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Ghosts. Real, or a figment of our imagination?

Do "ghosts" have to be scary?

My aunt was the victim of a home invasion in the 90s. Their house was out in a very rural area, and her husband and kids were all away. A transient man forced his way into the house and kept her at the kitchen table, under implied threat of using the gun he had on him.

She was there with the man for a half hour or so, talking and terrified, when she says she felt a protective presence appear behind her, and she suddenly felt like everything was going to be okay.

Immediately after and not before that feeling, the man just...changed his mind and left. My aunt was shaken up but unharmed physically.

I've not had a paranormal experience that I couldn't explain away rationally, but I believe my aunt and that something was watching over her that day.


Golden Boy
Animated GIF


I’ve always been super wishy washy on ghosts until I got to work in a few older municipalities with longer serving staff/volunteers. I’m now 100% certain after spending a day with them.


I’d say ghosts are pretty common, if you haven’t seen one chances are you know someone who has.

The experience is nothing compared to sleep paralysis though if you’re looking for terrifying supernatural shit.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I think there are spirits bound to the earth. I don’t think there are huanted places. I think there are places where demons and dark forces. Ghost not really.



The ancient Egyptians believed the soul could revisit Earth in different forms. Early transhumanism investigation as evolutionary advantage.


When I was in my early 20’s, I was in my room. I know for a fact I was not remotely sleepy (as it was only 8:00 or so), just sitting down and reading. Suddenly I hear a soft but clear voice go, “hello”. I turn, thinking I left my TV on or something, and find myself looking at a young girl, probably 8 or 9, with somewhat short black hair. I stared for like two seconds before racing to my right and then out the door so I wouldn’t have to run right by her, but I looked before slamming the door and she was still there though she was turning around to face me again. When I calmed down, I opened my door and she was gone.

I didn’t mention this to my parents. My dad will never believe in that stuff (or so he says, he did go with my mom on a tour to a certain haunted location, and my mom said he was clearly uneasy being in certain rooms), and my mom would potentially freak out. So I never mentioned it to them, and I only told my friends who don’t speak with my parents (as they live 30 minutes away and I always drive to meet them to hang out as it’s more reasonable than having all of them drive down to meet me).

Then two or so months later, I hear my mom scream for me from the large bathroom that connects to their bedroom. I rush in and she says she saw a girl run past behind her while she was at the sink, seeing the girl in the long mirror that goes across the two sinks. I ask her what the girl looked like, and my mom proceeds to give a description that sounded exactly like what I had seen.

I didn’t tell her what I had seen to avoid freaking her out, but did tell her most ghosts if they exist seem to usually not harass or threaten the people in the home and the girl hadn’t done anything malicious yet so we should try to accept it as a natural part of the house. While none of us saw her again, my mom would occasionally hear footsteps upstairs when she was the only one home, and one time she found two couch pillows in the kitchen which was like 15-20 feet from where the couch was and my mom knows she didn’t move them into the kitchen of all places herself. But beyond that, nothing.

And to clarify further, we have no idea who this girl could possibly have been. There were only one group of prior homeowners before my parents, and they did not have a daughter nor did anyone pass away in the house while they lived there. My sister, who was away at college at this time, did not resemble the girl plus my sister had and kept long brown hair well before and after she was 8 or 9 (the presumed age of the ghost girl). No one else my mom and I both know resemble or once resembled this girl.

So yeah, I feel very confident I, and my mom, saw a ghost.
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I had a creepy incident as a kid. While playing basketball in my driveway, I thought I saw my Uncle Ron out of the corner of my eye turning a corner leading to our front door. When I chased after him to greet him, there was no one there, so I went inside and asked my mom where Uncle Ron was. She said he wasn't here, so I brushed it off and went back to playing basketball. Later that evening, we got a call that my uncle had died in a car accident. Maybe it was just my imagination, but my mom remembers that incident and said it was my uncles sprit visiting us one last time.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I posted earlier about when my youngest son passed away his older brother who was 2 and half at the time started waking up in the middle of the night and he would play and giggle with someone even though he had never done that prior to his brother passing away. In my previous post I forgot to mention that we would ask him who he was playing with and he wouldnt hear us or even look at us as if he was in a trance. I would call his name several times and nothing then one time snapped my fingers and he came around and that's how we would wake him up. Him playing with someone in the middle of the night lasted a few months and since then he sleeps like a rock. I don't believe in anything but that was strange and I have no explanation other than his brother visiting him.
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Had a dream where my mom unlocked the door in the middle of the night and came into the house wearing a gown except that she was already upstairs and standing right beside me.

The fake one was slowly coming up the stairs like the IT Follows movie.

When it got within arms length of me, I woke up gasping for air.

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