GLOW |OT| The highest rated wrestling program on television - Netflix June 23rd


I love this show! I saw a YouTube video of the original show and it's pretty bad. So I'm sure they changed the characters to fit today's audience. It's cheesy without being too cheesy. I love the leading ladies. Brie was my fav character in mad men, and gilpin was a jerk in masters of sex, but I'm really liking her character here. They are all believable to me. I don't get why some ppl complain that character development is lacking. Take it east guys, u didn't get to know everyone in oitnb on the first season. Two thumbs up from me. Can't wait for s2.


If you're interested in more wrestling and don't want to leave Netflix, check out Lucha Underground. Great show that mixes drama with the wrestling and they have 2 long seasons up now. 3rd is currently airing.


Just finished it. I enjoyed it. It was a nice stroll down memory lane during the most fun times of my life hah. A teenager in the 80s back when Saturday morning programming was fun. Hopefully we get another season of it, even though it works as a standalone as well.


OMG, Alison is so cute with that Russian accent.
Can't help but smile when she makes a fool of herself, completely owning it every time.
I love this show! I saw a YouTube video of the original show and it's pretty bad. So I'm sure they changed the characters to fit today's audience. It's cheesy without being too cheesy. I love the leading ladies. Brie was my fav character in mad men, and gilpin was a jerk in masters of sex, but I'm really liking her character here. They are all believable to me. I don't get why some ppl complain that character development is lacking. Take it east guys, u didn't get to know everyone in oitnb on the first season. Two thumbs up from me. Can't wait for s2.

The characters are heavily influenced off of the characters in the original show, and the original Glow is AWESOME.


This show starts in 1985, right? So the real question nobody is asking is "How many seasons does this have to last before they can start making Machu Pikachu jokes?"


Was planning to pace myself with the show, but accidentally ended up watching more episodes than I usually do for Netflix shows. Now I've only got the finale left :/

Really great show, didn't want it to end. Knew Alison would be great going in, and worried she'll end up carrying the whole thing, but damn is this thing well cast.
Maron was the most surprising, but I guess he got more confident acting doing his show? haven't kept up.

Looking forward to a second season, even though I've no idea where the show will go in the finale.


I love this show so far after 4 episodes. One thing bothers me though... the Wolf Girl.

I can't tell if she's supposed to be a riff on trans people or not. I told my brother while watching that she is a ridiculous insane person, and my brother told me I was being transphobic in a way. I mean, that argument makes sense, but it just comes off as way too outlandish, even for this show's heightened universe. I can understand feeling like you were born as the wrong sex, but the wrong species? That's too much man.
I love this show so far after 4 episodes. One thing bothers me though... the Wolf Girl.

I can't tell if she's supposed to be a riff on trans people or not. I told my brother while watching that she is a ridiculous insane person, and my brother told me I was being transphobic in a way. I mean, that argument makes sense, but it just comes off as way too outlandish, even for this show's heightened universe. I can understand feeling like you were born as the wrong sex, but the wrong species? That's too much man.

I don't think it has anything to do with transgenders, but merely somebody who's different and feels they don't fit in with "normal" society. So maybe some transgenders as well as other types of people may be able to relate to that.
I love this show so far after 4 episodes. One thing bothers me though... the Wolf Girl.

I can't tell if she's supposed to be a riff on trans people or not. I told my brother while watching that she is a ridiculous insane person, and my brother told me I was being transphobic in a way. I mean, that argument makes sense, but it just comes off as way too outlandish, even for this show's heightened universe. I can understand feeling like you were born as the wrong sex, but the wrong species? That's too much man.

It has nothing to do with trans people, and it is a very real thing. Otherkin, therianthropy, clinical lycanthropy, various types of furries, there are a lot of different ways people think they're really animals trapped in human's bodies.
I watched the GLOW documentary and
apparently the real Glow got canned by the producer 5 years in. I wonder if the TV show will have that in the second season?
I watched the GLOW documentary and
apparently the real Glow got canned by the producer 5 years in. I wonder if the TV show will have that in the second season?
Why would they do that in the 2nd season? Season one was just about getting the pilot made. That would be years oif, season 5 maybe.
I love this show so far after 4 episodes. One thing bothers me though... the Wolf Girl.

I can't tell if she's supposed to be a riff on trans people or not. I told my brother while watching that she is a ridiculous insane person, and my brother told me I was being transphobic in a way. I mean, that argument makes sense, but it just comes off as way too outlandish, even for this show's heightened universe. I can understand feeling like you were born as the wrong sex, but the wrong species? That's too much man.

But she’s a female?
I love this show so far after 4 episodes. One thing bothers me though... the Wolf Girl.

I can't tell if she's supposed to be a riff on trans people or not. I told my brother while watching that she is a ridiculous insane person, and my brother told me I was being transphobic in a way. I mean, that argument makes sense, but it just comes off as way too outlandish, even for this show's heightened universe. I can understand feeling like you were born as the wrong sex, but the wrong species? That's too much man.
This is a unique thought and never crossed my mind, I'm sure that's not what they were going for.


Just started watching. But this feels like they gave up on Orange is the New Black and say. This is the new one guys. Love it tho.


It wasn't that popular and couldn't draw.

That's not the case according to the documentary. Ratings were fine at the time of cancellation.

The investor suddenly pulled out of funding the show(the rumor is at his wife's behest) and they were unable to replace that funding in time to continue the show.
Ep 7-9
them having to hustle to try to get money and their money struggles hit me pretty good, since all indy's are like that. Bash talking about how they can just use the lights in the ceiling for ring lights and all the production stuff made me barf to, cause that always happens


That's not the case according to the documentary. Ratings were fine at the time of cancellation.

The investor suddenly pulled out of funding the show(the rumor is at his wife's behest) and they were unable to replace that funding in time to continue the show.
Dave Meltzer talk about it a couple weeks ago, while they had fine ratings they couldn't draw a dime.


Dave Meltzer talk about it a couple weeks ago, while they had fine ratings they couldn't draw a dime.

I guess I don't understand why that matters. It was a tv show that filmed in the same venue every week. It wasn't a normal wrestling promotion surviving on ticket sales. What they needed was a new sponsor and couldn't get one.


I guess I don't understand why that matters. It was a tv show that filmed in the same venue every week. It wasn't a normal wrestling promotion surviving on ticket sales. What they needed was a new sponsor and couldn't get one.
Back then and even today you couldn't survive just by tv alone. you had to go city to city running shows and the problem with glow was that they only stayed in the last Vegas area and weren't that popular. They just couldn't make that much money.


I love this show so far after 4 episodes. One thing bothers me though... the Wolf Girl.

I can't tell if she's supposed to be a riff on trans people or not. I told my brother while watching that she is a ridiculous insane person, and my brother told me I was being transphobic in a way. I mean, that argument makes sense, but it just comes off as way too outlandish, even for this show's heightened universe. I can understand feeling like you were born as the wrong sex, but the wrong species? That's too much man.


furries "otherkin"

I binged this and man, I felt like Allison Brie's character was insufferable for 80% of the show, and that nothing interesting happened until the ass end of the back half of the season.

I guess they kind of sold it as them wrestling and working through shit and getting into stuff, but it was like 90% buildup to the 1 wrestling match.

I was really excited for Allsion Brie and the concept, and it was like a huge bummer drag for most of the season.
Allison Brie was the heel from beginning to end.

I love this show so far after 4 episodes. One thing bothers me though... the Wolf Girl.

I can't tell if she's supposed to be a riff on trans people or not. I told my brother while watching that she is a ridiculous insane person, and my brother told me I was being transphobic in a way. I mean, that argument makes sense, but it just comes off as way too outlandish, even for this show's heightened universe. I can understand feeling like you were born as the wrong sex, but the wrong species? That's too much man.

I figured it was a coping mechanism.


I am loving these 30/35 min episodes. And 10 of them. Getting abit tired of these Netflix shows with 13 episodes wich are 1 hour. Except for House of Cards.
I love this show so far after 4 episodes. One thing bothers me though... the Wolf Girl.

I can't tell if she's supposed to be a riff on trans people or not. I told my brother while watching that she is a ridiculous insane person, and my brother told me I was being transphobic in a way. I mean, that argument makes sense, but it just comes off as way too outlandish, even for this show's heightened universe. I can understand feeling like you were born as the wrong sex, but the wrong species? That's too much man.

Wtf are you talking about. You need to just take it as it is


Does anyone know wich song is playing at the end of episode 3 when there is a little montage of all the characters doing their types?
Binged through this show yesterday and really enjoyed it. Great episode length and pacing with nothing really dragging.

Really good performances, with some surprise appearances for me. Dude from Enlisted (underrated show), Misaki from Dark Matter, and Awesome Kong being in this were cool to see. Maron had the perfect role for him and Brie's Russian accent was great.
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