BronzeWolf said:You wanted to know if asking "is this a date?" was good strategy. We told you it wasn't because it's just an awkward question. But in order to get a girl you don't need to have a DATE tm. Yo get a girl you need to do this in order:
1. Create rapport (be amicable)
2. Create attraction (be assertive through kino {touching her} )
3. Isolate (get her alone)
4. Seal the deal (kiss)
nowhere in that laundry list is actually saying the words "is this a date?", "do you want to be my girlfriend?", "I like you, do you like me?", etc. Those things do not need to be said for they are implied
This is a date as long as you are 1on1 with a girl you like and you are making moves
She is laughing with you, she obviously finds you fun to be with
She is touching you back, she obviously doesn't mind your touch
She is ready to be kissed, you don't need to ask
Basically, don't care if it's a date or not, since you can make it one so
The kiss is entirely optional. It depends on whether or not you two are comfortable with it.
But yes, rapport and physical contact are the two most important things when it comes to dating. You cannot date someone you don't have rapport with, and you cannot date someone who you do not feel physical attraction towards.