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Girl-Gaf - A thread for girls.

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I still don't get it. Do you only poll women or something?

I just don't understand holding a lower general opinion of women than men, or vice versa, as people, generally, tend to be pretty awful and vapid, especially to strangers and/or folk they don't want to talk to (i.e. pollsters).

I was responding to the insinuation that I was just using my own personal interactions on which to base my opinions. I'm not. To judge by my personal interactions, I'd be a big fan of my gender, because I only surround myself with people whom I respect.

As for being awful and vapid to people that nobody likes to talk to (like me, as you so thoughtfully imply) people can be pretty awful to our callers. And no, it's not gender specific. But I'm not a caller, I'm not the one sitting on the phone disrupting your dinner. I'm the one writing the script that the callers read, or that you read if you're asked to do an online survey. In other words, I'm designing the stuff that gets read out so that it's as neutral and read-friendly as possible, so that men and women, young and old, simple and educated alike are capable of taking what's written in the manner intended, without sounding like I'm writing only to the lowest common denominator.

But I digress. People aren't deliberately more disengaged than usual in survey research (quite the opposite, many like to overstate how engaged they are, and we're often able to catch them in that lie). The problem, as I see it, is not in capacity (i.e. are women as smart as men, or can they be), but as I've mentioned before, in will. After all, women are slowly but surely passing men in undergraduate degree completion, and piss all over arts degrees all you want, the reading they require is as brain bending as any complex algebra.

Now, whether willingness to engage and apply oneself is culturally reinforced (there's something to that argument) there really isn't much stopping women, in this day and age, from bucking the trend and going out and reading a book about politics, and then blogging about it, if they so felt inclined. Hell, a great Canadian online political resource is run by a woman. But she's one in about 100 male bloggers who write interesting content.

Women have the capacity. They have the tools. And, thanks to about a thousand "status of women" initiatives over the past 60 years, they have the opportunities.

And yet, dollar for dollar, women invest more in Cosmo than, say, the New York Times.

It's dismaying, and that's why I hold a low opinion of my own gender: Because I expect us to be better at applying ourselves and engaging with the world, not because I expect us to be better than men. If being "better than men" were the only standard by which we were going to judge ourselves, I'd say we're even more stupid, as a gender, than I originally thought.
Women have the capacity. They have the tools. And, thanks to about a thousand "status of women" initiatives over the past 60 years, they have the opportunities.

And yet, dollar for dollar, women invest more in Cosmo than, say, the New York Times.

It's dismaying, and that's why I hold a low opinion of my own gender: Because I expect us to be better at applying ourselves and engaging with the world, not because I expect us to be better than men. If being "better than men" were the only standard by which we were going to judge ourselves, I'd say we're even more stupid, as a gender, than I originally thought.

This is true but how were you raised? Were you raised to be a thoughtful and intelligent person? I was. I can't say the same for some my peers.
I came across an article that kinda irked me and I'm wondering what you guys think: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charl...cid=maing-grid7|aim|dl4|sec1_lnk1&pLid=146106

Article that inadvertently says that religious husbands cannot be providers, critical thinkers, supporters or free spirits. Lol, what. It reminds me of those articles tween girls read like "which friend are you?" or "what's your bitching style?" or whatever. Just fitting people into boxes they don't actually fit into. I was actually very surprised to hear that she was married. Its kind of disturbing that someone with an understanding of human beings equivalent to the average 14 year old was able to successfully enter a relationship with a real adult (assuming he doesn't have the same adolescent understanding).
This is true but how were you raised? Were you raised to be a thoughtful and intelligent person? I was. I can't say the same for some my peers.

I don't suffer fools easily
rather, at all
so yes, my immediate circle of friends are thoughtful and intelligent, and I think very highly of them.

Beyond that, I hear your point. I still think we could be better, though.

I guess that's why I fail as a cynic.
Wait, "what's your bitching style"? I need to know! The only people who truly know you are magazine quiz makers.

here, go crazy.


It sees into my soul!
I'm not familiar with slutwalks, but googling it it seems to be some kind of protest against rape victim blaming, which I can totally get behind.

I had to quit after the second question. The answers were all awful, questions too. :|

They get worse. The funniest one was "You find your friend has your boyfriends phone number. Do you A. Assume there is a good reason, or B. shove her toothbrush up your butt and take pictures?"


That fat girl from work has started rag-week and has "got the painters in". She approaches your desk and asks if you will lend her a cotton mouse to help her out. What do you do?

I think I'm going to need some soul searching for this one, girlfriends.

c) Laugh and say, "Awww are you not seeing any action? Maybe its because your face looks like someone tried to put out a forest fire with a screwdriver! Why don't you shove a horse-shoe up your gaping anus for good luck and see if that helps, you Picasso-faced skank-whore!"





300chf ain't shit to me
this image popped up on my tumblr dashboard and had sparked some discussion, so i thought i'd post it here:


that just-- agh, it looks so WRONG. like some form of torture or chinese foot binding or something.
Aren't those like 5 inch heels? But yeah that looks painful to wear.

But i love when women wear heels so go for those 3 or 2 inch heels ladies :D problem solved ;p
Aren't those like 5 inch heels? But yeah that looks painful to wear.

But i love when women wear heels so go for those 3 or 2 inch heels ladies :D problem solved ;p

I'm a huge heel fetishist, always have been. But till I was like 17 I simply couldn't move with them, that sucked.

Luckily I'm much better nowadays.


Not pure anymore!
Man that picture is so terrifying... Would never put myself through such torture just so I could look tall, besides if I'd be any taller I'd look like a frickin' giant. XD My calves are quite shapely and taut but even if they weren't and I was a midget, I still wouldn't wear those! Comfort comes first!!
this image popped up on my tumblr dashboard and had sparked some discussion, so i thought i'd post it here:


that just-- agh, it looks so WRONG. like some form of torture or chinese foot binding or something.

It's definitely sparking something... like sympathy pain. It does look wrong. Oh so very wrong. :( I can barely walk in 3 inch heels let alone that.

I'm a huge heel fetishist, always have been. But till I was like 17 I simply couldn't move with them, that sucked.

Luckily I'm much better nowadays.

Do you wear them a lot, then? Any ill affects after years of use? I keep reading stuff about the damage they do, but then I also hear about those silly races where women do the 100 meter dash in heels. I can't even imagine it.

EDIT: Found it. O_O

Anybody else in stressful finals mode this time of year? I resolved to exercise and continue eating right during finals, but I'm on the fence about whether I want to force myself to wear real clothes and not come to study groups and finals in sweat pants and hoodies this year. Looking nice can make you feel better, but man, I just don't want to put any more effort in than I have to... XD
Do you wear them a lot, then? Any ill affects after years of use? I keep reading stuff about the damage they do, but then I also hear about those silly races where women do the 100 meter dash in heels. I can't even imagine it.

I do wear them quite often, but they hurt like a bitch. I haven't noticed ill effects other than that.

Can't run or walk at normal-to-slow speeds however. They're for dancing (and regretting afterwards), walking at grandma speed, and, uhm, the bedroom.


this image popped up on my tumblr dashboard and had sparked some discussion, so i thought i'd post it here:


that just-- agh, it looks so WRONG. like some form of torture or chinese foot binding or something.

What the fuck were they thinking when they designed those things?


Those high-heel races aren't too far-fetched. It requires you to run on the front of your feet which is the same way Vibram runners run.
I do wear them quite often, but they hurt like a bitch. I haven't noticed ill effects other than that.

Can't run or walk at normal-to-slow speeds however. They're for dancing (and regretting afterwards), walking at grandma speed, and, uhm, the bedroom.

I feel this way after long stints in heeled boots. I can't even imagine the ache from dancing in heels all night long.

Those high-heel races aren't too far-fetched. It requires you to run on the front of your feet which is the same way Vibram runners run.

True, but the soles are so thin and can't be great for constant impact. Even for a short distance it just looks so painful...
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