I want to catch up on Beast in the East, but I'm still on episode 9. The series started out strong but they've been harder and harder to watch as time went on. I miss Shenmue.
Rorie has a 1080? I hadn't heard /s
Well obviously you put those on carefully. People wear those things IRL, surely a game character wearing them can't be such a stretch.So the whole torn to shreds leggings thing. How the fuck do you put that on? If you're not extremely careful you'll just rip the leggings in half putting your foot through the wrong hole.
Putting all of this weird armor shit throughout a lot of Japanese games is obviously crazy anyway, but the torn leggings thing is just baffling
I want to catch up on Beast in the East, but I'm still on episode 9. The series started out strong but they've been harder and harder to watch as time went on. I miss Shenmue.
That's good character design, if only because of how unique it is. Enjoy your dull military shooters gbgaf
Make me ashamed of my words and deedsthe shredded leggings are actually kind-of justified in the plot but i fully realize i will look too ridiculous trying to defend it to even bother
i was more offended by the book-skirt, personally
The plot justification is that she ripped into some clothing taken from a prison.
Like, somehow ripped into something that needs to be carefully constructed.
Eh whatever. I've certainly played anime games with dumber outfits.
Okay now explain the costumes from Kill La Kill
I can't deal with the character design in Beseria.
Like what the fuck is going on here.
looks about the same level of bad as the nier character design
looks about the same level of bad as the nier character design
So the whole torn to shreds leggings thing. How the fuck do you put that on? If you're not extremely careful you'll just rip the leggings in half putting your foot through the wrong hole.
Putting all of this weird armor shit throughout a lot of Japanese games is obviously crazy anyway, but the torn leggings thing is just baffling
This is a real design that really got approved and really exists
Oh I thought you were talking about 2B
Yeah this is very... indulgent
"here's my combat robot designed for combat"
2B is pretty bad too
"here's my combat robot designed for combat"[/QUOTE]
I'll at least give Yoko Taro credit. He didn't try to come up with a bullshit excuse or anything. He just straight up said he likes looking at pretty anime ladies
[quote="Human Trashcan, post: 234589173"]I don't equate practicality with quality of design especially in a game as stylized as Nier Automata. It's a good design. It's sexy without just being "She isn't wearing anything at all!"[/QUOTE]
Well the part of the dress that splits at the side could be like 2 inches lower and not take too much away from it
Nothing in Nier is practical. I think.
Are you really using fan art to try and prove your point?
Are you really doing that?
She's 2 steps away from a French Maid outfit where as the main male lead looks like a 12 year old with an ugly bowl cut
2B is pretty bad too
"here's my combat robot designed for combat"
Her being a robot means the design makes sense. Like a robot wouldn't have trouble running in high heels
I'll at least give Yoko Taro credit. He didn't try to come up with a bullshit excuse or anything. He just straight up said he likes looking at pretty anime ladies
Well the part of the dress that splits at the side could be like 2 inches lower and not take too much away from it
Her being a robot means the design makes sense. Like a robot wouldn't have trouble running in high heels