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Germany: Seven refugees arrested after a homeless man was set on fire

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German police confirmed on Tuesday, that six young men have turned themselves in over a suspected attempt on Christmas Eve to set a homeless man on fire in the German capital. The development came just a day after police released images and video footage of the suspects in a Berlin underground station.

Police had been searching for the attackers since Saturday when a group of people was seen throwing a burning object onto a 37-year-old man, setting fire to his bedding. The attack took place at the Schönleinstrasse subway stop in southern Berlin, on the border of the Kreuzberg and Neukölln districts.

Passers-by, including a train driver with a fire extinguisher, rescued the man from the flames. He was uninjured but his belongings were destroyed.

"These days we should expect charity. Instead, we are experiencing human contempt," the state of Berlin's interior minister, Andreas Geisel, said following the attack. "I am horrified and thank all those who have courageously helped. This is true humanity."


Police also confirmed that they were refugees from Syria and Libya:
Sechs von ihnen sollen in Syrien geboren sein, einer in Libyen, bestätigt die Polizei auf Nachfrage. Alle sollen demnach Flüchtlinge sein.
Six of them were born in Syria, one in Libya, police confirms. All of them are said to be refugees.


After the latest terror attack, this is certainly going to add further fuel to the debate about refugees in Germany. In latest election polls, the right-wing party AfD has already become the third largest party. Merkel's governing CDU, however, still leads the polls by a wide margin.

What's someone's motivation to set a homeless man on fire?

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Glad he wasn't injured, but what the fuck. There are some sick people out there, and they're going to ruin it for everyone else.
How stupid can these idiots be. You've arrived in Germany as refugees and show yourself as a threat to people. Should be a closed book and all of them should be sent back.
Come from a war zone, get help in Germany, and then repay that by trying to literally murder someone. Lock them up, and no possibility for asylum anymore.


Junior Member
I'm all for refugees but this is just despicable . And as refugees in another country you have to be grateful for the country helping you ... This is just low on all human levels . Fuck these ppl and all the harm they do. I hope they realize their actions mean ppl are going to end up more averse to helping refugees in need . Truly despicable . Really really sad and unfair and cruel to both the homeless person and to refugees in need .



Well, they're refugees because a refugee "is a displaced person who has been forced to cross national boundaries and who cannot return home safely".

They're also criminals.

I'm sure they're other things too (since most people are a lot of things).
Title is pretty misleading and sensationalist as fuck. They didnt set the homeless man on fire.

.......throwing a burning object onto a 37-year-old man, setting fire to his bedding.

........He was uninjured but his belongings were destroyed.

Homeless man himself was fine and unhurt.
Things I've seen people do the homeless...

Shove them
Spit at them
Throw beer onto their bedding
Had their dog kicked numerous times

Setting fire to them is just...fucking hell.

We really need to educate people and stop the spread of the idea that homeless people are failures who don't deserve any kind of human dignity of respect.Seems that line of thinking has even extended to people who have literally fled for their fucking lives. Pretty fucking depressing.


Unconfirmed Member
oh for fucks sake. this will not make it easier for refugees who want to integrate into german society and are good people...shit like this fuels right wing propaganda.


Things I've seen people do the homeless...

Shove them
Spit at them
Throw beer onto their bedding
Had their dog kicked numerous times

Setting fire to them is just...fucking hell.

We really need to educate people and stop the spread of the idea that homeless people are failures who don't deserve any kind of human dignity of respect.Seems that line of thinking has even extended to people who have literally fled for their fucking lives. Pretty fucking depressing.

I think that if one has to be teached that this is not ok then they're a lost cause already. No one is like "Wait WHAT? OH I can't do that?! Oh shit I had no idea" in things like these.
Title is pretty misleading and sensationalist as fuck. They didnt set the homeless man on fire.

Homeless man himself was fine and unhurt.
You are ignoring this part:

Police had been searching for the attackers since Saturday when a group of people was seen throwing a burning object onto a 37-year-old man, setting fire to his bedding.
Passers-by, including a train driver with a fire extinguisher, rescued the man from the flames.

The guy was sleeping there and they set a fire to his bedding. That's the same as trying to set him on fire.

If someone shoots a gun at you, but misses, he still tried to kill you.


Title is pretty misleading and sensationalist as fuck. They didnt set the homeless man on fire.

Homeless man himself was fine and unhurt.

Not sure what your agenda is, but article makes it clear he was set on fire and rescued by strangers, one of which had an extinguisher
Neogaf REALLY needs new policies on posting threads related to news articles. We have the thread full of people who didn't read anything and are suddenly experts, spouting out ignorant shit.


It just occured to me, but wait, there are homeless people in germany? How? They have like a ton of refugees that I assume they house and provide for? How come there are homeless people?


Junior Member
I don't think it will make different if we correct the story, because they still set the fire no matter how it went.
Neogaf REALLY needs new policies on posting threads related to news articles. We have the thread full of people who didn't read anything and are suddenly experts, spouting out ignorant shit.
Burning stuff was thrown at him, setting his belongings on fire. Other people helped the guy before he got burned.

Either way, they attempted to set the guy on fire.

It just occured to me, but wait, there are homeless people in germany? How? They have like a ton of refugees that I assume they house and provide for? How come there are homeless people?
There are homeless people everywhere. I imagine it is because they a) aren't registered anywhere in Germany, so don't get help b) get lost in the bureaucracy or c) don't seek out help.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Neogaf REALLY needs new policies on posting threads related to news articles. The article says only his belongings were set on fire while the title says the homeless man was, and we have the thread full of people who didn't read anything and are suddenly experts, spouting out ignorant shit.

Your stealth edit suggest that you yourself have not read the thread...
I think that if one has to be teached that this is not ok then they're a lost cause already. No one is like "Wait WHAT? OH I can't do that?! Oh shit I had no idea" in things like these.

You can't be sure what these people are learning at home, so forcing them to go through compassion/empathy lessons might not be such a terrible thing.
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