The thing is why vote for the actual right-wing party and not for CDU/CSU?
I mean a lot of young people, who actually are against the "ideas" I posted from the AfD manifesto still voted for AfD even though I know for a fact (for the two people I know who voted for them) they dont share all the other AfD ideas.
I hope that the SPD picks their hottest Milf as a candidate in 4 years.
I hope that the SPD picks their hottest Milf as a candidate in 4 years.
Please no, she is a horrible example of a modern social democrat sending her child to a private school because obviously public schools are way below her standard.
That would be Ella Marie Nahles mom. Not even joking.
Yeah, but honestly, those AfD blokes seem pretty happy.Btw this is the same for all candidates. Noone agrees 100% with a party/politician.
Yeah, but honestly, those AfD blokes seem pretty happy.
Been a while since I saw voters agree so thoroughly with their own party. Yikes.
(source: )
That would be Ella Marie Nahles mom. Not even joking.
So, any other ideas?
Different folks, different strokes, but I'm routing for our SPD Barbie. Da real Mutti.
Who's on the Mama Schwesig hype train with me? Choo choo
If somehow Nahles ends up being the candidate for 2021, I'm going to vote FDP self-destruct-mode
Schwesig is basically a neo-liberal, so why don't you vote FDP in the first place?
There are pretty big differences between Schwesig and the FDP. The FDP doesn't support people who make up rape accusations and are then sentenced for that. Schwesig does.
There are pretty big differences between Schwesig and the FDP. The FDP doesn't support people who make up rape accusations and are then sentenced for that. Schwesig does.
There are pretty big differences between Schwesig and the FDP. The FDP doesn't support people who make up rape accusations and are then sentenced for that. Schwesig does.
Guys you're ruining all the fun. When was the last time Merkel's past was discussed in public?
In 4 Years we'll all forget about Manu's little fauxpas (plural). But yeah, there's a lot of work ahead in terms of fixing her political profile. She's a rough diamond now. Nothing a socialist bootcamp can't fix.
There is no open door policy that goes significantly beyond what the Geneva Convention dictates. People claiming asylum do have a right for their case to be investigated. Period. If they are rejected they are sent back (well, in theory at least. But that's not the laws fault but rather lackluster execution). You can bring many points on how the current system is suboptimal but claiming an "open door policy" for everyone who wants to come is just factually false and one of the main reasons why we now have the AfD at 13%.I do not know enough about Germany and the immigration to Europe etc., But in general the open door policy always seemed insane to me. Why wouldnt anyone want to go to a rich country which was also giving free shelter, food, money etc.? I think I also read that a lot of people who weren't syrians or refugees (like Afghanistanis, Pakistani, Africans) also got in.
It stands to reason that some people wanted to at least debate that and have stricter policies. Then when I see other people calling them 'racist', looks obvious that they would get pissed and vote for an extremist party.
Maybe Merkel shouldve listened earlier?
The SPD accepting the loss in comparison and ready to fight in the opposition, makes them look much more sympathetic and responsible.
I do not know enough about Germany and the immigration to Europe etc., But in general the open door policy always seemed insane to me. Why wouldnt anyone want to go to a rich country which was also giving free shelter, food, money etc.? I think I also read that a lot of people who weren't syrians or refugees (like Afghanistanis, Pakistani, Africans) also got in.
It stands to reason that some people wanted to at least debate that and have stricter policies. Then when I see other people calling them 'racist', looks obvious that they would get pissed and vote for an extremist party.
Maybe Merkel shouldve listened earlier?
Of course voting for afd, as far as I understand their platform, is not entirely rational. But politics rarely is.
Let‘s discuss how Merkel was in a sauna when the wall fell!
Are there similarities between Frau Kepetry and Cersei Lannister? Both wanted to strengthen their power with extreme groups and it backfired for both of them.
Seehofer is so bitch-made.To the surprise of no-one:
CDU and CSU will stay together.
The "open door" image comes from being able to jump on a boat and being picked up by the coast guard, and then you are in Europe for years before something is done. It is also clear there are large troubles, just see what is happening at Calais for example.There is no open door policy that goes significantly beyond what the Geneva Convention dictates. People claiming asylum do have a right for their case to be investigated. Period. If they are rejected they are sent back (well, in theory at least. But that's not the laws fault but rather lackluster execution). You can bring many points on how the current system is suboptimal but claiming an "open door policy" for everyone who wants to come is just factually false and one of the main reasons why we now have the AfD at 13%.
There is no open door policy that goes significantly beyond what the Geneva Convention dictates. People claiming asylum do have a right for their case to be investigated. Period. If they are rejected they are sent back (well, in theory at least. But that's not the laws fault but rather lackluster execution). You can bring many points on how the current system is suboptimal but claiming an "open door policy" for everyone who wants to come is just factually false and one of the main reasons why we now have the AfD at 13%.
A listing of what this years AFD voters voted for during last election.
Aah. So it's not open door in its literal sense. Then why does Germany gets singled out as being the most tolerant of it, if they are only following the convention? Do other countries not follow it as strictly? noch amtierende AfD-Chefin Frauke Petry plant offenbar, die AfD nach dem Bruch mit Parteigründer Bernd Lucke jetzt ein zweites Mal zu spalten. Ihr Verzicht auf eine Mitgliedschaft in der frisch gewählten Fraktion der AfD im Bundestag an diesem Montagmorgen wäre damit nur der erste Schritt. Nach Recherchen von WDR, NDR und SZ bereiten Unterstützer Petrys den Schnitt mit der Bundespartei bereits seit längerem vor. Innerhalb der Partei werden einem Chat-Protokoll zufolge Anhänger der Petry-Linie gesucht, die sich anschließen würden. Dabei geht es wohl auch um die Bildung einer eigenständigen Bundestagsfraktion in Konkurrenz zur AfD-Fraktion.
Petry plante Abspaltung wohl schon länger
Petry plante Abspaltung wohl schon länger
I do not know enough about Germany and the immigration to Europe etc., But in general the open door policy always seemed insane to me. Why wouldnt anyone want to go to a rich country which was also giving free shelter, food, money etc.? I think I also read that a lot of people who weren't syrians or refugees (like Afghanistanis, Pakistani, Africans) also got in.
It stands to reason that some people wanted to at least debate that and have stricter policies. Then when I see other people calling them 'racist', looks obvious that they would get pissed and vote for an extremist party.
Maybe Merkel shouldve listened earlier?
Of course voting for afd, as far as I understand their platform, is not entirely rational. But politics rarely is.
Petry plante Abspaltung wohl schon länger
And now I have an image of Ms. Kepetry as that Nazi lawyer from the Preacher comic stuck in my head.You're onto something. They have a nearly identical haircut, too. Confession time: I sometimes have daydreams about being physically and mentally abused by Ms. Petry in a Wehrmachtsuniform with von der Leyen watching us.
And now I have an image of Ms. Kepetry as that Nazi lawyer from the Preacher comic stuck in my head.
I've searched for an appropriate pic and stumbled accross this:
WTF is this? Nazi boob inspection?
Other countries barely give a shot about the convention they signed their populace even less so. That's the long and short of it.Aah. So it's not open door in its literal sense. Then why does Germany gets singled out as being the most tolerant of it, if they are only following the convention? Do other countries not follow it as strictly?
Germany didn't give a shit for years and years while Greece and Italy dealt with the problem, so they shouldn't claim some moral superiority now about it.Other countries barely give a shot about the convention they signed their populace even less so. That's the long and short of it.
Germany didn't give a shit for years and years while Greece and Italy dealt with the problem, so they shouldn't claim some moral superiority now about it.
Saw 46,7 on Twitter. My bad, won't happen again
I've searched for an appropriate pic and stumbled accross this:
WTF is this? Nazi boob inspection? The drill instructor's thoughts: *SSIE GEDEIHEN AUSSGEZEICHNET!!!!!*
btw. if you guys really believe that close to 100% of AFD voters are convinced nazi ideologist, i hope you're also ready for AFD staying at >10% and have all of them as their base voter going forward
but gladly that is most likely not the case
Although they are many in number, AfD supporters represent an anomaly in German politics and German society. Not only is their view of foreigners partly divorced from reality. They are the only group in Germany that is thoroughly anti-EU, that is skeptical, indeed sometimes hostile to the German constitution, and that is at all sympathetic to US President Donald Trump.
There was a lot of talk among the mainstream parties as the results of the election became known about "winning back" AfD supporters, but the researchers think that this will be no easy task.
"It's a completely different group of voters than with all the other parties," explained Matuschek. "The [other politicians] say they want to win them back, but how are they supposed to, if you look at the structure and basic attitudes of this group."
Holy fuck Andrew Neil is such as a dumbarse. Proof that age doesn't make you wise.This is probably the appropriate place for it. Look at this dumb nonsense: