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Giant Bomb are bringing back the Endurance Run... and it's Shenmue.

I bet lots of people there know exactly where the warehouse is but don't feel like spending time talking to the local weird kid who practices karate alone in the murder park after dark.

this entire game is Socially Inept Teenager Simulator 2000

two questions

1: are you watching this endurance run

2: are you enjoying this endurance run


I cannot believe a relatively minor step in an investigation chain has caused this much debate.

The warehouse is just an example of how broken the NPCs are. They can only think in terms of the question and nothing else. Its like they are singing the alphabet song but stop after each letter to hear the next one from the one guy that knows.

I do enjoy how broken they are because the duders have to deal with it but that doesn't make them less broken.
It's not like there isn't crossover somewhere, but this thread is a garbage fire of inflammatory comments from all-comers.

Like, shit dude.

I mean when the game's most ardent defenders are saying things like "I found it confusing, weird, plodding, with bad dialogue, and weird controls after my first session", the rest of us are just baffled at why the same people are getting so mad at Giant Bomb for basically the same outlook on it.


It's not even known as the warehouse district though, so again, what are you even talking about?

EDIT: And yes, I know the jacket guy drops the phrase "warehouse district" once , as "a warehouse district?" not "THE warehouse district". One guy going "oh, maybe there's one?" is not "OMG EVERY NPC SHOULD KNOW THIS".


I loved Shenmue at the time, but watching this is painful, and not just because they don't know how to play. I don't know where the warehouses are in my town, but if you asked me about warehouses I could tell you more than "I DONT KNOW WHAT A WAREHOUSE IS SORRY" like the inhabitants of sakuragaoka and dobuita do. Literally every question in the game is answered not just in an uninformative way, but an utterly baffling way by nearly every inhabitant. Do I expect everyone to know where the tattoo parlor is? No. But I bet they could tell you where the seedier parts of town are that it might be located, for example.

The issue is that it's literally all or nothing, the NPC is designed to tell you exactly what to do in that situation, or they act like the most uninformed person in the world at all times. There's no middle ground, which is what makes it hilariously stilted and unrealistic (along with the voice acting and translation of course). You're right, there aren't any warehouses in Dobuita, clearly, so why doesn't anyone just say "There aren't any around here, but there are lots in (neighboring town)"? You claim they don't know about it, but clearly there's a fucking bus that connects the two places, people presumably work there or visit there, more importantly I wasn't aware that people were generally considered that insanely dense about the world around them. I rarely visit the nearby towns outside of the city I live in, but I could certainly tell you something about them. Similarly, Ryo himself has presumably lived here his entire freaking life, and yet he knows LITERALLY nothing about the area.

In a game where 90% of what you do to advance the plot is blindly stumble around talking to people to get 'clues', the canned non-answer responses are basically the entire way they pad the game out. The things Ryo gets stuck for days figuring out are not things that a normal person would take so long to decipher, and asking people where X is only to hear "Sorry. I don't have time" or "I don't know what a Tattoo is" is pretty unbelievable for a game that is ostensibly about being immersed in a world.

All that said: I wish they'd engage more with the fighting, it's pretty fun if they actually were going out of their way to train and learn moves. Also, forklifts incoming and that is definitely when the game is at its best.
I mean when the game's most ardent defenders are saying things like "I found it confusing, weird, plodding, with bad dialogue, and weird controls after my first session", the rest of us are just baffled at why people are getting so mad at Giant Bomb for basically the same outlook on it.

Because by the end of the first disc I just get used to it and was able to appreciate its idiosyncrasies. The first session was confusing, but I only played it for an hour or two. The second and third sessions were much better. A lot of games are confusing at first, but Shenmue is only really confusing at the beginning when you're getting used to it. Once you're tracking down Charlie, you've gotten used to the game, but GB felt like they were behind because they weren't really paying attention to what was going on.

two questions

1: are you watching this endurance run

2: are you enjoying this endurance run

1. Yes.

2. Yes it's much better now.
Ryo himself has presumably lived here his entire freaking life, and yet he knows LITERALLY nothing about the area.

he knows enough to bust into local businesses like a socially inept kool-aid man asking where to find chinese people and tattoos. I mean really, I'd have a sign on my front door that says "No Ryo Allowed" after the second time he pulled that stunt.
Because by the end of the first disc I just get used to it and was able to appreciate its idiosyncrasies. The first session was confusing, but I only played it for an hour or two. The second and third sessions were much better. A lot of games are confusing at first, but Shenmue is only really confusing at the beginning when you're getting used to it. Once you're tracking down Charlie, you've gotten used to the game, but GB felt like they were behind because they weren't really paying attention to what was going on.

Yeah but the fact it is weird, plodding, has bad dialogue and weird controls doesn't go away.


That's all anyone is really pointing out on the ER or in the thread. You can't expect people to watch a video of someone else playing a game and expect them to get it.

Shenmue was of its time, even at the time it was a bizarre thing, in 2016 it just looks mental. And that's OK.

It's fun to make fun of it.
Yeah but the fact it is weird, plodding, has bad dialogue and weird controls doesn't go away.


That's all anyone is really pointing out on the ER or in the thread. You can't expect people to watch a video of someone else playing a game and expect them to get it.

Shenmue was of its time, even at the time it was a bizarre thing, in 2016 it just looks mental. And that's OK.

It's fun to make fun of it.

Not sure why you think I don't make fun of it. I personally think Ryo is either gay or asexual. This is canon and I won't take any other answer.
Shenmue seems like a really bad but kind of forward thinking game.

One of those games that inspired a bunch of better games but probably not worth playing on its own.


Because whenever someone criticises it, there's 5 new pages of bickering about a small mechanic of the game?
It's called having a debate. I don't think you realise you're being just as bad by insulting people.

If you look back through my posts all I've done is friendly debating and the only criticism towards GB was the podcast level discussions. Which hasn't been an issue in the past few episodes thus I haven't mentioned it again.

It's like people can't even discuss the game without being called crazy defenders.
It's called having a debate. I don't think you realise you're being just as bad by insulting people.

If you look back through my posts all I've done is friendly debating and the only criticism towards GB was the podcast level discussions. Which hasn't been an issue in the past few episodes thus I haven't mentioned it again.

It's like people can't even discuss the game without being called crazy defenders.

"Honestly, this play through makes me question why people even like Giant Bomb" is not rational debate.

I'm not having a go at you buddy.


"Honestly, this play through makes me question why people even like Giant Bomb" is not rational debate.

I'm not having a go at you buddy.
Well there's always going to be shitposts regardless of so called sides.

My problem is this us versus them mentality everywhere. With all the generalisation that comes with.
"Honestly, this play through makes me question why people even like Giant Bomb" is not rational debate.

I'm not having a go at you buddy.

So Shenmue can be made fun of but not Giant Bomb? I see. You talk about how it's obvious Shenmue can be made of, but Giant Bomb's criticisms are just as open. But that's somehow not fair game? Why exactly? I've never said you couldn't critique Shenmue, ever. You're being a baby about this.

That shit happened fucking pages ago. Get over it.


My god. All this mess over a tiny step in an investigation chain that took a few minutes at the most, and is only part of the "puzzle" chain if players didn't think to use a phone book/number assistance themselves.

I wrote a longer reply to the people who quoted me, but I'm just retreading over old ground by talking about the in-world justification of some NPCs having the answer and others not, and I think adding to this dumpster fire would just prolong it.

Because whenever someone criticises it, there's 5 new pages of bickering about a small mechanic of the game?
Frankly, it's on both sides. Even when the game is being clearer than it's been previously (i.e the notebook directly stating the letter is the only lead), there's still people shitting on the game with "WELL HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE ARCADE THING IS OFF?", despite the previous event being beating up the double crosser who arranged that "meeting" in the first place, and directly references the events the day prior that caused that arrangement.

Are we just so used to quest markers and GPS on the HUD that we feel we don't have to pay attention and think logically about the next step in games anymore?
So Shenmue can be made fun of but not Giant Bomb? I see. You talk about how it's obvious Shenmue can be made of, but Giant Bomb's criticisms are just as open. But that's somehow not fair game? Why exactly? I've never said you couldn't critique Shenmue, ever. You're being a baby about this.

That shit happened fucking pages ago. Get over it.

I don't wanna wrestle kid. Maybe some other time.
Maybe Ryo is a robot who hasn't been told the truth yet, or maybe he's in a Truman Show like world where everyone is an actor leading him on.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Good episode, glad they're progressing.

But I've never played Shenmue 1 (only 2), how big is the game ? If they're through the first disc this soon .. how much of the game is remaining ?


I have never played a Shemue game before.

I'm watching this Endurance Run and enjoying both the game, the player's silliness, and this thread's constant fighting.

Them pre-recording it was absolutely the smartest thing in the world. This thread (while highly entertaining) would be a nightmare to read through while actively playing something. Is this what the Chrono Trigger Endurance Run was like? I always hear people talk about how awful everyone was to Patrick and Ryan during it.
Good episode, glad they're progressing.

But I've never played Shenmue 1 (only 2), how big is the game ? If they're through the first disc this soon .. how much of the game is remaining ?

it's about 20 hours for normal playthroughs I think. give or take the Vinny coefficient.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Somebody should make a "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego" mod for this game were all you do is run around and ask people if they have seen Carmen Sandeigo. It would probably be pretty easy since you just need to change a few lines cause ALL you do in this game is run around and ask people where something else is.
Shenmue is a bad point and click adventure, basically. At least in point and clicks if you try to interact in a way that won't accomplish anything, the game straight up says "that won't work!" so you can go and try something else.
Preloaded the episodes for my cross country flights this weekend. Finished up episode 5 yesterday on the plane, got up to Vinny guessing names. I started crying from laughter Jesus christ.
I think I'm gonna have to start stockpiling episodes next week. The progression in this game and the inconsistent length of some of the episodes is definitely leaving me a bit like "that's all they did today?"
(the funny thing is, if they had actually gone to the tobacco shop payphone on the previous day they'd have been right in front of the old lady and phone book and would have gotten the address right there a day earlier)


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
"Nozomi, you got a minute?
Uh....no. I changed my mind
What? You don't trust me?
I'm sorry
So talk to me
Actual dialogue in this game

I'm dying over here.


Good episode, glad they're progressing.

But I've never played Shenmue 1 (only 2), how big is the game ? If they're through the first disc this soon .. how much of the game is remaining ?
Two disks. It's a much shorter (if also monumentally slower) game than Shenmue II overall, even including all the mandatory waiting.

The content is stretched thin mostly in the first disk, which I suppose is a consequence of them having to split the prologue chapter into it's own game. Depending on how well they do in Disk 2 and Disk 3, I don't anticipate this going past 40 episodes. The story stuff comes thick and fast after you get on that bus.

Disk 2's main quest is an exploring/puzzle sequence, but I have no idea how quickly they'll do it. I'm hoping they mostly ace it with a few diversions. There's one instance of "yo come back tomorrow" at the very end of the disk, so the vast majority is only hindered time-wise by their own progress.

Disk 3 should take them 6 episodes, if they decide to marathon the endgame (which they probably should, but who knows.


(the funny thing is, if they had actually gone to the tobacco shop payphone on the previous day they'd have been right in front of the old lady and phone book and would have gotten the address right there a day earlier)
They should have trusted Tom's advice and gone to the end of Dobuita Street. Always trust Tom. Always.

Double Storm Kick is better than the Tornado Kick, but I always feel bad about switching that move out in Shenmue II.


The stealth section will be interesting.

I hated it when I first played the game way back when. The only reason I tolerate it these days is because I know the path to the warehouse so can mitigate the tedium.


The stealth section will be interesting.

I hated it when I first played the game way back when. The only reason I tolerate it these days is because I know the path to the warehouse so can mitigate the tedium.
Shenmue II's stealth section is so much more robust. The only difference I could wish it had was
the MGS-style top-down camera
during the whole thing. Even then, if you fail it you just get into a fight with some low-level goons you can pull all the flashy moves off on. Honestly, I purposefully failed just to get into some brawls.

The original's stealth section is underwhelming and clunky in a post-MGS world, but the game gives the player enough of a helping hand after a few failures that it becomes a cakewalk. It's also mercifully short.


I played a few hours of shenmue at a friends house when I was 15, I actually enjoyed it. But seeing it now, I don't think I'd enjoy playing in this day and age.

But the ER is funny as hell. Fire Bloy.
This ER makes me miss Austin so much; talking about weird seeming Japanese cultural stuff or telling them to try and check out things would have been right up his alley.

Also you can practically hear the VINNY!s at constantly running the wrong way, missing QTEs, or forgetting that he just figured out the notebook button
On the next episode of the Shenmue Endurance Run:

"What's the deal with the whole Isreal and Palestine thing? Which one is the heel?"

This is too accurate.

This ER makes me miss Austin so much; talking about weird seeming Japanese cultural stuff or telling them to try and check out things would have been right up his alley.

Also you can practically hear the VINNY!s at constantly running the wrong way, missing QTEs, or forgetting that he just figured out the notebook button

Same here, man. Same here.
I just want to know if they now figured out that you can "watch closely" and open the drawers, get the cassette player, etc..
Because I had to stop watching after the first few videos because they were driving me crazy. Now I want to get back if they have finally figured out the controls.


This ER makes me miss Austin so much; talking about weird seeming Japanese cultural stuff or telling them to try and check out things would have been right up his alley.

Also you can practically hear the VINNY!s at constantly running the wrong way, missing QTEs, or forgetting that he just figured out the notebook button

Austin: "Vinny, do you call your mother Ms Caravella?"

Vinny: "No, I call her mom. Why do you ask?"


On the next episode of the Shenmue Endurance Run:

"Hey Vinny how does lava shoot out of a volcano?"
"What is a 401(k), exactly?"
"Could you give me, like, a 2 minute summary of the Rodney King incident?"
"What's the deal with the whole Isreal and Palestine thing? Which one is the heel?"

I do think Dan has a good idea of similarly complicated topics to shy away from because they would be too controversial. I'm pretty sure he'll never drop a "what's the deal with Black lives matter?" on a live mic.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say how great it is that Vinny continues to fuck up every QTE event on the first try. I hope that becomes a running thing.

I have never played a Shemue game before.

I'm watching this Endurance Run and enjoying both the game, the player's silliness, and this thread's constant fighting.

Them pre-recording it was absolutely the smartest thing in the world. This thread (while highly entertaining) would be a nightmare to read through while actively playing something. Is this what the Chrono Trigger Endurance Run was like? I always hear people talk about how awful everyone was to Patrick and Ryan during it.

Most of the complaints about the Chrono Trigger ER stemmed from them getting stuck because they weren't reading closely, or people just being bummed that it wasn't half as funny/entertaining as the previous ERs. So just as vitriolic but for different reasons.

This run is much, much more enjoyable than the Chrono Trigger one.
I just want to know if they now figured out that you can "watch closely" and open the drawers, get the cassette player, etc..
Because I had to stop watching after the first few videos because they were driving me crazy. Now I want to get back if they have finally figured out the controls.

They half figure it out, but they only use it a couple of times and only really use it to look at posters and interact with light switches.
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