Selling my space of "I listen to X, Y, Z" podcasts.
Kidding. I did write in all the Premium ones even though they can't have ads. I did also write in Match 3 for PK even though the other dude says "vibe" too much for my liking.
Also, thank god humor isn't dead and I can say I'm going to burn a comment and it doesn't blow --- no, nevermind.
Lastly, I went to E3 1999. It was excellent. Dreamcast came out, a lone PS2 was kept in a glass pyramid, and nobody knew Episode 1 sucked yet. Star Wars Racer was projected on a 60' screen and you sat in a surround sound seat to play it. Jake Lloyd was there AND PEOPLE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT. I saw The Matrix at Mann Chinese and said hi to the Star Wars line. John Romero stayed in our hotel and he drove a fast red car.
11% 35-44, 29% married, 13% have kids (16% DINKs, nice, enjoy it folks.)