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Giant Bomb #9 | More Dan Meets The Eye

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CBSi had them on a tight budget leash for a long time there. Odds are that even now when the purse strings have been loosened, most of the budget went to getting GBeast up and running. Think of how much equipment they had to buy for that site.

Also, hey, Jeff bought that thing off a shady Japanese site and a dude welded the thing together himself. I can sort of get CBS not having a standard form to fill for that.


"Just be a dude or be a lady. Wear a normal person shirt and normal person jeans" - man who wears American flag pants while watching wrestling
Dan is EXTATIC ANGRY in that video.

Giant Bomb X will take place hundreds of years after Giant Bomb where Duder X and Peego fight the GameBomberick forces led by Langma.

Yeah, but it had a different writing team behind it, and went with a "Dudebros in high school doing cute things" deal with alot of QTEs that turned off old fans.
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