Black Republican
Out May 23rd DVD/Blu-ray
i guess we may have seen some of the deleted scenes in the initial trailer ( Skeleton Deer, Mask?)
Either way day 1 for me, supporting great original work!
i guess we may have seen some of the deleted scenes in the initial trailer ( Skeleton Deer, Mask?)
After making bank at the box office, Jordan Peeles directorial debut Get Out is headed for home release next month. The film stars Daniel Kaluuya as a young black man who accompanies his white girlfriend (Allison Williams) on a visit to her parents house that starts out awkward and gets viscerally horrific. Get Out earned critical aplomb for its interweaving of horror and racial commentary, but the DVD and Blu-ray have even more surprises for viewers.
Get Out hits digital HD on May 9, then arrives in Blu-ray, DVD, and on demand form on May 23. Among other things, the Blu-Ray and DVD editions of Get Out will feature deleted scenes and an alternate ending, all with commentary from Peele. Fans of the film know that its ending strikes a very delicate balance, so it should be interesting to see what else Peele had in mind at another point. There will also be a feature commentary and a behind-the-scenes making-of feature, along with a Q&A discussion of the film with Peele and the cast hosted by Chance the Rapper. Chance has made no bones about his love for Get Out, even buying out an entire theater in Chicago during its release weekend so others could see it for free.
Peele has also been active in engaging the movies fans, putting his stamp on jokes and explaining tidbits about the films mythology. Peeles wife, Chelsea Peretti, also had an amazing response to a question about whether Get Out was informed by their real-life experiences. We were so hurt to see our family secrets exposed in this documentary, she joked.

Either way day 1 for me, supporting great original work!