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German Government: Turkey is cooperating with terrorists

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I guess Merkel can kiss her "Flüchtlingspakt" goodbye now.

I don't know. The "revelation" wasn't that ground breaking as the breaking news made it out to be first.

Yeah, I don't think it's really fair to group Hamas with terrorist organizations like ISIS. Hamas was an elected group, and the atrocities committed by the group are similar in scale to those committed by the Israeli government.

The EU considers them a terrorist organisation.
I don't know. The "revelation" wasn't that ground breaking as the breaking news made it out to be first.

The EU considers them a terrorist organisation.

I don't think some posters realize that the Palestinian government recognized by most of the world is the PLO. Everyone recognizes Hamas for the shitheels they are.


I'm not defending violent actions committed by the group, I'm just saying the situation isn't so clearly black and white. It's not like Turkey considers themselves supporting a terror group after all.
DerZuhälter;213796791 said:
Are we going to play that stupid game now?

By those definitions anybody dealing with the palastinian authorities between 2006-2008 was cooperating with terrorism. It's a hamfisted allegation.

In my opinion both Israel and Hamas and offshoots of the PLO etc are both culpable for terrorist acts and Hamas has certainly earned it's place as a terrorist Organization. The Palestinian people suffer immensely as a result of both.
Turkey's foreign policy in Syria (up till now) wasn't very different from the West. But it's easier to throw these labels on Turkey than it is on America or Britain.


In my opinion both Israel and Hamas and offshoots of the PLO etc are both culpable for terrorist acts and Hamas has is certainly earned it's place as a terrorist Organization. The Palestinian people suffer immensely as a result of both.
This is an accurate way to put it.


Kinda figured this was happening when the vids came through of ISIS convoys passing through their borders without a problem. They probably traded some cooperation for money/oil. Which is doubly fucked when they are also the victims of Islamic attacks so...

Yea they are certainly on a different level of reproach. Hamas is certainly in my opinion, is far beyond what Israel is accountable for. That isn't to say it nullify's what Israel has done or is doing. But that's certainly not the point of this statement and article. Hamas is classified as a terrorist organization. That's pretty much where the buck stops in terms of this argument.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I don't know. The "revelation" wasn't that ground breaking as the breaking news made it out to be first.

Hey dude google "Erdoğan+ Hamas"! Super secret photo's have been leaked of them meeting with each other. Turkey always were really secretative about how they viewed Hamas, but darnit it's now all in the open.

lol don't get me even started on the other groups of this revelation!


Derp. Again with that old convenant, O'Reilly factor up in here. And unlike Hamas, Israel is the one that seems to actually do an act genocide.

The difference is that Israel and their modern army is something we in the west can relate to unlike Hamas. Making the one seem more legitimate even though they are just as well breaking every law there is to break.


Unconfirmed Member
Germany is setting up cancellation of EU talks with Turkey and probably the refugee deal. It's obvious, long overdue and more and more apparent.
Is this a joke ?
Anybody who have a clue about Middle East would know that already since Erdogan have received Khaled Meshal personally and openly supported Syrian rebel group and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

And by the way, since when the Egyptian MB is a terrorist group ? Following what criteria, Sisi military dictatorship? The same go for the syrians groups. The groups that Turkey support are labelled "terrorists" by Bashar al-Assad.
The same guy who have 40.000 political prisoner rotting in jail, including the only democratically president elected of Egyptian history, Morsi ? Europe double-standard in a nutshell.

And by the way, what about the heavy cooperation of Germany and USA with PKK satellites ? The same group who killed seven people two days ago in a terrorist act in Turkey ?


Derp. Again with that old convenant, O'Reilly factor up in here. And unlike Hamas, Israel is the one that seems to actually do an act genocide.

The difference is that Israel and their modern army is something we in the west can relate to unlike Hamas. Making the one seem more legitimate even though they are just as well breaking every law there is to break.

Israel haters really want to disregard how can a group that actively encourages "martyrs" (which never stopped, see the ongoing stab attacks) can't possibly be terrorists.
Erdogan supporting MB in Egypt is such a big secret....


And supporting Hamas as well:


And supporting syrians "terrorists":


Awesome insider's exclusive, kudos merkel

It seems like you have a strong bias towards Israel. Both groups committed major atrocities.

Unfortunately he was naively voted into power.

Yup, especially yup at the bolded.

Lot of posters here refuse to acknowledge that, is the dude a douchebag? Yes

Was he actually elected? Yes
Most of the people who voted for Erdogan knew exactly what he was: an authoritarian strongman who will deal with the Kurds/Gulenists/EU and make Turkey Great Again.

He started to get elected more than 15 years ago and he actually was deemed as pro-Kurds and had link with the gulenist at the time. The seculars in Turkey hate Gulenists a lot more than Erdogan since they were at the origin of many trials against secularist journalists and military.

Erdogan was heavily criticized when he started making deal with PKK leader Ocalan and legalize the kurdish pro-autonomy party (HDP) in the 2010's by the nationalist, so it very different from Trump. Look at the millions of refugee who live decently in Turkey. Right-wing and left-wing don't really apply in many non-western countries.
Most of the people who voted for Erdogan knew exactly what he was: an authoritarian strongman who will deal with the Kurds/Gulenists/EU and make Turkey Great Again.

I lol'ed but yea I think that's an apt comparison

I mean if Donald trump was elected it doesn't negate the fact that he was democratically put in place by morons


Israel haters really want to disregard how can a group that actively encourages "martyrs" (which never stopped, see the ongoing stab attacks) can't possibly be terrorists.
WTF is this shit? Israel haters.

Please tell me you are capable of discussion and critique less superficial and immature then this?

Do you feel the same way about people that would bemoan American foreign policy if Trump were elected and made good on some of his promises? Would they all of the sudden be "haters?" Worth dismissing off hand because they wouldn't fall in line with borderline fascist/racist policy and might dare critique it?

I will never and can never understand this treatment that Israel gets from some as if the nation is beyond critique and how anything less then complete rationalization for their actions, be it from the current far right governing coalition or a left wing one, can be seen as basically equivalent to being anti-Israel.
Turkey in DGAF mode now.

It seems like you have a strong bias towards Israel. Both groups committed major atrocities.

He did alot of driveby posting with some of it being misinformation when Operation Protective Edge was going on in 2014, so you are right on the money.


DerZuhälter;213796791 said:
Are we going to play that stupid game now?

By those definitions anybody dealing with the palastinian authorities between 2006-2008 was cooperating with terrorism. It's a hamfisted allegation.

Both bad, but there is a slight difference between a gun and explosives around your body.


Admittedly, I wasn't fully informed on Turkey's ties to terrorism and what not but was this known before?

Because I'm fucking shocked. Holy crap, this is big right? Especially if the German government is the one coming out and saying this?

Help me understand, GAF.
The terrorists are killing everyone including the kurds this makes the empire happy.

also forgot to say that erdogan and his supports do no like jews.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Wonder if this is related to the speculative rumour that Turkey had entered into an alliance with Russia and Iran. Sourced from Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik news.

That followed an even more highly speculative rumour that Russia warned Erdogan about the coup.

All just bizarre rumours at this point.



I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the world responds
Like so

As a principal NATO member (one of the command centers of Nato is in Turkey) and now with the importance in the refugee crisis, the West is going to do absolutely nothing.
Wonder if this is related to the speculative rumour that Turkey had entered into an alliance with Russia and Iran. Sourced from Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik news.

That followed an even more highly speculative rumour that Russia warned Erdogan about the coup.

All just bizarre rumours at this point.

I think it could be since all these "news" is common knowledge of the 2011. It's like stating that Iran is backing Hezbollah or that the sky is blue.

So Germany is mad that Turkey is leaving their sphere of influence and that the menaces of abandoning EU membership discussion is having zero effect. At the end it would be better for Turkey, since they wouldn't get that membership anyway and are in desperate need of regional allies after the coup and close-to-total regional isolation.

It's crazy to see how quickly European diplomacy is getting destroyed in the Middle-East. Iran is clearly on the rise and Russia is strong. So why would Turkey look for Europe anyway ?
They do need that OTAN membership though.


I mean, we kinda knew this already... but with these internal documents leaked and the information now being public public, this will surely cause further diplomatic strife and some tightly-watched official responses.

My crystal ball foresees more grandstanding and posturing from Erdogan and his goons.
Okay? Absolutely nothing is new here.

For those not in the know, Turkey and Germany are going at each other via PR firms, "scoop" and "leak" lol.

Turkey accuses Germany of supporting terrorists (YPG proxy to PKK) and Germany accuses Turkey of supporting terrorists (Hamas, Syrian rebel factions on the terrorist list, etc). Both sides are wrong, but sides should STFU and mind their own business and not meddle in other peoples countries.
Okay? Absolutely nothing is new here.

For those not in the know, Turkey and Germany are going at each other via PR firms, "scoop" and "leak" lol.

Turkey accuses Germany of supporting terrorists (YPG proxy to PKK) and Germany accuses Turkey of supporting terrorists (Hamas, Syrian rebel factions on the terrorist list, etc). Both sides are wrong, but sides should STFU and mind their own business and not meddle in other peoples countries.

Wait... what? Turkey is wrong, Germany isn't. It's really that simple in this case.
I think it could be since all these "news" is common knowledge of the 2011. It's like stating that Iran is backing Hezbollah or that the sky is blue.

So Germany is mad that Turkey is leaving their sphere of influence and that the menaces of abandoning EU membership discussion is having zero effect. At the end it would be better for Turkey, since they wouldn't get that membership anyway and are in desperate need of regional allies after the coup and close-to-total regional isolation.

It's crazy to see how quickly European diplomacy is getting destroyed in the Middle-East. Iran is clearly on the rise and Russia is strong. So why would Turkey look for Europe anyway ?
They do need that OTAN membership though.
This isn't a proactive condemnation of Turkey or Erdogan by the German government. This is leaked info from an enquiry by the opposition.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay? Absolutely nothing is new here.

For those not in the know, Turkey and Germany are going at each other via PR firms, "scoop" and "leak" lol.

Turkey accuses Germany of supporting terrorists (YPG proxy to PKK) and Germany accuses Turkey of supporting terrorists (Hamas, Syrian rebel factions on the terrorist list, etc). Both sides are wrong, but sides should STFU and mind their own business and not meddle in other peoples countries.
Yeah right, Germany and Turkey are totally just two sides of the same coin lol

None of that is easy when Turkey is still officially working towards EU membership, is a NATO member and they have this huge refugee deal going on.
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