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Giant Bomb #27 | http://cbsinteractive.com/careers

I'm just stunned at how THE SAME everything looks like in Andromeda compared to the original trilogy.

They have a
-Citadel equivalent
-Normandy equivalent
-planet scanning
-The same exact races for party members
-an ancient threat antagonist
-a Prothean equivalent
-same combat UI
-same menus
-same conversation wheel

I guess I was just expecting something more different. Hopefully the jump jets add a lot to the combat.

Agreed completely. I was really hoping for more innovation :\
All I want from Andromeda is that the MP is an expanded version of ME3's.
Totally the best part of ME3.

Yep. Really looking forward to them showing it in one of these weekly videos. Devs have spoken here and there about the multiplayer, but we've quite literally only seen ~3 seconds of footage.

The single player could be garbage and I wouldn't mind at all as long as the multiplayer is as good as it was in 3.


Unconfirmed Member
So now the multiplayer part is what draws people to a Bioware game. What a timeline we're in.
So now the multiplayer part is what draws people to a Bioware game. What a timeline we're in.

I mean, it's to Bioware's credit that Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was such a runaway success; it really is fantastic. If they're chasing action games now, they're at least starting off on the right foot. (Minus DAI.)


So now the multiplayer part is what draws people to a Bioware game. What a timeline we're in.

The darkest of timelines. Thanks to Kickstarter I am still getting my spiritual successors to the infinity engine games, so I am good I guess.
Agreed completely. I was really hoping for more innovation :

Remember when at one point they said it would be all new races?

I get the fear that not including Asari or Krogan would alienate the fan base, but they didn't have to go and make them party members too. Just have a few NPCs from the old races running stores or something.

I haven't actually followed the game much outside of seeing the occasional screenshot in a few places. Is there really an ancient evil in the game like the Reapers?


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I played MP to get readiness and thought it was atrocious...

I haven't actually followed the game much outside of seeing the occasional screenshot in a few places. Is there really an ancient evil in the game like the Reapers?

That's what Brad said in the ME video
Boy I hope Brad is wrong, because I swore not having an ancient threat or Protheans was another big talking point for Bioware at some point.

There may be more, but based on the information out there now the extent of the "ancient aliens" is simply their remnant technology, which serves as a third weapon type. I'd never put it past them not to blow it, but I think it's too early to sound the All Story alarm.
That's what Brad said in the ME video

I think that the primary antagonist of the game is named Archon, and that he's a member of the Kett, which is a currently existing race. The same leaks that suggested the Andromeda Initiative was started to flee the reapers (which was wrong) mention a precursor race, and Brad's right that there are 3 types of guns (Milky Way, Helios, and "Remnant"). Remnant sure sounds like an ancient thing, but they'll probably be handled differently than Protheans.
Yakuza 0 better not get Bloodbourne'd in GOTY talks. I know East will fight for it but we gotta get Jeff and the others on board.

It deserves all the accolades it's getting.

Actually I just had a thought. Kiwami also comes out this year. Could be very interesting which Yakuza they fight for.

That's some sweet ass content, here's an update.



If it wasn't for Jeff that QL would have been ZzZzZzZz which is a shame because I was looking forward to the game but it just looks so bland and underwhelming.


Digging how this looks. Looking forward to it especially since I skipped on ME3, only played 1 and 2. My favorite is 2 because it's the one where I felt most attached to my team thanks to the loyalty missions.


That's most of Yakuza for ya. Underrated series in the West.

Yes. I'm glad 0 is getting all this exposure so that newcomers could jump in. Especially the people who thought Yakuza was "dumb" or "stupid". Can't wait for the remake of the first game


I love the UPF style unfinished of mass effect. I wish they did all their videos like this. Makes every day feel like friday.


Nintendo fans doesn't like Bakalar. What's worse? Anime or Nintendo fanboys?

Hopefully we will get more views on Horizon and Switch on the beastcast tomorrow.



It's just a dumb unboxing!

I'm sure there is some reason people love to watch other people unbox stuff, like some part of the brain gets activated or something by seeing a box being opened but maaaaaan. It's just an unboxing. Just anohter part of YouTube culture I don't get.


Before the preview thread I would've said Anime, but man, as a huge Nintendo fan myself, I may have to say Nintendo fanboys

I thought that thread would be fun for some drama but man, it was just toxic as hell.

They've got one of the episodes on the Seeso YouTube page. It thought it was pretty great. I'm gonna watch the rest of them tonight, I think.

Oh neat, I'll have to check it out.



I could have just paid 60 bucks for the Wii u Zelda but instead I paid like 400 bucks and now the controls may not even work.


I love the UPF style unfinished of mass effect. I wish they did all their videos like this. Makes every day feel like friday.

Usually I'd agree but this video was a bit flat for my liking. It wasn't even new footage afaik.


Nintendo fans doesn't like Bakalar. What's worse? Anime or Nintendo fanboys?

Hopefully we will get more views on Horizon and Switch on the beastcast tomorrow.

They are the same people.



It's just a dumb unboxing!

I'm sure there is some reason people love to watch other people unbox stuff, like some part of the brain gets activated or something by seeing a box being opened but maaaaaan. It's just an unboxing. Just anohter part of YouTube culture I don't get.

It's fairly clear that anyone complaining about the quality of the presenter or video has never actually watched a CNET video nor know who Jeff Bakalar is. It's just a bunch of Switch locusts moving from YT vid to YT vid, devouring anything remotely related to the new Nintendo console.

Unboxing vids are also real dumb most of the time:
Here's the box and the thing and these other things. Cool, right guys?! Let us know how you feel by like/comment/subscribe! For more coverage, come back to BlargVids.zone in the near future for more shit.
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