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Giant Bomb #25 | A Fun Time with Friends

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But wait, it doesn't count on this map because the rules are different. It's about being in a crowd of people, you see, that changes everything. And the game is super janky.

But he's very good at this game at home. I promise.

my fave is when Brad gets testy about how he totally knows how the minimap works, it's just hard to look at things during playing because of reasons. And consistently fails to read the minimap, still.
my fave is when Brad gets testy about how he totally knows how the minimap works, it's just hard to look at things during playing because of reasons. And consistently fails to read the minimap, still.

I don't need to tell you guys, or most people who play this game, that if you don't have time to read the minimap, you are fundamentally fucking up playing this game.

Vinny's never even played that level before and he was just fine up until the weird decision to use the crowbar instead of anything lethal, but I'll give him that one as something you might not pick up on until you've put a lot of hours in.


bish gets all the credit :)
They had an entire category on Taco Bell on Jeopardy today.


Dan would have run the table.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The more I play DOOM the more impressed I get. Some of the fundamental decisions in this game are just brilliant in their simplicity. I'm playing it and I'm asking why they haven't been making them like this for the last decade


Junior Member
The more I play DOOM the more impressed I get. Some of the fundamental decisions in this game are just brilliant in their simplicity. I'm playing it and I'm asking why they haven't been making them like this for the last decade

Came to say the same, this game is SO good, every encounter feels better than the last one.


That Hitman segment was fun, but I'm already seeing signs of how they'll undeservedly knock Hitman in GOTY talks.

-Brad makes a guy suspicious and walks 10 feet away from him and is shocked when an alert goes off. He should've ran to the other side of the map immediately and gotten his pickup and he would've been fine.
-Jeff fails to see the dot behind him on the map and blames the shots on going through the wall instead of a soldier coming down the stairs.

But it's the game's fault for being janky and the map being bad, nevermind the fact that Elusive targets rely on map knowledge and even Brad and Dan barely know how it works. Hitman is a game of systems and rules, and it gets dismissed as janky or clumsy by people who don't fully understand the systems or the rules. Don't get me wrong, the game can be rather janky at times, but not in their cases.

It was a fun segment idea and I'm glad they're all so high on the game, but they should've let Vinny and Jeff play around in Marrakesh a bit beforehand, maybe follow some opportunities.


That Hitman segment was fun, but I'm already seeing signs of how they'll undeservedly knock Hitman in GOTY talks.

-Brad makes a guy suspicious and walks 10 feet away from him and is shocked when an alert goes off. He should've ran to the other side of the map immediately and gotten his pickup and he would've been fine.
-Jeff fails to see the dot behind him on the map and blames the shots on going through the wall instead of a soldier coming down the stairs.

But it's the game's fault for being janky and the map being bad, nevermind the fact that Elusive targets rely on map knowledge and even Brad and Dan barely know how it works. Hitman is a game of systems and rules, and it gets dismissed as janky or clumsy by people who don't fully understand the systems or the rules. Don't get me wrong, the game can be rather janky at times, but not in their cases.

It was a fun segment idea and I'm glad they're all so high on the game, but they should've let Vinny and Jeff play around in Marrakesh a bit beforehand, maybe follow some opportunities.
They've done that in the past with several other games. Hitman is more complex than, say, a Doom, and can be janky at times, so when weird shit you don't currently have a grasp of happens, it's easy to lean towards, "Oh, well, that's clearly the game's fault." I've done it a few times with games.

So yeah, Hitman never had a chance for GB GOTY. As many times as they've played it on screen, they're just too busy to see enough of it and understand it. Doom is simpler to grasp and is fantasic, so it'll win.

Fortunately I've been able to see and learn 95% of what Hitman has to offer, over the course of 2016, and it's definitely my GOTY.


Just noticed that after 7 years Jeff finally edited this 2009 post listing his 47 (now 48) favorite games of all time to add one more game:
Super Mario Maker, duh.

I stumbled across it earlier this year and assumed it was just an old post that he'd never update considering the most recently released game on the list before that was Persona 4 (2008), but huh, I guess he's kinda maintaining it.

Just one game from the last seven years, though? And only 7 of the 48 were released after 2000. At least Freedom Fighters made the cut (so good).
Watching the Hitman segment after my attempt. At least I got further than the four of them. Some jerk hiding in the dark caught me changing after I assassinated the target and it went downhill fast.
I only had paris for most of the elusive target stuff. Being able to try the target, then see Giant Bomb do it is a huge value add, I hope they keep doing it.

Angel of Death was my second target and I managed to SA her. Marrakesh is a lot more restrictive than the other levels, I've tried so far though. So many crowds and guards all over the place.

I'm finally fully settled here in Brighton, been a week and a few days so far now. Bought fuck tons of furniture, assembled them, got a TV, hooked up my consoles, bought groceries and did all sorts of shit(got a bus card, apartment.etc). So far it's a lovely city, damn cold though since where I come from(Kuwait) is very warm. In my free/resting time I've been lurking and posting here and there on GAF/Twitter. Caught up on everything Giantbomb though from podcasts to videos, I wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't for my phone and charging cable.

Got to visit the Pier(the perfect place to relax) and thinking about going to Seven Sisters & Devil's Dyke later this month. It also seems like a diverse place since I've talked with people from all walks of life. What shocked me the most though was the bus system and how it is for the most part connected all over the city, like to the point that you don't even need to own a car to get to pretty much wherever you want and the best part about it? It's fucking quick and consistent. Another thing is visiting Sainsbury's(big ass supermarket), I was surprised to see there were already done refrigerated food? Like I've never seen a complete chicken, fully seasoned and done in a wrap. Shit weirded me out lol.

Anyways, I'm fully back now that I'm settled for good. Excited for this part of the year since GOTY is happening, Jefflrs turn into Bombin' the A.M, All cast UPF and top 10 lists from a variety of great people.

Everyone I know who was into Darksiders 1 didn't really enjoy 2.

I loved both with 2 just slightly more than the first one because that game has some good ass dungeons.

I love the shirt, got one.

Wait, where are you jintor where 100kbs is considered good? I'm not in NBN but on my plan I still regularly get 2MBs/S.

Back in KW, I had 2Mbps down and 600KB up. Here though? 50Mbps down, 12Mbps up which is fucking insane to me. Usually for me downloading 5GB+ of game updates takes hours but now? it's in minutes. Still won't stop buying physical though.

I'll never be disappointed to have Austin show up on the Beastcast

YES. If there's one thing I could say is that when he said he'd visit the BEASTcast every now and then, he meant it and I'm glad because I do enjoy Austin being there a whole bunch.

So, guys, tell me about Dan's new book. I'll read it at some point, since I liked Anxiety as an Ally, but I'm looking for someone to push me over the edge. Hype me up, someone.

Dan sent a script to Ted Nugent which revolved around a young Morgan Freeman trying to join The Allman Brothers Band.

Just finished Firewatch. That was disappointing.

I loved the first half but only liked the second half. I think it's a good game overall but it could have been way better. First half is certainly stronger than the second.

ratchet and clank is pretty good you guys

It's REALLY good.

I bought Mirror's Edge: Catalyst and ReCore on sale

together maybe they can be a fun time

ME is the better game in the end but both have problems. However, be prepared to ask how the fuck Recore is an exclusive game? Because it feels nothing like an exclusive game. However, I did enjoy the game for the most part. The first half is much better than the second half and what I love most about Recore is that it's janky but it's the kind of jank where you think you shouldn't be able to climb here but the game is totally ALRIGHT with you doing so.

Best Soundtrack should be Thumper.

Best soundtrack for me is a real tough one. Doom, Thumper, Rez Infinite, Hyper Light Drifter, Final Fantasy XV & Mafia 3. All are good to great.

The real robbery would be steins gate 0 not winning best story.

The only problem with Steins Gate and it's a problem I find when I recommend it to anyone is you really have to stick with it for the first few hours/episodes. Once you do that though? You'll get awarded in spades. I loved the show, much more than I thought I would. I would love to get 0 but damn, going through many games right now but I'll probably get it in JAN after finishing from TLG.

Want to finish REremake tonight.

I just got to the lab.

How much longer do I have? I know I am close but am I in the back 3rd or the back fifth?

An hour or less. Just to note, the game can be done in less than 3 hours if you know what to get and where to go.

I loved The Witness but the puzzles in the mountain can go fuck themselves. Making stuff hard to see and actually uncomfortable to look at was a really poor decision imo. I started looking up solutions there because I don't think I was going to get through it otherwise.

YES. I do agree I felt that it was kind of funny at first but as you progress within the mountain it gets obnoxious as fuck.

I will say HDR sounds like it is still some wild west bullshit right now.

Maybe the next wave of TV's will make that process a little more automatic in the future. Way too much settings fuckery now.

Yes which is why I haven't bothered to tamper with the settings on my LG when it comes to HDR except for removing all the BS effects(soap opera effect, dynamic contrast.etc)

Tales From the Borderlands was p good

It was great to be honest.

Kojima sure loves his b-list celebrities.

For those that are doubting Madds, watch Jagten(The Hunt). It's an amazing film.


"Why are you yelling?"

"I get paid to be excited"

This was one of my favorite moments of the TGA's. Whenever Tim Miller came up on screen after that, I keep laughing.

I love the goty skits and its some of the easiest content to share with friends who havent heard of the site because theyre fairly quick and self contained

Yeah, I love them because they are mostly harmless, goofy and charming in their own ways. I never had the feeling like they were trying hard or whatever but aside from that we all know why we're here. For them GOTY deliberations, skits are just the cherry on top for me.

Sometimes I wish Giant Bomb was just a Patreon-supported YouTube channel.

No thanks.

I don't know that you want to set expectations so high. I'm sure people thought a UPF with Kessler and Snider wouldn't be bad.

It was fantastic. Worth it for the opening.


Can't wait to watch UPF, this shit seems like it turned into AGDQ/SGDQ.

e: With GOTY talks happening here, I have to give a shout out to a game on my list(I haven't completed the list because I want to play TLG first to see where it'll fit if it even does). That game is..



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