Why play games to see the story when you could just read the Wikipedia summary and then dismiss them?you gotta actually play it to see why it is so cool
Why play games to see the story when you could just read the Wikipedia summary and then dismiss them?you gotta actually play it to see why it is so cool
It's actually Doom or you want it to be Doom?
It gets into some weird ass time distortion at one point and all the villains you fight are basically out of Running Man complete with showy finishing moves when you beat them. Besides that a significant amount of the game is in a prefab housing facility so you riding around in half built homes going up walls and shooting people. It's bonkers.
It's strength is not the writing it's the scenarios.
The next Mario Party is the last big one.
They can do 9 and 10 on the same stream, the games are 45 minutes each board at the very longest. They have time.
Also you cowards not spilling the 2nd doc smh
Also you cowards not spilling the 2nd doc smh
I'm going to be honest here and say yeah I still don't know
"I'm pretty positive about booty in general."
Well we now know Alex is all about the booty. which of the other duder's are about that booty life, you guys think? Jeff? Drew?
Is this a weird question? Is it the weekend yet?
What? That ain't right. Nintendo! Why did you have to ruin Mario Party Party!
This one doesn't answer the question but
Man I wish John Drake was an everyday thing for meThat was as Hollywood-esque a World Series if there ever was one. If that was the end of an inspirational sports movie, it would be seen as so improbably fake and scripted. Congrats to the Cubs (and their fans) and sympathies to the Indians (and their fans). Klepek, Drake, and Vignocchi are understandably thrilled right now. Especially Klepek and Drake, who in 2016 also had a kid and got married, respectively. Patrick said people were fistbumping Jessica.
If Dan were to prank John and not fear retaliation, now would be the best time.
If Dan were to prank John and not fear retaliation, now would be the best time.
Sounds like Vinny found the shield combo that absolutely breaks SotN.
Did the Cubs really win? Or did Dan use all of his powers to stage a fake World Series ending and then get Fox to switch to a tape during the commercials.
paul and alex
I thought everyone was talking about the World Series of Poker.
Are there even international teams competing in this baseball thing?
My god....Are we going to get Paul talking to Vinny about being a dad now?I just realized something: we are going to get Vinny and Paul Ryckert content
Sounds like Vinny found the shield combo that absolutely breaks SotN.
Is this mostly about the missing dismemberment or is something else going on?Man half the news from the Berserk game has been sketch as fuck. Koei is on some shit.
That announcement trailer was straight up nasty.
Adam Boyes is the CEO now. Dave Lang is a smart man.Isn't Lang like a CEO and he's doing a 24 hour (and has done it in the past)
That's crazy
Also you cowards not spilling the 2nd doc smh
The sick kids fucking made Dan and Brad, they better appreciate them!!No Dan or Brad streams really sucks. They need to put their lives to the side and be team players.
and you just know they'd both do solo 24 hour streams if it was to benefit guinea pigs or Waluigi smhThe sick kids fucking made Dan and Brad, they better appreciate them!!
Not sure what's supposed to be so terrible about this? This is 80 hours of streaming. Do you not like two thirds of Giant Bomb?
I'd watch a solo stream of Dan beating Dark Souls III in his inimitable way.
Luck had nothing to do with the success of Dan's Dark Souls run.Patrick kind of already did the 'luck my way through the Souls games' run