No one is calling Nier: Automata, Nioh, and Persona 5 "AAA" games.
at least I hope not
Honestly all 3 of those are pretty close to being AAA. They would have been AAA games by last gen standards probably.
No one is calling Nier: Automata, Nioh, and Persona 5 "AAA" games.
at least I hope not
That Evil Within 2 QL is just unwatchable. Turn the brightness up geez.
Did you know For Honor released this year?
Did you know For Honor released this year?
Honestly all 3 of those are pretty close to being AAA. They would have been AAA games by last gen standards probably.
I never got into South Park. And I'm glad about that. Seems like a pre-rick and morty sort of show.
What does this even mean?
I don't even know, I just thought it sounded edgy.
I am curious what absurd fishing term will be co-opted to describe these players in marketing."In a particular example, the junior player may wish to become an expert sniper in a game (e.g., as determined from the player profile)," according to the patent. "The microtransaction engine may match the junior player with a player that is a highly skilled sniper in the game. In this manner, the junior player may be encouraged to make game-related purchases such as a rifle or other item used by the marquee player. "
The system can also drop players into matches that will make use of an in-game-related purchase, according to the patent.
"Doing so may enhance a level of enjoyment by the player for the game-related purchase, which may encourage future purchases," according to the patent. "For example, if the player purchased a particular weapon, the microtransaction engine may match the player in a gameplay session in which the particular weapon is highly effective, giving the player an impression that the particular weapon was a good purchase. This may encourage the player to make future purchases to achieve similar gameplay results."
YupThe video game market should just crash and burn again.
my only exposure to South Park was playing a shitty N64 game where you could piss in snowballs before you threw them
even my child brain thought that was dumb
Microtransactions just got a whole lot scummier: Activision-Blizzard has patented a way to use them in multiplayer matchmaking.
I am curious what absurd fishing term will be co-opted to describe these players in marketing.
Is it me or does this new South Park game feel kinda bloated with all its systems? Seems like too much going on, but maybe they ramp it up well
Is it me or does this new South Park game feel kinda bloated with all its systems? Seems like too much going on, but maybe they ramp it up well
Seriously, big game developers/publishers just whine and complain that these things happen because they wouldn't get any profit or whatever. Maybe for you to have to do such things to turn in a profit IS THE problem in the first place.Yup
Thank god indie games exist, no lootboxes in Cuphead
The very first episode of south park I ever saw was the one where Cartman kills a kid's parents and forces said kid to eat them.
Nobody could, and still can't, convince me to watch more.
For real. On the other hand, horrible AAA games means I never have to update my PC.The video game market should just crash and burn again.
The video game market should just crash and burn again.
It's probably due to end around now. Recording starts around 11PDT/2EDTGuys, I've moved (temporarily) from Sweden to the US, and I'm all confused about time. Has this week's Bombcast already been recorded, or is it yet to come?
I think we are just about there. At the very least a AAA market crash. I'd be fine with that.
How Activision Uses Matchmaking Tricks to Sell In-Game ItemsSounds like thisll affect cod.
Is there a thread on gaming side?
I think we are just about there. At the very least a AAA market crash. I'd be fine with that.
Microtransactions just got a whole lot scummier: Activision-Blizzard has patented a way to use them in multiplayer matchmaking.
I am curious what absurd fishing term will be co-opted to describe these players in marketing.
Guys, I've moved (temporarily) from Sweden to the US, and I'm all confused about time. Has this week's Bombcast already been recorded, or is it yet to come?
You'd think that.
But then you see stuff like 400k people bought wardor on Steam alone in the first week.
I want Jeff to blow vape smoke on my face.
What? Why? As long as the mass market consumer won't stop buying microtransactions all of a sudden, the market will continue to grow.
What will happen instead is consolidation. The big games get bigger, smaller games and developers will disappear or establish their niche.
Super Mario Odyssey Patch Notes 1.1.2
Change Log:
-Added Mystery Block function in Mario's ship:
-Removed infinite coin exploit in Tostarena and New Donk CityMystery Blocks are now available in The Odyssey!
Pay 500 coins ($5.00 USD) to hit the mystery block, and watch as 3 unique items come out*. Items range from stickers, costumes, and file select icons. Stickers come in bigger sizes than the ones you'll purchase at Crazy Cap™ stores and can be placed anywhere on your ship. Rare costumes can even give Mario new moves such as a double jump or the Star-Spin from Mario Galaxy (shake the Joycons in mid-air to activate)!
*Only 1 guaranteed rare.
I'm not talking about the indie space. I'm talking about the AAA space. Bigger games such as Destiny and Call of Duty will get even bigger while less popular names will disappear. Their developers will be bought by bigger publishers to work on their bigger games instead.Nah, "indie" will still be a major player as publishers like Adult Swim are still around. Same with actual independent studios partnering with Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo to release their games. Basically the divide between "indie" and AAA will grow larger in your scenario.
Hmmmmmm should I cop?
Hmmmmmm should I cop?
I'm not talking about the indie space. I'm talking about the AAA space. Bigger games such as Destiny and Call of Duty will get even bigger while less popular names will disappear. Their developers will be bought by bigger publishers to work on their bigger games instead.
Hmmmmmm should I cop?
I'm not talking about the indie space. I'm talking about the AAA space. Bigger games such as Destiny and Call of Duty will get even bigger while less popular names will disappear. Their developers will be bought by bigger publishers to work on their bigger games instead.
Name some less popular AAA titles still around. Unless you think AssCreed, FarCry, CoD, or some other series is just going to stop being produced. We are already at that point. Pretty much everything else released is outside of the AAA space.
i might do the same.
I'm actually wondering what the future will bring for Assassin's Creed. Ubisoft is sending clear signals they don't consider it to be their key franchise anymore. I would also wonder about games such as Saints Row, Just Cause, The Evil Within. Just game franchises that are AAA by definition and yet seem pretty far away from GTA, CoD and Destiny.
Also, what about Watch Dogs?