years after production of season 8). 2ND TO LAST. How long do you think he'll take on the final book?

"A Dream Of Spring", he is so far up his own arse, he salivates at his own prose.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The guy is dying before we are getting the last few books. Let it go, it's not happening, the guy is happy going to cons and watching NFL.

If that happens we'll still get the last two books. He's not going to leave his masterpiece unfinished. That's nonsense talk.

And yes, I know he's said he won't let anyone else finish it, but that's because if he said that it would lead to endless speculation about his health and who would finish the series.


If that happens we'll still get the last two books. He's not going to leave his masterpiece unfinished. That's nonsense talk.

And yes, I know he's said he won't let anyone else finish it, but that's because if he said that it would lead to endless speculation about his health and who would finish the series.
But what’s the point? Look what happened to Dune, where ‘Hunters of Dune’ was supposed to be based on Frank’s ‘Dune 7’ - it’s rubbish, and his son almost destroyed his father’s legacy by trying to make a quick buck.
I guess Brandon Sanderson can write them, this guy has a work ethic of a mule.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
But what’s the point? Look what happened to Dune, where ‘Hunters of Dune’ was supposed to be based on Frank’s ‘Dune 7’ - it’s rubbish, and his son almost destroyed his father’s legacy by trying to make a quick buck.
I guess Brandon Sanderson can write them, this guy has a work ethic of a mule.

It can be a risk.

I've never touched the series, but I understand Brandon Sanderson did a good job finishing Wheel of Time (which surprises me because his other work is dog shit) and Christopher Tolkien did a fantastic job picking up from his father.

Hopefully it doesn't come to that. The series will be finished. If all goes well, I reckon we'll all be reading Dream of Spring by 2035.

Hari Seldon

It can be a risk.

I've never touched the series, but I understand Brandon Sanderson did a good job finishing Wheel of Time (which surprises me because his other work is dog shit) and Christopher Tolkien did a fantastic job picking up from his father.

Hopefully it doesn't come to that. The series will be finished. If all goes well, I reckon we'll all be reading Dream of Spring by 2035.
Jordan actually planned WoT from the beginning and wasn’t just making shit up as he went along. Therefore he had enough notes to hand off to someone. GRRM wrote himself into a corner and is fucked.


Did he not release the first book in his 40's and he's now in his 70's. Lots of time passed and so could be his passion or interest in the series.
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It's certainly a massive hole he needs to get out of. Little wonder it's almost pushed him to the point of a breakdown.

He just needs to write a good book or at least remember how to. The last 2 were shit. He has more imagination talking about what people are eating than an actual story, whilst he drools on his ancient word processor.


Jordan actually planned WoT from the beginning and wasn’t just making shit up as he went along. Therefore he had enough notes to hand off to someone. GRRM wrote himself into a corner and is fucked.

Yeah, IIRC Jordan had 20 notebooks of info of what would happen in book 12 (which would have been so large it needed to be split into 12-14), had already written half of it basically, and had told his wife the major details as well. Dude was prepared, I doubt Martin has this much “insurance“ ready in comparison.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
He just needs to write a good book or at least remember how to. The last 2 were shit. He has more imagination talking about what people are eating than an actual story, whilst he drools on his ancient word processor.

I actually really enjoyed Feast and Dance, but I get why some people didn't enjoy them.


I actually really enjoyed Feast and Dance, but I get why some people didn't enjoy them.

I think the chapter naming in 'Feast' was really off-putting. Plus it didn't seem to go anywhere. Intro with a faceless man that isn't spoken about again but a girl has many names. (obviously Jacquen Hagar).

Dance was better but still boring, it barely moved the story forward. Danny has the shits and has her hair and clothes burnt off. Tyrion meets another dwarf called 'Penny' and survives wars without a nose. And eventually they all end up outside the gate to Dany. (Even had a warning in the book that he'd follow-up quicker with the next book and didn't.) Imagine that, warning your readers.

He fucked up at Feast as he apparently had so much story he had to divide it and Dance. Complete nonsense. They're heavily padded with very boring parts. Oh great, GRR Martin reads a menu again. Eventually I used to skip over his descriptions of food, they were stupid and boring. Worst part was they didn't even sound appetizing.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I think the chapter naming in 'Feast' was really off-putting. Plus it didn't seem to go anywhere. Intro with a faceless man that isn't spoken about again but a girl has many names. (obviously Jacquen Hagar).

Dance was better but still boring, it barely moved the story forward. Danny has the shits and has her hair and clothes burnt off. Tyrion meets another dwarf called 'Penny' and survives wars without a nose. And eventually they all end up outside the gate to Dany. (Even had a warning in the book that he'd follow-up quicker with the next book and didn't.) Imagine that, warning your readers.

He fucked up at Feast as he apparently had so much story he had to divide it and Dance. Complete nonsense. They're heavily padded with very boring parts. Oh great, GRR Martin reads a menu again. Eventually I used to skip over his descriptions of food, they were stupid and boring. Worst part was they didn't even sound appetizing.

Well, each to their own. I personally really enjoyed both books. Were they as good as the epic Storm of Swords. No, I didn't think so. They were less action packed and I agree he made a mistake splitting up the characters by location. However, I never once found them boring. I actually enjoyed the slower pace.

There were still some fantastic action scenes (Brienne getting savaged by biter for example) and I liked the new twists in the plot (the introduction of "young Griff"), but I understand why the books wouldn't be for everyone.

The good news is that Winds is set to be at least will be as action packed as Storm, plus will finally bring all characters back together in one book.


I've never touched the series, but I understand Brandon Sanderson did a good job finishing Wheel of Time (which surprises me because his other work is dog shit) and Christopher Tolkien did a fantastic job picking up from his father.
There are a few differences here:

1. You take that shit back about Sanderson - Mistborn is God-tier fantasy.
2. Christopher Tolkien - he mostly edited his father's work, he didn't create original materials. But it is really nice he was very, very cautious about his father's legacy. It also helps he was educated AF. I think Silmarillion is actually a better and more important book than Lord of the Rings.
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Simps for Amouranth
The show went to shit the moment Sean Bean’s character died.
all shows goto shit when they kill our boy Bean, as for GRRM finishing the series lol, c'mon with the absolutely universal trashing of the ending and the complete and utterly abrupt removal of GOT from the public concsious, i mean ive never witnessed a show sink so fast and hard.. can you blame him? how would you feel at his advanced age dragging yourself outa bed to go slave over a type writer and finish 2 massive fucking books for an audience that frankly doesnt give a shit and has done nothing but drag your name through the mud... fuuuuuuck that, id go live my life or whats left of it and enjoy myself and let some other young up and coming writer finish it
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Well, each to their own. I personally really enjoyed both books. Were they as good as the epic Storm of Swords. No, I didn't think so. They were less action packed and I agree he made a mistake splitting up the characters by location. However, I never once found them boring. I actually enjoyed the slower pace.

There were still some fantastic action scenes (Brienne getting savaged by biter for example) and I liked the new twists in the plot (the introduction of "young Griff"), but I understand why the books wouldn't be for everyone.

The good news is that Winds is set to be at least will be as action packed as Storm, plus will finally bring all characters back together in one book.

Ah the 'Young Griff', fake or real? I reckon fake but who knows.

He claims he won't change the story after the TV show.

He absolutely will.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
There are a few differences here:

1. You take that shit back about Sanderson - Mistborn is God-tier fantasy.
2. Christopher Tolkien - he mostly edited his father's work, he didn't create original materials. But it is really nice he was very, very cautious about his father's legacy. It also helps he was educated AF. I think Silmarillion is actually a better and more important book than Lord of the Rings.

I'll agree with point 2.

Regards to Sanderson, I regret calling his work dog shit. I understand his books have a large following.

However, I'm personally not a fan of his work. You called Mistborn "God-tier" fantasy, but personally and absolutely cannot agree.

First, the books are far too long. I have nothing against long books, but a majority of this series comes across as filler. I felt Well of Ascension for example could have been half the length and nothing would have been lost. That whole book was practically a single siege, a poorly executed attempt at a love triangle and Elend being an idiot throughout. The world and setting in the series was so fucking bland and boring. I know there is no plant life (green plants and flowers anyway) and the world is covered in ash, but it just felt lifeless and unexciting. Personally, I felt the world building was rushed and needed more time in the oven.

Stormlight Archive is a lot better than Mistborn, but again it suffers from being far longer than it needs to be.

Just my personal opinion. I understand I'm in a minority here as Sanderson has a huge fan base.


However, I'm personally not a fan of his work. You called Mistborn "God-tier" fantasy, but personally and absolutely cannot agree.

First, the books are far too long. I have nothing against long books, but a majority of this series comes across as filler. I felt Well of Ascension for example could have been half the length and nothing would have been lost. That whole book was practically a single siege, a poorly executed attempt at a love triangle and Elend being an idiot throughout. The world and setting in the series was so fucking bland and boring. I know there is no plant life (green plants and flowers anyway) and the world is covered in ash, but it just felt lifeless and unexciting. Personally, I felt the world building was rushed and needed more time in the oven.

Stormlight Archive is a lot better than Mistborn, but again it suffers from being far longer than it needs to be.

Just my personal opinion. I understand I'm in a minority here as Sanderson has a huge fan base.
I mostly like the fact he created a really good, self-contained and novel magic system, I read somewhere he put really an effort into it. I agree the third book is too long, and I didn't even start Stormlight Archive because WTF is this length?

From time to time I go back to a terribly old Riddlemaster Trilogy by Patricia McKillip, mainly because the whole thing clocks at 600 pages. Likewise the first three Earthsea novels are also rather short.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Ah the 'Young Griff', fake or real? I reckon fake but who knows.

He claims he won't change the story after the TV show.

He absolutely will.

I actually think Young Griff is the real deal, but as you've said, who knows.

I'm not sure if he'll change the story. He's already said that the show went in a totally different path with certain plot points, not to mention that there are characters in the books who didn't appear in the show. The plots are totally different.

Having Bran be king in the show was dumb. No way George went down that path. If he did, I'm sure it would make more sense. In the show we have Bran first making it clear that he doesn't want to be a lord and he "wants for nothing", but then all of a sudden he snaps up the chance to be king because he apparently has the best story?! The guy didn't do fuck all!

Sorry for the GoT rant, but fucking hell they dropped the ball with that.


Having Bran be king in the show was dumb. No way George went down that path. If he did, I'm sure it would make more sense. In the show we have Bran first making it clear that he doesn't want to be a lord and he "wants for nothing", but then all of a sudden he snaps up the chance to be king because he apparently has the best story?! The guy didn't do fuck all!

Sorry for the GoT rant, but fucking hell they dropped the ball with that.

Have to agree with that. Some gormless looking dude. OK Bran, next scene, just look lifeless, will be great!


Much of the blame has to be on George not finishing his books, and apparently, not providing enough of a storyboard to keep the showrunners from their worst tendencies.

I can't blame HBO for ending the show when they did, because they might have had their own sense that quality would drop once the canon material ran out. I mean, the result was pretty bad, with most episodes feeling rushed, and loads of teleporting around the map. But I'm not sure extending that agony would have resulted just a longer, visually-stunning mess.

Ulysses 31

I can't blame HBO for ending the show when they did, because they might have had their own sense that quality would drop once the canon material ran out. I mean, the result was pretty bad, with most episodes feeling rushed, and loads of teleporting around the map. But I'm not sure extending that agony would have resulted just a longer, visually-stunning mess.
Wasn't HBO, they were fine with more seasons if needed, it was D&D who wanted out and rushed to the ending.


LMAO. Imagine believing the books will never be finished or published 🤣🤣🤣
Martin seems to be far more interested in American Handegg than finishing them and he's getting on.

The story ain't going to be finished. Accept it.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Martin seems to be far more interested in American Handegg than finishing them and he's getting on.

The story ain't going to be finished. Accept it.

See previous posts. It will be finished. Accept it.
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