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Giant Bomb #25 | A Fun Time with Friends

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all it took for a quality UPF is for everyone to be in the same studio

I'm excited to see the hitman tomorrow (can't watch UPF right now)... I completed it in one minute today on my second attempt lol, silent assasin. Felt good to complete my first but definitely feel like I didnt do it the "right" way heh. Hopefully someday they will allow us to replay elusives.

Mr. F

Just catching up now. Steep still looking bland as fuck I see.

edit: also Im surprised at 0 crack-ups so far from Brad, so much good stuff with Vinny in VR.
I don't think Jeff realized that staircase was there until it was way too late. Vinny going nuts with the crowbar hahaha, was literally screaming VINNY NO

Well so much for that, that was pretty entertaining though haha
Brad stands directly in view of a guy with a dot over his head, five feet away, is somehow shocked that things went pear-shaped. Calls the game super janky.

But guys, he got really good at Hitman.
But wait, it doesn't count on this map because the rules are different. It's about being in a crowd of people, you see, that changes everything. And the game is super janky.

But he's very good at this game at home. I promise.
The knives are out, dang.

What a great UPF. Man, a really unexpected gem.
Internet kinda crapped out for me at the end of the show. Any news or announcements about next week? More GOTY filming?
They just mentioned how they were a bit behind, but in a positive way, they're actually gave off a very positive tone when discussing it.
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