ha misread

It's still insane that the praise Ben had for it was that it had interesting things to say about politics
Yeah, but to be fair I think he said he hasn't watched it and that's what he's heard people say about it. The show really excels at absurdist humor. The politics is usually just a jumping off point, maybe aside from the first season, which I remember being bad.
I watched an episode of CSI today
Didn't they say the same thing about Mario sunshine.
Game Informer
It can be argued that it is the best Mario to date.
The episode of American Dad where Roger murders the frat brothers who do not pay for their limo ride is hysterical.
I think Super Mario Odyssey will end up being one of the greatest games of all time. In ten years, it will still be revered. That's my hunch, at least.
Wont even be the best game coming out that day fam.
Super Mario Odyssey transcends days.Wont even be the best game coming out that day fam.
While we're name dropping TV shows, I started watching Deep Space Nine. I've never seen a Star Trek before, so I'm a bit distracted by how terrible the aliens look. They're basically all people with garbage glued to their faces. Despite that, it seems pretty good so far.
Anyway, is this the one Jeff likes? He always mentions Star Trek.
I think The Next Generation is the one I hear people point to. The Patrick Stewart one.
DS9 I think is usually put at the bottom of the lists.
Huh. A friend told me it's the best one. And Picard was in the first episode, but he seemed like a jackass.
If someone is putting DS9 at the bottom of the lists they cant be trusted.I think The Next Generation is the one I hear people point to. The Patrick Stewart one.
DS9 I think is usually put at the bottom of the lists.
Piston, what the hell are you talking about. Go back to complaining about UPF or something. We're talking about video games (and movies and TV shows I guess) over here. Just put me on your ignore list if you have to and move on.oti, bud, can you calm your shit or take it to a Nintendo OT or something
it's nice that you're excited but it's getting to be all you talk about and it's starting to grate
holy shit
i can't believe i missed this thread for 10 pages
I love Deep Space Nine but hated how I felt on my last watch that it reset all of Worf ‘s TNG character development and the Alex plot line was awful in particular.
I think I watched anime all weekend. It was all Moeblobs surviving the end of the world, space children made of rocks being cared for by robots with human souls stuck in them, dude's exploding, magical slavery, and then Goku showed up.
I think I watched anime all weekend. It was all Moeblobs surviving the end of the world, space children made of rocks being cared for by robots with human souls stuck in them, dude's exploding, magical slavery, and then Goku showed up.
Does Szechuan sauce even taste like Szechuan cuisine?
I'm talking like fucking spicy to the point of masochism. and full of numbing peppers
Does Szechuan sauce even taste like Szechuan cuisine?
I'm talking like fucking spicy to the point of masochism. and full of numbing peppers
magical slavery you say
What's that second one? That doesn't sound terrible. That sounds like the setup to an episode of Space Dandy.
Oh god I'm too full from turkey from Canadian Thanksgiving. I cannot take in any anime. Nevermind.