Why would you put a lot of effort into Abaddon D:
I made awesome-o Abaddon in FemC mode.
/me flex
http://redscarlet.paragonsigma.com/game stuff/abaabaaba.png
Some audio/video output thing. It's only composite so doesn't look that great. ;(
I'll field this question to you all.
How do you feel about the man staying at home and being the housekeeper while the wife is the "breadwinner" so to speak? Personally, I feel they should have the option, at the very least.
I'd have no problem being a stay at home dad. I'm sure I'd get a lot of 'you're a faggot' and 'queer' accusations thrown my way, but I'm already kind of used to that by now.
You surround yourself with these people?
if you smile at a guy and he doesnt respond with a smile or a "hey" does he come off as a jerk?
Here's another question.
Why are so many girls unwilling to even make eye contact when I pass them in the hallway, on the street, in the store, or wherever else? They always just seem to tilt their heads downward or pretend I'm not there. Am I doing something wrong?
Are you sure they're making eye contact with everyone else? Doing that takes a lot of confidence, especially towards strangers.
My best friend pretty much dislikes women other than her mother, her sister, me, and her one other female friend. It's weird, but I think it's because her social circle was largely comprised of men throughout her school years.
I feel reaaally uncomfortable when the subject comes up, but I never say anything, preferring to keep my feelings pent up inside where they can fester quietly as a mental illness.
And yes, Fassbender is teh hotness. Have you seen Shame? It's, uh, pretty good.
My best friend pretty much dislikes women other than her mother, her sister, me, and her one other female friend. It's weird, but I think it's because her social circle was largely comprised of men throughout her school years.
I feel reaaally uncomfortable when the subject comes up, but I never say anything, preferring to keep my feelings pent up inside where they can fester quietly as a mental illness.
And yes, Fassbender is teh hotness. Have you seen Shame? It's, uh, pretty good.
I was hostile towards girls in highschool despite having many as friends due to the ones in elementary/middle school giving me shit for being a tomboy.
On most occasions, I'm not much of a fan of my own gender. But that's generally because of what comes out of our mouths and/or what we put on our bodies.
I expect more of women, and I very rarely see my gender - as a collective - live up to my expectations.
Good lord. And the response!
This is why I've had to take up boxing.
I know that feel sis. Like this fb status I saw in datingage:
Women like this just make me furious.
I know that feel sis. Like this fb status I saw in datingage:
Women like this just make me furious.
I would have just instantly unfriended her.
Not before leaving a comment though!
I know that feel sis. Like this fb status I saw in datingage:
Women like this just make me furious.
I know that feel sis. Like this fb status I saw in datingage:
Women like this just make me furious.
On most occasions, I'm not much of a fan of my own gender. But that's generally because of what comes out of our mouths and/or what we put on our bodies.
I expect more of women, and I very rarely see my gender - as a collective - live up to my expectations.
The sad thing is how many girls out there hold that view. Depressing shit.
I know that feel sis. Like this fb status I saw in datingage:
Women like this just make me furious.
Not necessarily a woman thing, though. I've seen men do worse shit but I wouldn't write the entire gender off because of the actions of a few bad apples. Its not really a gender thing, imho.
I don't make the first move because... I just don't. Haha. Cause I know if I'm ever interested in someone, there's a 100% chance they're not interested in me, so I just don't bother![]()
My day job has contributed significantly to my opinions. I'd be quite happy if it were just a few bad apples, but there are many, many more than "just a few".
My day job has contributed significantly to my opinions. I'd be quite happy if it were just a few bad apples, but there are many, many more than "just a few".
I'm a pollster. I design surveys for, and collect and analyze the opinions of about 100,000 people a year.
Oh wow. Yeah I got nothing.
That's not a good attitude to have. I know this because I wasjust like this. I can say with 100% certainty that guys are more attracted to confident women than self-doubting women.still am
I'd ask a guy out if I ever thought they were interested, but... haha. I tried once and he was like "...uh not really..no." So I just don't bother~
A man probably 40 years older asked me to a hockey game today though! Lmao.I'm not going.
I'd ask a guy out if I ever thought they were interested, but... haha. I tried once and he was like "...uh not really..no." So I just don't bother~
A man probably 40 years older asked me to a hockey game today though! Lmao.I'm not going.
A pollster? Well, could be more of a cultural thing than women being generally shyte...
Oh it's definitely a cultural thing, look at our so called popular icons, most outspoken idiots (I mean Hilton and everyone who came after her), prized for their looks and wealth rather than any actual accomplishments or intelligence.
Yeah, young girls these days don't really have a good role model to look up to. Hilton, Kardasian sisters or Bella from Twilight movies don't exactly make for an amazing role models, tbh. It is kind of similar here but not to the extent that you'd get so cynical and write off the entire female population. I guess things are a bit different here than they are in the US. For instance, girls ask guys out all the time, girls don't think that the entire purpose of their being is to get married and look after the babies and their household etc. Maybe there are women like that here as well, but I haven't encountered many.
I came across an article that kinda irked me and I'm wondering what you guys think: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charl...cid=maing-grid7|aim|dl4|sec1_lnk1&pLid=146106
Articles like that are useless, they're written by people who think they know everything about the world and are looking at it through a really naive lens, I think. You want your husband or partner to have many good qualities--my husband is a provider who can also think critically and be my emotional rock and whatever else the list sets out all at once--it would really suck if he could only choose one. Marrying a man who is singularly defined by one of these traits seems like a pretty awful relationship, unless you are super-religious and you really do just want one of those "me woman, you man, me make babies, you make money" kind of marriagesWhich you know, is okay if that's what you want, but I feel like it isn't for most people.
It's based on my own personal experience as a wife, those of the many wives I've encountered throughout my career as a Weddings and Relationships editor, and the observations I've made about the great husbands I've met or bumped into over the years. Not all of the answers are here, but I promise you, this list has some of the insight you seek. Read on, ladies, and take notes.
On October 17th, 2010 I married the guy of my dreams.
1. The Provider
2. The Rock
3. The Critical Thinker
There isn't a problem, big or small, that he isn't itching to solve. He's a quick, solid, thinker, who hates to be backed into a corner. He doesn't just see the problem in front of him; he sees a road map of the many solutions available to him and takes his time as he determines the best way to get there, or the course of action he must take. He is patient, because he has to be -- rushing things is rarely the answer and he knows this. He's diligent, focused, and considers himself a mental Olympian of sorts.
Why He Makes a Good Husband: Marriage is truly beautiful, but it comes with its share of problems, and its rough patches. Happier times aren't always just around the bend -- getting there may require a detailed plan and thinking smarter, not harder. He will make a great team player during the moments where the only way to win is to work together, and trust me, those moments can and will arise in marriage.
4. The Believer
He's God-fearing (whoever his God) and he's proud of his strong beliefs. His moral compass is always turned in a positive direction, and he refuses to accept failure. He helps others and chooses to live his life in a way he believes others should live theirs.
Why He Makes a Good Husband: This man has the emotional tools needed in his toolbox to repair many of the cracks and dents that will inevitably appear in any marriage. He's a fighter, and he will fight with you and for your marriage. He won't give up, even when you do.
5. The Free Spirit