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Girl problems 2004: The return (with 80% less drama)

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Here's the situation,

me and my best friend were kinda losing contacts since a few months, and recently (a few weeks ago) we got back together like back when we were kids and stuff. We went out, spend a fucking friday night playing videogames as if we were 14yo once again, playing mk2 snes until 4am. He's living with his gf, and theyve been going out for about 4 years.

The thing is, his gf is getting, slowly, but at a contant rate, more and morel flirty with me. I just dont like this. How can i tell her to step down without start shit. It's not like i'm a stud, but i lost a lot of weigh this year, it's kinda fucked up to start looking like i did back in highschool when i was alright and healthy (after highschool i gained quite a lot of weight, god i was retarded to let myself go like that). So girls get more flirty and crap.


Have you guys been in that kind of situation before? I am totally not interested in her at all, but i dont want to start some shit between me and my friend, or between him and her.

I really dont know what to do, and it's not like I can ask my friends, since we're all a big bunch of people hanging out together, i dont want rumors to start spreading.



just play ignorent with her, the more diss interested you come off as the more she will leave you alone, if that don't work tell her she's fatt!

way more

I'm sure she just trying to be friendly, all you have to do is discipline her once she takes it too far. Rolled up newspaper or a blast or water works fine.


shuri said:
Yeah, but how? Thats the problem. What would a cocky and funny man like you would do?

on second thought, take advantage of the situation and get her to hook you up with her friends.


This has happened to me before, but I was the OTHER guy. My friend acted as if he wanted to pursue my girlfriend and wouldn't step off.

After I found out, I cut the bitch loose and ostracized the bastard.

Here's what I'd do if I were you: tell the girl point blank that you don't want to jeopardize the bond you and your friend share and the bond that you and her share. You have to get past the awkwardness of the confrontation, though.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Then she goes "Holy shit! What if he tells my bloke I was coming onto him?" and procedes to tell her boyfriend how you came onto her.

It seems to be some sort of built in defence mechanism that, it happens so damn often.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
80% less drama my ass...

what's wrong with letting her flirt with you? It's what adults do to keep their sanity. If she takes it too far, not your problem. Assuming you never do something stupid.


Mama Smurf said:
Then she goes "Holy shit! What if he tells my bloke I was coming onto him?" and procedes to tell her boyfriend how you came onto her.

It seems to be some sort of built in defence mechanism that, it happens so damn often.

"Bloke?" WTF? :p

Here's how you solve that problem: record the confrontation. :)
overtime gradually become more of an asshole towards her....and not in the Cocky way just start ignoring her and make sly mean comments.
are you 100% she is flirting with you cause she wants you?.

I mean 110% of all girls today, just flirt to tease... and 109% goes further..

she could be that last % you know..

aoi tsuki

To repeat what others have said, just tell her that she's his girl and you don't want her being flirty because of it. Be serious about it, don't smile, don't be an asshole. Just straight and to the point. If it continues, just tell your friend to tell his girl to back off.

i've been in this situation before. It helped that i didn't in any way find the girl attractive. She got cold and distant for a while, but i really didn't care. Even if she wasn't my friend's girl, i would not hit.


Banstick Emeritus
Jeez guys, there are ways around this kind of situation without 1) alienating the friend, 2) being a prick, or 3) having this chick turn it around on you.

The next time you're all together, ask her if she has any friends she can hook you up with. If she asks why, say that you think the relationship she and your buddy have is great, and you wouldn't mind meeting somebody. Shit, you don't have to actually mean it...

Now she knows that you're not interested in her, your buddy's aware that you respect his relationship, and you may even get some laid out of the deal. Or not. Either way, you need to nip this in the bud sooner rather than later.


MonkeyBoy said:
just play ignorent with her, the more diss interested you come off as the more she will leave you alone, if that don't work tell her she's fatt!

This is really the safest thing to do. She has got to take the hint eventually and leave you alone this way, unless she is the biggest horniest most stubborn girl in the world.
bishoptl said:
Jeez guys, there are ways around this kind of situation without 1) alienating the friend, 2) being a prick, or 3) having this chick turn it around on you.

The next time you're all together, ask her if she has any friends she can hook you up with. If she asks why, say that you think the relationship she and your buddy have is great, and you wouldn't mind meeting somebody. Shit, you don't have to actually mean it...

Now she knows that you're not interested in her, your buddy's aware that you respect his relationship, and you may even get some laid out of the deal. Or not. Either way, you need to nip this in the bud sooner rather than later.

My name is The Shadow, and I approve of this message.
Desperado said:
what was shuri's last girl problem? i remember it i just don't remember what happened.

didn't have the cojones to dump his ex( i bet cuz he craved the attention here at GA), and ended up in a long, drama infested on/off relationship.


I doubt that the stuff that happened last summer was to get electronic attention on a internet message board. This is hilarious, considering this is coming from a opa-ages lackey such as you


HalfPastNoon said:
didn't have the cojones to dump his ex( i bet cuz he craved the attention here at GA), and ended up in a long, drama infested on/off relationship.

ahh yes i remember...that was classic

shuri: give us more drama!

shuri said:
I doubt that the stuff that happened last summer was to get electronic attention on a internet message board. This is hilarious, considering this is coming from a opa-ages lackey such as you

What's my affiliation with OA have to do with anything? Anyway, I'm not doubting the veracity of your story, I'm just saying after the first few topics, it became nothing but a "LOOK AT ME...WHAT DO I DO???" attention grabber. Many people would agree with me, especially concerning the fact that great advice on how to deal with the problem was dispensed many a time.


go eat paint
Surprised no one has replied with this yet--

"If you're havin' girl problems I feel bad for ya son. I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one."

Seriously -- kick, curb, walk away.
HalfPastNoon said:
I'm just saying after the first few topics, it became nothing but a "LOOK AT ME...WHAT DO I DO???" attention grabber. Many people would agree with me, especially concerning the fact that great advice on how to deal with the problem was dispensed many a time.
I'd be interested to see if anyone wouldn't agree with you on that one.
Just give her the "Shocker" and hope that it makes her fear you.


You could just do what bishoptl said, which was pretty much everything you need in 1 post.

I wouldn't just try to ignore her which potentially could make it seem like a challenge or a game to get your attention making the situation even worse.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Just tell her you're a bit uncomfertable with the way she talks to you. You don't have to specify that your uncomfertabl-ness comes from the fact that she's your friend's girlfriend too. Tell her you're just shy with girls and stuff and thought the way she talks to you is uncomfertable.


first of all, make sure that you are correct that she is indeed flirting with you and you are not mistaken.
if you are sure then, i agree with bishop. that is the best way to go.
if you tell your friend, you jeopardize your friendhsip, as the situation will turn awkward. no guy wants to hear that his girl is hitting on his friend. ego buster.
if you tell her directly, she will either turn it back on you by telling him otherwise, or start avoiding you and consequently, affect your relationship with your friend. because he will know something is up.
if you keep ignoring her, either she will get even more turned on or someone will notice something is off and the situation will turn awkward.
lastly, ignore eveything i have just said and give us a fucked up update in two weeks.


Desperado said:

[seriously guys, you dissapoint me!]
On the old board, there was always someone who posted "FHUTA" in such threads.
On this board, there's always someone who posts "Wow, nobody said 'FHUTA'".
I hope it's only a matter of time until it stops completely...
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