No fucking shit his administration was horrible. Does that even need to be said? Just because people can laugh at a fun interview doesn't mean we've forgotten the mess he got us into, that Obama tried his damnedest to get us out of, and that Republicans did their damnedest to keep us in, and paving the way for Donald Fucking Trump who, when all is said and done, will hands down be the worst President the United States of America has ever had.
Bush was part of the whole that was the shitshow Presidency of 2000-2008. That will never be forgotten, but he was just part of the whole. Unfortunately, those same cunts that have done everything they can to fuck over non-rich/white American elites, are still in office, while George W. Bush is all but retired. Personally, I'd rather focus my energy on hating and actively working against the men and women currently in office, currently fucking over this country, than Captain "Mission Accomplished." That's just me though.