Just watched it and...didn't hate it?
Video is 5 minutes long Dan (Also won't get the full vomit effect on a phone, if that's the case)
Just watched it and...didn't hate it?
Show dan this video to see where Motion Smoothing gets you
Did you just shit on Mick Gordon?Played the Prey demo. It was bad.
And I actually didn't feel great while playing, don't know if it was some motion blur stuff or camera, or what.
I didn't know anything about the game, was surprised to see it has that ugly character art style. Also, the perspective seems a bit weird, like we're too short / too big at times.
A certain scene at the beginning of the demo was neat but the royalty free Kavinsky kinda took me out of it.
Show dan this video to see where Motion Smoothing gets you
Just watched it and...didn't hate it?
Show dan this video to see where Motion Smoothing gets you
Just watched it and...didn't hate it?
Did you just shit on Mick Gordon?
Watch a telenovela.God that clip looks weird. I would like to try watching an entire movie like that and see how weird it is.
Motion Smoothing looks so wrong to me
Like it's almost real? Like I could reach out and touch it? I dunno. I hate it.
Just watched it and...didn't hate it?
Show dan this video to see where Motion Smoothing gets you
No new hire. Fuck this.
I wonder why you're expecting this when all the new hires were brought up before or around E3 time?
Motion Smoothing looks so wrong to me
Like it's almost real? Like I could reach out and touch it? I dunno. I hate it.
Bread, JAson, Jeff
Yes, it WENT places.
No way could I do contacts. I'd sooner do the lasers.
I always forget how good legs Jeff has
This looks bad