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Ghost in the Shell |OT| I was born in the sea of information

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You don't get to bring friends.
Average Rating: 5.8/10
Reviews Counted: 58
Fresh: 35
Rotten: 23

Start making bets on whether it'll be in the 50's or 60's when all is said and done now.

Don't even bother. I provided him with a list of possible actresses yesterday and he basically handwaved them all away.

All good, I worked on the damn movie so I can safety say I think I know a bit more of the inner details of this movie for this context

El Topo

That's not what the original post stated. They weren't saying that sexism isn't an issue in Hollywood.

Nah. To claim that "not a single person will question the viability of Scarlett Johansson or of white actresses leading movies" is just utter nonsense and downplays sexism. I'm not implying any maliciousness by the poster.
You will *always* have people question the bankability or viability (of groups or individuals), as dumb as especially the former concept is, when/if a movie bombs. As you point out correctly, women of minority arguably have it worst, but that doesn't mean one should pretend that (white) women don't face challenges, even if a lot smaller. I'm just a bit allergic to that kind of comment, so apologies if I come off a bit aggressive. Not my intention.


Chris Rock was speaking on race and he had a good point related to this (he was talking about baseball though). He said something to the effect of the true measure of equality is when a minority is allowed to fail.

A white actor stars in a movie that bombs and it's for every other reason, and has absolutely no bearing on the viability of other white actors in the future. A minority actor in the exact same, and they are the reason and it negatively affects prospects for completely different people who only share the same race.

Of course you wouldn't

We are reaching a point where women are being allowed to fail somewhat lol. I remember around 10 years ago where I checked out Deadline and women were posting scorching comments about Hollywood not having female leads (while putting CGI cats and dogs as leads in crappy family movies). It's all about money and the risk perceived in casting x person (or animal lol) for a lead role. Since 2011 or so, Hollywood is seeing a lucrative and consistent market by casting white women in leading roles so they will offer them chances.

They do not see a profitable market for Asian actress, so they evaluate the risk as being extremely high which = too high. You had Hollywood executives continually citing Supergirl (1984), Tank girl (1995), Cutthroat Island (1995), Elektra (2005) and Catwoman (2004) as objective data which indicated that women were box-office poison (or The Princess and the Frog to validate that black women = profit killers ). With this kind of rationale, it's easy to understand that we are a way off from seeing asian males and females in leading roles (they couldn't even trust Jacki Chan to carry movies by himself because of his english so he needed a co-lead and he's easily the biggest Asian star of the last 30+ years).
All good, I worked on the damn movie so I can safety say I think I know a bit more of the inner details of this movie for this context

Hey, same here :)

...On the vfx side myself.

Just came into the thread to see all the hubub.

We were calling cheese the entire time lol.

*Goes back to read the the thread*


The big lie is that people won't go see a film unless the lead is white.

This isn't really the argument, the argument is that people won't go see a film unless the lead is famous, which is not entirely false.

The problem is that minorities have a much harder time getting to that famous status, and lose it much easier.

But as for this movie, being released this year, there are not a lot of choices of famous enough action actresses, the mere fact that it's a female lead already reduces that pool. It's fucked up? Yes. But if your answer is "just don't even make the movie" then there is really nothing to argue about, is there?


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Just read about the third act reveal that's going to piss a lot of people off.

Huge spoilers here:

I rarely get into third act reveals. But as was the case with ”Passengers," it's necessary to discuss the vile story lurking beneath the slick ad campaign. When Major discovers her past, she finds out she's actually Japanese. Her name was Motoko Kusanagi. She has a living mother who speaks English with a heavy Japanese accent. Her childhood bedroom is decked out with Japanese knickknacks, as if it's a souvenir shop for tourists. Major is secretly Asian! And still, the filmmakers felt totally comfortable casting her as white. This reveal hits in waves of ”no they didn't" that don't peak when Kuze discovers he's also actually Japanese (”Your name is Hideko!"), but when Major visits her own grave, then embraces her mother as if to say, ”It's cool. I'm your rebooted white daughter! I test better globally."


You don't get to bring friends.
Hey, same here :)

...On the vfx side myself.

Just came into the thread to see all the hubub.

We were calling cheese the entire time lol.

*Goes back to read the the thread*

Woo it's nice to know someone else was thinking cheese the entire time. Especially the twist in the third act...
Nah. To claim that "not a single person will question the viability of Scarlett Johansson or of white actresses leading movies" is just utter nonsense and downplays sexism.

If you generalize it to all minority groups, not just racial, then my point holds for women, does it not? I simply chose to focus on racial minorities, because the effect on them is much clearer to see and because they face unique problems on top of being women.

If they're going to cast a movie with a female lead, GITS bombing won't negatively affect Johansson's chances, or Jennifer Lawrence's, or Margot Robbie's, or Emma Watson's, or Emma Stone's. However if they had cast an Asian actress and it bombed, you can be sure it would affect every other up and coming Asian actress.
Just read about the third act reveal that's going to piss a lot of people off.

Huge spoilers here:

I rarely get into third act reveals. But as was the case with “Passengers,” it’s necessary to discuss the vile story lurking beneath the slick ad campaign. When Major discovers her past, she finds out she’s actually Japanese. Her name was Motoko Kusanagi. She has a living mother who speaks English with a heavy Japanese accent. Her childhood bedroom is decked out with Japanese knickknacks, as if it’s a souvenir shop for tourists. Major is secretly Asian! And still, the filmmakers felt totally comfortable casting her as white. This reveal hits in waves of “no they didn’t” that don’t peak when Kuze discovers he’s also actually Japanese (“Your name is Hideko!”), but when Major visits her own grave, then embraces her mother as if to say, “It’s cool. I’m your rebooted white daughter! I test better globally.”

That is pretty bad honestly, Its like they seen the backlash and decided to put oil on it. Ill still watch it when it airs on syfi in a year of two from now but at of all the ways they could of handle it they choose an amnesia route. If they really wanted scar jo I would have went the route the anime movies did and have the Major swap shells repeatly in the film.

El Topo

If you generalize it to all minority groups, not just racial, then my point holds for women, does it not? I simply chose to focus on racial minorities, because the effect on them is much clearer to see and because they face unique problems on top of being women.

If they're going to cast a movie with a female lead, GITS bombing won't negatively affect Johansson's chances, or Jennifer Lawrence's, or Margot Robbie's, or Emma Watson's, or Emma Stone's. However if they had cast an Asian actress and it bombed, you can be sure it would affect every other up and coming Asian actress.

See, I disagree on their chances. I think it is safe to say that even white women still face challenges when it comes to Hollywood, be it their wages or their roles. They are much, much better off than minority women though and I don't doubt at all that if an Asian woman was the lead it would have even more of an effect (assuming this bombs). I still think that, in particular when it comes to big budget (action) movies, even white women still are often seen as less viable. Just look e.g. at the discussions about female superhero movies.


You don't get to bring friends.
That is pretty bad honestly, Its like they seen the backlash and decided to put oil on it. Ill still watch it when it airs on syfi in a year of two from now but at of all the ways they could of handle it they choose an amnesia route. If they really wanted scar jo I would have went the route the anime movies did and have the Major swap shells repeatly in the film.

But we don't want to confuse people, I mean we have to spend time to explain what the title means a few fimes and we cannot afford to spend more time explaining it again and again damnit! :p
What do you gain by defending Hollywood's antiquated thinking?

I actually review actors. It's my job. I work in a movie media. I do not care about race or other traits in my reviews as they're not something that show skill. I review and treat them equally. I have never been called a racist because of my reviews or the news work I write daily. I've been called sexist and a "clickwhore", but never racist.

That's why I can safely ask for people to name one Asian-American actress who can do a niche sci-fi blockbuster, because I cannot name a single one. That is not racism, the problem is elsewhere.

Isn't it alarming to realize that there are not even semi-big Asian-American actresses at the moment? That's not because of racism, there just aren't anyone. There are the likes of Fukuhara and such, but they still need to prove their grandiousness to get big leading roles in blockbusters. I would love to se Fukuhara some more.

It's actually a news worthy issue. Maybe a column to ponder where are all the Asian-American actors. Too bad I don't work anywhere near Hollywood nor in English. We only write about our own actors and actresses and our quite tiny movie scene.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Isn't it alarming to realize that there are not even semi-big Asian-American actresses at the moment? That's not because of racism, there just aren't anyone. There are the likes of Fukuhara and such, but they still need to prove their grandiousness to get big leading roles in blockbusters. I would love to se Fukuhara some more.

How dense can you be? Honestly. People in this thread have been arguing since page 5 that there aren't "semi big Asian-American actresses" BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT EVEN GIVEN THE OPPERTUNITY TO BECOME SEMI-BIG BECAUSE OF RACISM IN THE INDUSTRY.

But we don't want to confuse people, I mean we have to spend time to explain what the title means a few fimes and we cannot afford to spend more time explaining it again and again damnit! :p
Lol, really it sounds like the director did this just to spite people by drawing attention to the fact they cast Major as a White person. If that is the case than thats is a very shitty thing to do.
See, I disagree on their chances. I think it is safe to say that even white women still face challenges when it comes to Hollywood, be it their wages or their roles. They are much, much better off than minority women though and I don't doubt at all that if an Asian woman was the lead it would have even more of an effect (assuming this bombs). I still think that, in particular when it comes to big budget (action) movies, even white women still are often seen as less viable. Just look e.g. at the discussions about female superhero movies.

Okay, well it's more accurate of me to say they won't be affected to the same degree as a minority woman would. I mean the fact that we can easily list off well known white actresses that have led movies, and are young while you look at minorities and we have...Lupita Nyongo? Zoe Saldana? Viola Davis?

Hell Lupita's biggest roles after 12 Years a Slave, which should have been for her what Winter's Bone was for Lawrence, has been a CG character in Star Wars and a lead role in Qween of Katwe. It's shameful.
So what? That does not make me a racist. I have the exact same right for my opinion than you.

My question is very simple: are there or are there not Asian-American actresses at the moment who can pull out ScarJo sex appeal, brand appeal and that skillset? If the answer is no, then the problem is everything else than racial. If the answer is yes, then it might be a racial issue. Can you finally give me a simple answer (maybe with a name) or are you afraid to recognize that your rant and agenda is flawed against GitS?

I have not said a single thing about the racial issues in Hollywood. They're real. I'm just questioning this blind fucking rage against GitS, because I cannot name any Asian-American actresses who can star a 120 million niche sfi-ci flick made from obscure manga and anime.

Blockbuster filmmaking is calculating the risks and then trying to minimize them. I would have made the same decision if I would have put 120 million of my own money into a movie like GitS. There's no top tier Asian-American actresses at the moment. I would not risk my money on a no-name b-list actress. That's not racism, it's rational business.

The answer is a yes.

You're not a racist, but you definitely like to stubbornly stick to your opinion and go on about a meritocracy fallacy in Hollywood towards nonwhite representation while unknown and untested white actors with little acting or action experience get roles all the time. It's not rational, it's risk averse to the point of self-fulfilling fallacy.

All these unknown white actors and actresses get chances despite being risks (some haven't even starred in TV!), but the same isn't extended to nonwhite talent for feature films? How can they become A-list actresses before they're even given the chance? Do you understand how illogical that sounds? All the A-list actresses you know now weren't built-in to be stars, they had to be given chances. Like Scarlett Johannson back in the early 00s when she starred in indie but eventually recognisable films like Ghost World.

Just because you can't name Asian American actresses that would fit a $100 million movie, doesn't prove your point because you're not any more of a studio exec as any of us are.

Here's a few more, and these are strictly Japanese American actresses (cause there are a lot of Korean and Chinese American actresses but let's stay authentic for now) who have acting experience in the USA, and some of them have martial arts or dancing choreography that would help in action roles. Remember also, every untrained actor in an action role gets enough training to be good enough.

Sophie Oda (The Suite Life, NCIS: Los Angeles, Big Bang Theory, plenty of theatre experience)

Tao Okamoto (The Wolverine, Batman vs Superman, The Man In The High Castle, Hannibal)

Kimiko Glenn (Orange Is The New Black, Nerve, Waitress, Broad City, Law and Order SVU)

Hayley Kiyoko (CSI Cyber, The Vampire Diaries, Insidious, Jem and the Holograms, Blades Of Glory)

Gina Hiraizumi (Tokyo New York, Castle, Flash Forward, Shark, Juilliard alumni)

In a previous post of yours, you agreed Karen Fukuhara and Rinko Kikuchi could become the Major. Of course they could, especially Rinko who has enough acting and action role experience.

There's also the Korean actress Doona Bae, who has enough acting and action role experience e.g. Sense8



Isn't it alarming to realize that there are not even semi-big Asian-American actresses at the moment? That's not because of racism, there just aren't anyone. There are the likes of Fukuhara and such, but they still need to prove their grandiousness to get big leading roles in blockbusters. I would love to se Fukuhara some more.

It's actually a news worthy issue. Maybe a column to ponder where are all the Asian-American actors. Too bad I don't work anywhere near Hollywood nor in English. We only write about our own actors and actresses and our quite tiny movie scene.

Steven fucking Yeun, a fan favorite actor fresh off SEVEN seasons of one of the HIGHEST RATED SERIES ON TELEVISION, still has to read for the same fucking bit roles as Bobby Lee.

Thats where the Asian American actors are, fighting over scraps. Because apparently even being part of the main cast of one of the most popular shows on television doesn't mean shit.


Hooper X "Underneath Vaders beautiful black visage is a crusty old white man! Saying deep down we all wants to be white!"

Banky "Well isn't that true?"
How dense can you be? Honestly. People in this thread have been arguing since page 5 that there aren't "semi big Asian-American actresses" BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT EVEN GIVEN THE OPPERTUNITY TO BECOME SEMI-BIG BECAUSE OF RACISM IN THE INDUSTRY.


Show me the proof that they're not being auditioned properly. I can then show you how most actors and actresses can't really act for their salary. There's only few people in every decade who can really rise into legendary stardom with their own skills.

You do not put these unknown names to star 120 million productions. You'll start from elsewhere. You might not have the skills, but then you better have the looks or go skinny dipping in every other movie you're on or fuck your way up there. There's plenty of opportunities and some of them are sickening, but they're there for the people with less skill. That is the Hollywood. It's sick and horrible. We all know that. It doesn't make me racist to pinpoint it out, it's bloody obvious.

Sex sells. ScarJo is sex, some random Asian-American actress is not sex.
So give me a name. It's that simple.

You keep pulling out this argument as a way to artificially simplify the situation at hand. You refuse to acknowledge that Asian actors are not given the same opportunities as white actors at any level of the Hollywood pyramid. As a result, hey can't build the same skill sets or brand appeal over a career as white actors are able to. Therefore, you simply don't see Asian actors on the level of stardom that Scarjo has reached. If they don't get anywhere with their careers, then nobody knows their names.

You are either willfully ignorant or trolling.


The movie hasn't even opened lol, it's like you want it to fail, but then again it wouldn't prove anything, you can't say an unknown lead would have brought more butts to the seats.

It has opened (officially as of last night), and they've already projected the box office for the weekend.


Steven fucking Yeun, a fan favorite actor fresh off SEVEN seasons of one of the HIGHEST RATED SERIES ON TELEVISION, still has to read for the same fucking bit roles as Bobby Lee.

Thats where the Asian American actors are, fighting over scraps. Because apparently even being part of the main cast of one of the most popular shows on television doesn't mean shit.

I'm completely in agreement with you but TWD is known for uber cheesy soap opera acting, and Glenn, a fan favorite, had scant range - he is best known for being lowered as bait into a well, being Maggie's love interest, and having multiple fake-out deaths. He's a fan favorite because he's been around since the second episode. I can completely understand why he, in particular, still needs to read for large parts. There was no diversity in his performance.
Giving the lead role of a huge blockbuster to an actress whose biggest role was being in ten episodes of the Suite Life of Zack & Cody ten years ago seems smart.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sex sells. ScarJo is sex, some random Asian-American actress is not sex.

Will you eat this crow if GITS bombs in the box office?

Or do you feel like shifting these goalposts as well?

Let's see how much "sex sells" in a week's time.


You don't get to bring friends.
Lol, really it sounds like the director did this just to spite people by drawing attention to the fact they cast Major as a White person. If that is the case than thats is a very shitty thing to do.

Well the director did say the original movie is "too deep" for current audiences and I honestly think it's a case where the writers were thinking they were being clever but not realizing how it looks
It has opened (officially as of last night), and they've already projected the box office for the weekend.

Doesn't it open tonight? Those of us that saw it last night were all at, I believe, advance screenings.

EDIT: In the US, I mean.


See, I disagree on their chances. I think it is safe to say that even white women still face challenges when it comes to Hollywood, be it their wages or their roles. They are much, much better off than minority women though and I don't doubt at all that if an Asian woman was the lead it would have even more of an effect (assuming this bombs). I still think that, in particular when it comes to big budget (action) movies, even white women still are often seen as less viable. Just look e.g. at the discussions about female superhero movies.

The fact remains that they are making a remake of Ocean eleven with a female team after Ghostbusters (2016) underwhelmed. You know that ten years ago, the upcoming Ocean 8 would of been scrapped without any hesitation. :p I don't think the Beauty and the beast live adaptation is even close to making 1 billion + if it were made 10 years ago. Heck, I remember when posters of rotten tomatoes were shook over the success of Twilight (wait a minute, women watch movies on their own!? o_o; ). :p Frozen and Hunger games really expended the market (not to mention the proliferation of female lead comedies). The lucrative audience for female led movies actually exist, and Hollywood know it so women (mostly white) are in a position to absorb failures.

Heck, DC / Warner Bros probably credit the success of Suicide Squad in large part to Margot Robbie / Harley Quinn. My reasoning? They are already going forward with a Batgirl movie with Josh Whedon as the potential director. Why are they making a Batgirl movie in the first place? Because they think it's going to make them a profit.
I actually review actors. It's my job. I work in a movie media. I do not care about race or other traits in my reviews as they're not something that show skill. I review and treat them equally. I have never been called a racist because of my reviews or the news work I write daily. I've been called sexist and a "clickwhore", but never racist.

That's why I can safely ask for people to name one Asian-American actress who can do a niche sci-fi blockbuster, because I cannot name a single one. That is not racism, the problem is elsewhere.

Isn't it alarming to realize that there are not even semi-big Asian-American actresses at the moment? That's not because of racism, there just aren't anyone. There are the likes of Fukuhara and such, but they still need to prove their grandiousness to get big leading roles in blockbusters. I would love to se Fukuhara some more.

It's actually a news worthy issue. Maybe a column to ponder where are all the Asian-American actors. Too bad I don't work anywhere near Hollywood nor in English. We only write about our own actors and actresses and our quite tiny movie scene.
How can you be this delusional


Doesn't it open tonight? Those of us that saw it last night were all at, I believe, advance screenings.

EDIT: In the US, I mean.

No, Friday openings (which started in the morning anyway) have become Thursday evening (not even midnight) openings.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Well technically the spider tank from the first movie is in this as well as part of the climax.


I bought my IMAX ticket earlier today when it was at 71%. Down to 60% now. Doh! I'm actually not concerned that I'll enjoy it, but that's sort of funny to see. Usually if you see something with 50 reviews or so already, there's not a huge variation from that point on in terms of the score. There's been a deluge of bad reviews though it seems.


I'm completely in agreement with you but TWD is known for uber cheesy soap opera acting, and Glenn, a fan favorite, had scant range - he is best known for being lowered as bait into a well, being Maggie's love interest, and having multiple fake-out deaths. He's a fan favorite because he's been around since the second episode. I can completely understand why he, in particular, still needs to read for large parts. There was no diversity in his performance.

The role being discussed in the article was a five line bit role for a "stoner movie". Also, since when has acting ability (I thought he was pretty good in Walking Dead, but to each their own) stopped Hollywood from casting popular actors in movies? Are we just gonna forget that Hollywood tried to make Seann William Scott a thing for a long time because people liked him in American Pie?
If this film opens at 25 million, it probably won't return the investment right?

That would be a shame as far as anime adaptations go.

On the other hand, the whitewashing in this move genuinely sounds awful.
The role being discussed in the article was a five line bit role for a "stoner movie". Also, since when has acting ability (I thought he was pretty good in Walking Dead, but to each their own) stopped Hollywood from casting popular actors in movies? Are we just gonna forget that Hollywood tried to make Seann William Scott a thing for a long time because people liked him in American Pie?

Hell, we live in a world where CHRIS PRATT went from a supporting cast member of a network comedy show to a mega movie star
Will you eat this crow if GITS bombs in the box office?

Or do you feel like shifting these goalposts as well?

Let's see how much "sex sells" in a week's time.

I've said since the beginning that ScarJo (or any other high profile actress) is damage control. GitS is as risky as Jupiter Ascending, but luckily it's at least good.

ScarJo brings at least the MINIMUM while some random actress won't do even that. That is the sex appeal.

GitS will not probably flop, it will at least break-even because of China and overseas. It is one of those movies. It will flop in box office though. At least I hope it won't flop, because I want to see the sequel.

There is no crow to be eaten. Flavor of the month sex is purely damage control. Either it works or it won't, but at least you get the minimum back. We'll see in few weeks.

How can you be this delusional

There are no delusions. Only thoughts and questions.


It's nice how you take them out of context. Makes you look really smart and powerful.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I've said since the beginning that ScarJo (or any other high profile actress) is damage control. GitS is as risky as Jupiter Ascending, but luckily it's at least good.

I still don't get this. In this age of 80s/90s nostalgia and reboots of classic properties how in god's fucking name is GitS risky? The GitS aesthetic is literally Blade Runner run through the cultural filter of the 90s.

Do you want to know what would be risky? A Hollywood adaptation of Laputa: Castle in the Sky. This... this is not risk. At least, it's not risk by any reasonable definition of the word "risk". Certainly not as risky as an original furry space opera starring Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum.


I still don't get this. In this age of 80s/90s nostalgia and reboots of classic properties how in god's fucking name is GitS risky?

Regular people looking to wolf down popcorn and suck down soda don't want long conversations about existence and human agency in their movie about fightin' robot people.
I still don't get this. In this age of 80s/90s nostalgia and reboots of classic properties how in god's fucking name is GitS risky? The GitS aesthetic is literally Blade Runner run through the cultural filter of the 90s.

Do you want to know what would be risky? A Hollywood adaptation of Laputa: Castle in the Sky. This... this is not risk. At least, it's not risk by any reasonable definition of the word "risk".

I mean, I'm absolutely not out here to be in agreement with Amaterasu, but I feel like you are vastly overestimating the cultural cache that GitS has in America, in 2017.
I've said since the beginning that ScarJo (or any other high profile actress) is damage control. GitS is as risky as Jupiter Ascending, but luckily it's at least good.

ScarJo brings at least the MINIMUM while some random actress won't do even that. That is the sex appeal.

GitS will not probably flop, it will at least break-even because of China and overseas. It is one of those movies. It will flop in box office though. At least I hope it won't flop, because I want to see the sequel.

There is no crow to be eaten. Flavor of the month sex is purely damage control. Either it works or it won't, but at least you get the minimum back. We'll see in few weeks.

JA was much more of a risk as it was a completely new property. GitS has name recognition and a built-in fan base already. Also, JA is not only better than GitS '17 but shits on it from space while wearing anti- gravity skates.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Regular people looking to wolf down popcorn and suck down soda don't want long conversations about existence and human agency in their movie about fightin' robot people.

Well they cut all that out!
I mean, I'm absolutely not out here to be in agreement with Amaterasu, but I feel like you are vastly overestimating the cultural cache that GitS has in America, in 2017.

I'm talking less about the brand and more about the aesthetic, which is mostly 80s cyberpunk but cleaner lines. I may be misjudging modern audiences but it seems like 80s/90s nostalgia is pretty big? Am I just deluded? Audiences are even used to female AI/robots thanks to Her and Ex Machina now.

Remove the name from the equation. You see marketing and promotion for a cyberpunk revenge story starring ScarJo as a kickass police robot. Does this really seem like "risk" to you?
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