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Germany: Seven refugees arrested after a homeless man was set on fire

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Neogaf REALLY needs new policies on posting threads related to news articles. We have the thread full of people who didn't read anything and are suddenly experts, spouting out ignorant shit.

They set the fire.

Jesus Christ, some people are just ignorant.

My whole family in Denmark now consists of Syrian refugees.

These guys ruin it for the rest.


It just occured to me, but wait, there are homeless people in germany? How? They have like a ton of refugees that I assume they house and provide for? How come there are homeless people?

Guessing it's pretty much the same reason there are homeless in the US: mental illness and addiction
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.


Neogaf REALLY needs new policies on posting threads related to news articles. We have the thread full of people who didn't read anything and are suddenly experts, spouting out ignorant shit.

According to the article they attempted to set the man on fire. They failed but it's enough.


that'll show 'em
Unless they're total scum, it just might. People generally don't attempt horrific crimes against those they empathize with. A key part of existing peacefully in society is having the empathy to respect others and care about their well being.

They wouldn't get to that place overnight, but maybe a year or two of directly engaging with the needy would realign their perspective somehow.


Gold Member
It just occured to me, but wait, there are homeless people in germany? How? They have like a ton of refugees that I assume they house and provide for? How come there are homeless people?
we do have homeless shelters, but not that many. for the refugees they built new shelters and also used sports halls as shelters..

Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Shit like this happens all the time
you're right. setting homeless people on fire is a german tradition.
Glad none of you guys are judges here in Berlin. Some shameful posts in this thread that you would expect in the comment section of The Sun's Facebook page. These kids did a terrible, terrible thing but I'd certainly prefer to see them brought to reason and resocialized as opposed to punished with an iron fist. People this young are not lost yet.
Unless they're total scum, it just might. People generally don't attempt horrific crimes against those they empathize with. A key part of existing peacefully in society is having the empathy to respect others and care about their well being.

you are aware we are talking about two people who set fire to a homeless man's belongings while attempting to light him on fire, right

Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.

so this shouldn't be reported because it's refugees who committed the crime? and you really think that no one gives a fuck when white germans do bad shit? what kind of fucked up thinking is that
Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany.
The news was reported internationally before it was known they where refugees. It is because of the earlier incident in the Berlin metro with the woman who was kicked of the stairs (by a Bulgarian, not refugee) which got a lot of attention. This happens all the time, that the news then reports related incidents if the occur.

And we do get a lot of reports about incidents like this from around the world. When someone pushes someone in front of a metro in the US - if I remember this right a year or two ago - it made news here in Europe.

This is not because of some anti-refugee agenda. It made headlines before the photos of the perpetrators where even released.

Glad none of you guys are judges here in Berlin. Some shameful posts in this thread that you would expect in the comment section of The Sun's Facebook page. These kids did a terrible, terrible thing but I'd certainly prefer to see them brought to reason and resocialized as opposed to punished with an iron fist. People this young are not lost yet.
Ages 15 to 21. Some of them are not kids. And even at 15 you probably know setting someone on fire is not something you should be doing.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
I honestly don't think it matters if the actual clothing he was wearing was caught on fire or not. If it was on video, this thread would have people arguing things like "The bed was on fire, but that little piece of his sleeve that caught isn't enough to call him on fire"

They tried to catch a man on fire, that's all I need to know.


It just occured to me, but wait, there are homeless people in germany? How? They have like a ton of refugees that I assume they house and provide for? How come there are homeless people?

There are quite a few homeless people who refuse to live in homeless shelters. Help is offered to them, but they don't want to.


Junior Member
Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.
Because Germany as a country allowed them asylum they are held to higher standards because Germany is trying to help . Some serial killer goes wacko in the other side of the world you don't care apart from feeling bad for the victims . you take a teenager in to your family because he/she is destitute he/she ends up murdering your friends vs your uncle/cousin sis ends up murdering your friends . One you didn't choose you were born into one you choose to help . It's natural to feel more dissapointed by one over the other .


Absolutely terrible, obviously, but what does them being refugees have to do with anything? Refugees are just people fleeing a terrible situation; doesn't mean they also can't be criminals and/or terrible people. People, refugee or not, breaking the law should get punished but this doesn't and shouldn't have anything to do with Germany taking in refugees.


Neogaf REALLY needs new policies on posting threads related to news articles. We have the thread full of people who didn't read anything and are suddenly experts, spouting out ignorant shit.


It just occured to me, but wait, there are homeless people in germany? How? They have like a ton of refugees that I assume they house and provide for? How come there are homeless people?

They could get financial support but then the government may demand them to work or get help for issues such as drug addictions etc. From what I've read/seen, some simply choose to remain homeless. Yet, there are homes for homeless people and during winter time, some subway stations remain open at night.

Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.

I'm sorry to tell you, but at least in Germany setting a homeless person on fire is not normal. This is a top story on all German media these few days. And you should know that Deutsche Welle is the English-language PBS of Germany, while Sueddeutsche is one of the most renown German-language newspapers.


Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.

News agencies have a whole different vocabulary when discussing crime committed by minorities, people blindly eat that shit up. Them being refugees shouldn't be a focal point in the story, it just adds fuel to the fire and subtracts from talking about the abhorrent act itself
you're right. setting homeless people on fire is a german tradition.

What is this supposed to be? Are you implying that this is expected behaviour from refugees? No, setting homeless people on fire isn't a German tradition. It's not a tradition anywhere.

What the fuck is wrong with these refugees? Seriously?

What do you mean with "these" refugees?

I'm sorry to tell you, but at least in Germany setting a homeless person on fire is not normal. This is a top story on all German media these few days.

There have been much more gruesome news about crimes committed by Germans in the last few months, neither of them received much attention by an international audience. This is bullshit.
Ages 15 to 21. Some of them are not kids. And even at 15 you probably know setting someone on fire is not something you should be doing.

15-21 is kids. Legally even. All of them are Young Offenders. Moreover, you've got to be kidding me when you think these people are in an age impossible to be shaped any further.

WHY THE FUCK are there so many incidents in Sweden and Germany concerning refugees. Its really, really scary.

Because there are more refugees now than ever and because there is more media coverage for everything. Berlin's (and Germany's) crime numbers are way down compared to 20 years ago.


Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.

News agencies have a whole different vocabulary when discussing crime committed by minorities, people blindly eat that shit up

You're right, clearly the refugees are the true victims here


Junior Member
Absolutely terrible, obviously, but what does them being refugees have to do with anything? Refugees are just people fleeing a terrible situation; doesn't mean they also can't be criminals and/or terrible people. People, refugee or not, breaking the law should get punished but this doesn't and shouldn't have anything to do with Germany taking in refugees.

How does this logic work in your head . I help a poor man who is starving . The man now well fed beats the shit out of me . Random person I walk into on the street beats the shit out of me l they are not the same situation . I would be more willing to forgive the random person than the man I helped who betrayed my trust and kindness .... This is some mental gymnastics on the lefts side . We can agree this can happen but being held to a higher standard as refugees is also okay .
Gemüsepizza;227247991 said:
What is this supposed to be? Are you implying that this is expected behaviour from refugees? No, setting homeless people on fire isn't a German tradition. It's not a tradition anywhere.

he very, very, very clearly isn't saying that. he's sarcastically referring to the fact that it's being reported on because it's such a weird and "one off" thing to happen. stop trying to make him look like a racist.
Absolutely terrible, obviously, but what does them being refugees have to do with anything? Refugees are just people fleeing a terrible situation; doesn't mean they also can't be criminals and/or terrible people. People, refugee or not, breaking the law should get punished but this doesn't and shouldn't have anything to do with Germany taking in refugees.
They are giving a safe place to stay, a roof over their heads, food, education, healthcare. And these six pay it back by then committing crimes. Of course the reaction is different then. If you help someone, you expect them to make the best of it, instead of doing things like this.

15-21 is kids. Legally even. All of them are Young Offenders. Moreover, you've got to be kidding me when you think these people are in an age impossible to be shaped any further.
When you are 21, you are not a kid. That line is at 18. And at that point - and before - you know that things like this are wrong. Are we seriously going to defend people trying to set a homeless guy on fire because they are young?


Gemüsepizza;227247871 said:
Lmao. Why the hell is this a thing on foreign/international websites? Shit like this happens all the time, but when a German guy murders his wife or when young German men beat up someone, nobody really gives a fuck. But hey, let's spread more fear of refugees!! It's not like there are over a million of them living peacefully in Germany. Oh wait, there are.

Why would people want to hear about a homeless person being set on fire.

Crimes committed by foreigners brought in under the umbrella of aid will draw greater attention. It's an inevitability. You're allowed to live there on the goodwill of the natives, you don't kick them in the balls as a way of thanking them.


Junior Member
They are giving a safe place to stay, a roof over their heads, food, education, healthcare. And these six pay it back by then committing crimes. Of course the reaction is different then. If you help someone, you expect them to make the best of it, instead of doing things like this.


Deport them back to their cointry all refugee's that commit crimes should be sent back to where they came from. Not worth it paying taxes for them in jails in europe.
When you are 21, you are not a kid. That line is at 18. And at that point - and before - you know that things like this are wrong. Are we seriously going to defend people trying to set a homeless guy on fire because they are young?

No, I am not. Why do you even ask? I oppose stupidly harsh punishment for kids to appease the bloodlusting public. Thankfully, German judges tend to pass sentences within reason.
No, I am not. Why do you even ask?
Because it reads like making excuses for them because they are young, while there are no excuses for behavior like this. You probably don't mean it that way, but that's how it comes across a bit.

Gemüsepizza;227248119 said:
The over one million innocent refugees living peacefully in Germany are indeed victims when selective reporting will increase hate and violence against them.
This is not selective reporting, since the story was already reported on before it was known they were refugees. Probably because earlier incidents in the Berlin metro that got coverage worldwide. You are reading an agenda into this story, but in this case there isn't one. It is just following up on earlier reports, and they happen to be refugees committing the crime.


Pieces of shit, people like those are definitley ruining it for the rest who just want to live a safe and secure life outside of the war zones they come from. I befriended two refugees from Syria and the stuff they told me was outright crazy, I admire them for being able to look into the future with the positivity they have.
Refugees who are willing to do sick shit like this need a one way ticket to their respective country, they're abusing the opportunity to live a new life elsewhere.


I'm dreading New Year's Eve already, last year's sexual assaults started this whole shit show, at least on a wide, public scale. The situation could become quite explosive even without fireworks.
Your stealth edit suggest that you yourself have not read the thread...

I'm not speaking of the title/article content or my mistaken impression that they attempted only to set his bed on fire.

I'm talking about users on Neogaf posting articles that only contribute to warping the reality of certain current events. Refugees in Europe is a sensitive subject, these kinds of stories don't help them.


Not these shitty people of course, but the overwhelming normal behaving refugees living in everyday society, that the unnecessary fear mongering headlines like this affect.
So let's avoid reporting terrible crimes committed by refugees? Is that really what you're asking?

They lit the guy on fire. Nothing sensational about the headline.

He was lucky enough to be saved by someone who happened to have a fire extinguisher

Da fuck is wrong with you man


Gold Member
Gemüsepizza;227248119 said:
The over one million innocent refugees living peacefully in Germany are indeed victims when selective reporting will increase hate and violence against them.

Not these shitty people of course, but the overwhelming normal behaving refugees living in everyday society, that the unnecessary fear mongering headlines like this affect.

Sooo, news sites should just ignore refugee crimes? Or should they leave out the "refugee" part?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Glad none of you guys are judges here in Berlin. Some shameful posts in this thread that you would expect in the comment section of The Sun's Facebook page. These kids did a terrible, terrible thing but I'd certainly prefer to see them brought to reason and resocialized as opposed to punished with an iron fist. People this young are not lost yet.

Germany cannot be the world's resocialization center. We are entitled to expect the utter minimum of social functioning from people who want to become part of our society. Everybody get's a chance. But that doesn't mean that we have to trade in the safety of our own citizens to give somebody a second chance, who does not see it as obvious that setting a person on fire for shits and giggles is wrong and just plain stupid. It's not a matter of revenge, it's matter of pragmatism. There are limits to what a society can be expected to invest.

I suspect that quite a few people who take the moral high ground in the face of such stories (and liberally throw around emotional appeals) probably also asked themselves why the government was not able to deport those people with known issues who, by the lack of luck, managed to actually hurt or kill somebody. These people can't have both and should make up their mind.
I'm not speaking of the title/article content or my mistaken impression that they attempted only to set his bed on fire.

I'm talking about users on Neogaf posting articles that only contribute to warping the reality of certain current events. Refugees in Europe is a sensitive subject, these kinds of stories don't help them.

I don't see warping of reality, there are a small proportion of refugees committing these crimes. That is fact.


you are aware we are talking about two people who set fire to a homeless man's belongings while attempting to light him on fire, right
I know they're morally reprehensible. I'm suggesting they clearly have an empathy problem that could possibly be fixed. Some of the nicest people on Earth are reformed scumbags. You can do a lot of good when you've experienced the dark side of human nature and chosen the path that repudiates it.


This is not selective reporting, since the story was already reported on before it was known they were refugees. Probably because earlier incidents in the Berlin metro that got coverage worldwide. You are reading an agenda into this story, but in this case there isn't one. It is just following up on earlier reports, and they happen to be refugees committing the crime.

Then why make that detail apart of the headline? It's pretty clear what they're doing. Seven men doesn't sell the story as well as seven refugees


A country take in refugees because it sees it as a moral/legal obligation not out of the kindness of an entire population's hearts. That certainly makes it admirable but refugees shouldn't have to live in a state of constant gratitude because they received asylum somewhere. And if a refugee acts criminally you treat them as they should: as a criminal breaking the law, not as an ungrateful guest. Of course some refugees will act criminally, some people always will in a large enough population. Just because they're refugees doesn't make it worse than if a natural born citizen does it.


News agencies have a whole different vocabulary when discussing crime committed by minorities, people blindly eat that shit up. Them being refugees shouldn't be a focal point in the story, it just adds fuel to the fire and subtracts from talking about the abhorrent act itself

Well, they cannot just shove such issues related to immigrants/refugees under the carpet. It is only going to fuel right-wing criticism of media having an agenda on this issue. Previous incidents where media or police tried hiding the criminals' origin already led to right-wing folks call media "Luegenpresse", which basically means "lying media" in English.

Gemüsepizza;227247991 said:
There have been much more gruesome news about crimes committed by Germans in the last few months, neither of them received much attention by an international audience. This is bullshit.

For example? Would be best to provide some examples to know what you are getting onto here. You mean the guy who tied his wife with a rope to his car and started driving, and thus nearly killed her?

And nothing will really happen to them.

This is also true. Police are increasingly fed up with how lenient judges are in Germany.

Yeah, they just set the place where he was staying on fire. Amazing defense.

They set the newspapers, which covered him, on fire.
Then why make that detail apart of the headline? It's pretty clear what they're doing. Seven men doesn't sell the story as well as seven refugees
Because it is part of the story. If it was seven extreme right fascists, it would probably be in the headline also. It is an important detail. But the story didn't start out as such.

By not reporting it, you are asking to stop reporting then the perpetrators happen to belong to a certain group.
Are we seriously going to defend people trying to set a homeless guy on fire because they are young?

They're not defending them because they're "young", they're defending them because they're refugees. They'd much rather play down the actions of those 6 sick fucks so that they can continue with their "Everything is fine" agenda.

Guess what? I'm 21 and know that setting people on fire is a no-no. Fucking shocker, right?

El Topo

Then why make that detail apart of the headline? It's pretty clear what they're doing. Seven men doesn't sell the story as well as seven refugees

Pretty sure other such events, e.g. last year's incident in Alsdorf, also got a thread at GAF (and coverage) though. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't actually know what WILL happen to them, but based on how these cases typically go? More or less nothing, is my prediction.

We have a much more severe case from last year for reference.
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