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Getting better at Smash Bros.


I've been playing Smash Bros. lately, and although I'm not as hardcore as some might be (with play time), I still find it strange that I'm not getting an noticeably better.

Does anyone know links to guides that might help improve general skill with the game (so less for specific characters). I mean stuff like when is generally a good time to use the in-place dodge (down block). The whole blocking strategy I rarely use because it usually fucks me more than it does help me.


Unconfirmed Member
play human opponents as often as you can. The end.

Look at a specific character guide on gamefaqs when you want to know some of the quirks that are not self apparent.


I suck at the game (I think I've only completed about half the events, and I doubt I ever will beat all of them), but I've still had a shitload of fun with it.
Fight three level 9 (with handicap level 9 while you're at 1). That will get you good fast. Or break your GC controller. Either way it's something that will occupy your time.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Smash attacks are your friend! Same with aerial dodging and dodge-rolling. It's all in the timing.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Experimentation is the key. Though each character uses the same control scheme, their approach to combat vastly differs, particularly when it comes to item use. Some are more proficient at range attacks, others are more tuned to the short game. Memorizing their unique abilities and knowing when to use them is key. Know what moves are direct, which ones are built for crowd control, etc... It all boils down to 'timing' and experience much like ANY competent fighter.

Blocking and roll dodging becomes an integral part of play once you find yourself taking on competent opponents. I use it constantly in my game. Those triggers are your friends, you wouldn't play Virtua Fighter 4, or Street Fighter without ever blocking would you?

If you don't have any skilled friends around, jack up the AI to 7-9 levels, or make serious progress in the Event challenges. They will largely kick your butt, however it is a great tool to help conform to advance maneuvers and survival skills.

If you are truly a new player, begin with Smash attacks; one of the most useful and integral moves that every character takes advantage of. Once you have that nailed down to a science, then start worrying about the unique B-button stuff.

Gunning in and button mashing works about as well as doing the same in any other fighter. Learn to think and plan ahead and you will bear witness to one of the greatest brawlers ever conceived.


Good reflexes is a good way to get good at SSB and SSBM. You have to think up countermeasures againsts attacks, and knowing what the best method of striking back is. Should you use a firearm/fireball/whatever and then run in for a strong hit, or throw some smaller hits and a larger one? Should your opponent be attacked from the back, front, top or bottom? Etc...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
If you really want to be good but don't want to work at it, and don't mind everyone hating you, start using Jigglypuff and use down-B over and over. ;D That's what I do when I'm bored. ^_^


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
It is an automatically-charged smash attack, but a weak one. If you can time fully-charged smash attacks correctly you'll be a lot better off.


One of the best sites on the net:

Check out the FAQs on Gamefaqs, especially the in-depth Character FAQs. When you are getting better learn all the Meteor Attacks your characters have. For example Samus A-down, A-down aerial. A lot of players have a meteor attack aerial A-down (Marth, Mario, Young Link, Falco etc). Don't only roll and shield but also use the dodge! But honestly, the Meteor Attacks are one of the most important moves in the game so use them!

Which characters do you play most?


needs to show more effort.
whenever I was bored, I just played event 51 until I could beat it with every character. That seemed to help a good amount.


needs to show more effort.
also, as with all fighters, normals are better than specials. Force yourself to play over and over without letting yourself sue the B button.


slayn said:
whenever I was bored, I just played event 51 until I could beat it with every character. That seemed to help a good amount.

I always use Purins Rest Attack on Giga Bowser. :)


I've been a loser at SSBM up until afew months ago. My advice is to practice and unlock stuff(you wont be ale to get 100% its too big a game :p :( ). Reading guides can be useful. Make sure you understand the basics! Dont over rely on specials and use them properly. The guides will tell you many special tricks for each character.


Sorry for the late reply, wasn't around. Thanks for all the comments. I'll check out the links. What I find a little frustrating is that when I play the CPU players on level 9 (and I do beat them... not always but mostly... haven't mustered the courage to do a 3 against 1 though) it seems that I just can't get any combo in. For example I'd somehow manage to hit him 2 or 3 times with the regular A combo and before I can manage anything there I go flying off, because he was faster at doing some really big move.

Another examle would be the CPU player is pummeling me with the standard A attack (such that I'm off the ground). Nothing I ever try to get out of that situation works to my advantage: if I even tap the block I get grabbed, special moves are to slow, and IIRC I tried arial dodge once but got smashed as I landed.

I guess these are the kind of things I was more interested in. What's the general fighting style? Would it be like playing street fighter where you go in slow land a hit, try another in a kinda safe situation (when I'm playing with Charlie in SFA3) or more like when I play KI where it's the one that just pummels more than the other wins? When I try the first I get totally owned as it seems my "openers" suck, and for the later the opponent always manages to land way to many powerful moves (there's no "in-combo" like in KI where you're relatively safe to do your stuff).

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
It varies greatly because the variables can vary greatly. There is no pure playing style. You size up your opponents, learn their repertoire and adapt. Think about what moves they can be pulling off on you at any given moment. Some are difficult to break through(Shiek's rapid-punch for example) Some foes like Ganon can be devastating up close, others like Zelda/Samus very irritating at a distance.

I hope you are at least having fun...?


sure, I love the game. It's just that when I'm playing I feel like a total n00b (although I'm not a one as is clear when I do play with some :)

It doesn't seem to me as if I'm really in control over what I'm doing... but then again I guess things like not jumping when I want to do an upward attack, or running when I actually just want to walk, or doing a front+A move after I've done a triple A combo (most of the time I just end up doing a combo again in which case the opponent trashes me)... are really things that just come with practice.

As for the Q I forgot earlier: I like to play with Samus. I love Mr. Game & Watch although I'm not that good with him. Then Luigi, Roy and Link. I pretty much cycle through the characters though except for a few like Yoshi (argh I do double jumps way to often and that doesn't work quite well with him), Falco and Fox (way to fast for me).

I usually play co-op Melee though. I love co-op.


sarusama said:
sure, I love the game. It's just that when I'm playing I feel like a total n00b (although I'm not a one as is clear when I do play with some :)

It doesn't seem to me as if I'm really in control over what I'm doing... but then again I guess things like not jumping when I want to do an upward attack, or running when I actually just want to walk, or doing a front+A move after I've done a triple A combo (most of the time I just end up doing a combo again in which case the opponent trashes me)... are really things that just come with practice.

As for the Q I forgot earlier: I like to play with Samus. I love Mr. Game & Watch although I'm not that good with him. Then Luigi, Roy and Link. I pretty much cycle through the characters though except for a few like Yoshi (argh I do double jumps way to often and that doesn't work quite well with him), Falco and Fox (way to fast for me).

I usually play co-op Melee though. I love co-op.

Samus is great. She's devastating at long range combat. Hold right or left for a long time and hit B. Then she releases lock-on missiles. Her Meteor Strikes are nasty too. A-down while kneeling and A-down aerial. Combine this with her stunning B Attacks and you're up for a great time with her.
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