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God Of War - Ghost of Sparta |OT| of TC Carson yelling


Why doesn't this game have a screenshot feature?

If any psp game needed this, it's this game. I can't believe how well they transitioned the "looks like a painting" art direction of GoW3 onto the PSP processing power. Really looks incredible.

About 3 hours in atm and totally love it just like every other GoW game. Say what you will about the story and depth of the combat, but it's such a high quality franchise overall and every entry has been a joy to play.


just completed this. overall the prettiest game on the PSP. absolutely gorgeous

still found it to be quite poor. it wasn't as well designed as chains, the start was poor, the gameplay was exactly the fucking same, the spear was shit and there were a couple of really badly designed bits that kept leading to me falling in a pit or whatever

perfect game would be the gameplay/design of chains with the non-combat bits of this. also could someone please find a way to eliminate the fucking quick time events? it's 2010, this shit was outdated when dragons lair came out
leng jai said:
So how exactly do you start NG+? I've clocked the game and can't figure it out.
Just start a new game, it will ask if you want to use previous save file.
It will only work on the difficulty you beat it before though, so you can't beat normal and start new game plus on hard
leng jai said:
Oh damn, I only finished it on normal and tried playing Hard..

just beat the game on normal again with godly possession enabled etc, the game will be so easy and you'll get max 999999 red orbs, enough to unlock all the bonus stuff in temple of zeus

I'm not sure you'll get anything from beating the game on hard anyway, gamefaqs list you get a couple costume by beating the game on hard, but I got most of the costume already just by beating it on normal. I think I'm only missing Ghost of Sparta costume now from beating the game on very hard


Been holding out on this game for a while now. Started playing about 4 hours ago and haven't stopped :lol

Only issue is the use of the fire blade thing. Holding R sometimes is unresponsive on my psp

Great game nethertheless

leng jai

Ferga said:
Been holding out on this game for a while now. Started playing about 4 hours ago and haven't stopped :lol

Only issue is the use of the fire blade thing. Holding R sometimes is unresponsive on my psp

Great game nethertheless

I had the same issue. I had to really press hard on the R trigger for it to work (this is on a GO).


I just wish they didn't make so many O tapping QTE events. On PSP, L/R is much better. The O button is really at the edge of the psp and if you're playing with your thumb it's actually pretty hard to tap O rapidly while holding it! >_<


Just beat the dog/gear part after a hour of trying to kill the dogs and not the gear :lol

took me so long to find out you had to destroy the gear instead of killing the infinite spawning dogs


Alright, just finished this.

First of all, congrats to you Ready at Dawn guys. You really made an awesome game that's also probably the best visual/audio experience on a handheld ever :) I definitely hope you guys continue making more GoW games as this game was so fun that it makes me want a new GoW every 6 months!

What I really loved was the art direction. It was incredible, gorgeous vistas everywhere. In addition the soundtrack was amazing. Easily on par with the console GoW soundtracks. It made each area/scene much more epic and moody. I also liked the story. I thought GoW3's attempt to make Kratos more human and less pure RAGE through the little girl fell completely flat on its face and just felt totally out of character for him. Here the way the story was presented Kratos felt like Kratos, but he also felt more human and likeable and not just an evil bastard who kills everyone he sees.

Other things I liked were the pacing. Constantly enjoyable. Never spent too long on any one area. The battles were fairly short/medium-length, and the level design was excellent. Great mix of platforming, swinging, swimming, fighting, puzzles. The only thing I could have done without was the plank walking. Does anyone really like that?

The replayability/unlockables are nice although I'd rather art and making of videos get unlocked when you beat it. I don't tend to replay games but I always love looking through the art galleries and watching documentaries on good games.

The combat was kind of same old enjoyable god of war. I liked the fire system, but at the same time I don't think it added much to the combat. The sparta arms were neat, but I think unless you make the alternate weapons in GoW more useful than the traditional main, they don't get used all that much since you just stick with the main chain blades. The magics were satisfactory but none of them were really wow and exciting. Overall though with only 1 alternate weapon and a few uninteresting magics, the combat really didn't feel like it brought anything new to the table. It wasn't bad, because GoW combat is fun, but it just didn't feel fresh.

The monsters were alright. I wish you guys used less of the annoying ones like the ones that go underground and grab you (>_<). I felt I got grabbed by enemies more than in the other GoW games. Lots of L/R tapping :p

And the game could have used a few more real story bosses. That and a kick button for when you're pushing boxes :p I did notice that the box pushing speed was sped up in exchange, but the kick is classic!

But overall even if the experience didn't seem fresh, it delivered a great GoW ride from beginning to end. Very enjoyable, very nice on the eyes and ears, and very fun. Good job guys :)

For me, GoW2 > 3 ~ Ghost > 1 ~ Chains; but I find them all enjoyable (outside of some of the more annoying sections in 1).


Just completed the game and wow great job Ready At Dawn!! the game was awesome and so much better than Chains of Olympus.

The Visuals were outstanding! and great soundtrack as well. I really can't wait to see what you guys are working on next but whatever it is I'm looking forward to it!

I agree with Bebpo the pacing was fantastic enjoyed every area I went to, and the story was one of the best in the GoW series, bravo!


I'd lent my PSP to a friend to play KH:BBS, got it back today, played some GoS, I'm pretty blown away. Not only is it by far the most technically astonishing thing I've seen on the PSP, but it's also really a great game. It's already looking to be the second best in the series I think.

The Ready at Dawn guys are incredible and they need to be given the chance to produce something for the consoles, see how they can handle an original IP maybe. They're so talented. Amazing work.


StuBurns said:
I'd lent my PSP to a friend to play KH:BBS, got it back today, played some GoS, I'm pretty blown away. Not only is it by far the most technically astonishing thing I've seen on the PSP, but it's also really a great game. It's already looking to be the second best in the series I think.

The Ready at Dawn guys are incredible and they need to be given the chance to produce something for the consoles, see how they can handle an original IP maybe. They're so talented. Amazing work.

They are working on a PS360 game since a few years. I think it's an original IP too.


Finished up this gem of a game today and wanted to post my final thoughts.

Overall it was a great experience and makes me want more God of War, almost to the point of going back and playing number 3 again. Gameplay wise Ghost of Sparta felt as satisfying as it's console peers but it does lack a little bit in the variety department (1 alt weapon, 3 magics). It also seemed a little bit short and like it could have used 1 more cool area with 1 more epic boss somewhere.

The music is outstanding, the graphics are top shelf on the PSP with the exception of some nasty screen tearing (I'm far more sensitive to screen tearing than low framerate) and the visual effects are the best I've seen on the PSP. I loved both the snow and fire effects equally well and was really impressed by some of the areas that put those effects to good use.

Thera's Bane brought a new tactic to the tried and true GoW formula and I really had a blast with it. It was bar none my favorite new "trick" to this iteration of the franchise and I'm not surprised that Ready at Dawn came up with it because they also introduced the Cestus in CoO which I also adored.

So, great job Ready at Dawn, it was a fun ride! More people need to buy this game and even though I'm left feeling bittersweet by the ending
Deimos =(
and uncertain about the franchise itself I think you guys have a very bright future.


the_prime_mover said:
The only part that I felt was a bit cheap was the fight against the armour clad cyclops and those female creatures that can dive under the ground. The frustration just comes from the size of the room, the size of the cyclops on the screen and the other creature's propensity for attacking from off the screen. Too often I would get grabbed and have to mash L&R only to immediately get grabbed by another creature or the cyclops. So the entire fight often resulted in just mashing those two buttons and dying over and over.

I think the problem is that the female creatures have three different attacks from three different ranges and all of their attacks can stun you. Added to the seeming absence of recovery frames and the inability to block grab moves) means that it is possible to get caught in a viscious circle of unavoidable abuse.

However, I must stress that such fights have been in all of the other GoW games (damn Scorpion) and usually in much higher numbers (Read: various Satyr fights). GoS only really had one offender in a game that is otherwise very balanced and very fun.

True, the minions are very difficult.
One thing that makes them easier is using parry (arguable a more advanced move), as you can parry their ranged attacks and the grapple, then the counter attack will typically hit them (which can also plant fire bombs I believe).

Still on the harder difficulties another tactic is to use the spear while up in the air.


Jaradakar said:
True, the minions are very difficult.
One thing that makes them easier is using parry (arguable a more advanced move), as you can parry their ranged attacks and the grapple, then the counter attack will typically hit them (which can also plant fire bombs I believe).

Still on the harder difficulties another tactic is to use the spear while up in the air.
Ok, that second spoiler helped me get past that minion + cyclops (?) battle in the tiny room before the long hallway and furnace near the end. Thank you! I had given up finishing my Spartan game and had started and finished a completely new game on Normal as a result. Now I have Spartan available for NG+. w00t!


WHAT THE FUCK YO. I've been stuck on ONE area for over 5 gameplay hours now, this is getting absolutely ridiculous and I need tips.

It's the area right before you enter
Death's Domain
apparently, where you end up fighting 4 harpies and 3 electro-ball dudes in a row. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to take down 2 of the electric guys, but the last one will always get me, if I'm not taken down by the first two earlier than that. The trick that usually works out best for me involves charging and hitting ^ to launch in the air, and follow up with L+^, and roll away (of course, all of these moves are on fire).

I'm playing on Hard mode, with maxed chains and maxed fire. I've NEVER had this much trouble on any GoW section, and yes, I have played them all on Hard.

Oh, and to make matters worse, for those of you who don't know, dying 5 times in a row gets you to spawn with half your max health. I would just quit and restart, but the save point is pretty damn far from this fight, and not worth the 5 tries with max health to complete...


Darkatomz said:
WHAT THE FUCK YO. I've been stuck on ONE area for over 5 gameplay hours now, this is getting absolutely ridiculous and I need tips.

It's the area right before you enter
Death's Domain
apparently, where you end up fighting 4 harpies and 3 electro-ball dudes in a row. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to take down 2 of the electric guys, but the last one will always get me, if I'm not taken down by the first two earlier than that. The trick that usually works out best for me involves charging and hitting ^ to launch in the air, and follow up with L+^, and roll away (of course, all of these moves are on fire).

I'm playing on Hard mode, with maxed chains and maxed fire. I've NEVER had this much trouble on any GoW section, and yes, I have played them all on Hard.
The sad thing is; there is an even harder fight later on in the game... I almost threw my psp against the wall.:lol :lol :lol :lol
It wouldn't be so bad if everything didn't grab you! The particular room you're talking about took me several times to beat it on hard.. the teleporting got on my nerves. I had alot playing against me too during that fight: 75% health, max magic, and my chains were level three at the time.
It all boiled down to skill and alot of luck.


There's a harder fight? Fuck, I'm not even sure I want to finish the game anymore.

Skills isn't really a problem here for me. It's just that none of the damn moves and be countered or blocked, and with two teleporters, it's pretty easy to roll to avoid one teleport attack, only to instantly get my ass smashed by the second rock before I can roll again. It's BS.


Darkatomz said:
There's a harder fight? Fuck, I'm not even sure I want to finish the game anymore.

Skills isn't really a problem here for me. It's just that none of the damn moves and be countered or blocked, and with two teleporters, it's pretty easy to roll to avoid one teleport attack, only to instantly get my ass smashed by the second rock before I can roll again. It's BS.

Yeah, I felt like too. There wasn't alot of moves that could be countered when it counted. Another thing that kept messing me up was the combination of the evade move, block and fire power-up move being mapped to similar buttons. I managed to complete the game on Hard, but it definitely was annoying at some points.
I do remember spamming that black hole type move;it restores your health slightly. Other than that keep trying.
It's times like these were I'm thankful that the PSP has a sleep function. Because I sure as hell would've stopped playing if I had to restart from a previous save point.
Just finished! Well done!

I am quite used to seeing Kratos get angry but this game has him at all new levels of angry.

Might as well nickname him God of Rage.


Darkatomz said:
Oh, and to make matters worse, for those of you who don't know, dying 5 times in a row gets you to spawn with half your max health. I would just quit and restart, but the save point is pretty damn far from this fight, and not worth the 5 tries with max health to complete...
See earlier in thread. I had precisely this bug. It doesn't just happen here ... it also happens before the incredibly difficult fight in
Death's Domain
against the
female enemies that will sit beneath the ground and then strike from a distance
and the
armored cyclopes

If you have this bug, the game never offers to drop the difficulty level for you. I know. I've repeated the same battle 20+ times because of this bug.

Anyway, the strategy for this section, as suggested to me earlier in the thread, is to take out all but 1-2 of the harpies, then focus on the electro-ball dudes while not hitting the harpies. I eventually got through this battle this way, and I think I even did so while hobbled by the 50% health bug.

I eventually got through. You can too.


StuBurns said:
The Ready at Dawn guys are incredible and they need to be given the chance to produce something for the consoles

Why? Its like console gaming is considered a "step-up" from the portable scene for some of you :lol

We need more talented devs working on portables. PSP more than any other.


I finished with 999999 orbs and got all the treats in
Temple of Zeus
, including the
Shovel of Doom
. Other than attempting God difficulty, am I pretty much finished with all the things to find/get in this game?


jvm said:
See earlier in thread. I had precisely this bug. It doesn't just happen here ... it also happens before the incredibly difficult fight in
Death's Domain
against the
female enemies that will sit beneath the ground and then strike from a distance
and the
armored cyclopes

If you have this bug, the game never offers to drop the difficulty level for you. I know. I've repeated the same battle 20+ times because of this bug.

Anyway, the strategy for this section, as suggested to me earlier in the thread, is to take out all but 1-2 of the harpies, then focus on the electro-ball dudes while not hitting the harpies. I eventually got through this battle this way, and I think I even did so while hobbled by the 50% health bug.

I eventually got through. You can too.
What would keeping a harpy alive do? Keep one of the electroball dudes from spawning, so you only have to fight one at a time? I've been too put off from trying again right now.


Darkatomz said:
What would keeping a harpy alive do? Keep one of the electroball dudes from spawning, so you only have to fight one at a time? I've been too put off from trying again right now.
Correct. Until the harpy count drops to 1 (or 0, can't recall which), you can get at most one electro-ball dude. This avoids the nasty little crushed-by-ball-recover-crushed-by-other-dude's-ball-repeat loop that you can get stuck in. :p


jvm said:
Correct. Until the harpy count drops to 1 (or 0, can't recall which), you can get at most one electro-ball dude. This avoids the nasty little crushed-by-ball-recover-crushed-by-other-dude's-ball-repeat loop that you can get stuck in. :p
Hmm... that sounds significantly easier, I'll have to give it a try. Thanks man.


Just wanted to post here to add my voice to the praising. Just started today and played until finishing off Scylla, and what a great finishing that was! I am completely surrendered to Ready at Dawn wizardry with the PSP. Kudos to them! And finishing this game will make me experience all the God of War entries in 2010. What a great IP this is! I hope they somehow give us another episode this generation.


Darkatomz said:
Oh, and to make matters worse, for those of you who don't know, dying 5 times in a row gets you to spawn with half your max health. I would just quit and restart, but the save point is pretty damn far from this fight, and not worth the 5 tries with max health to complete...

yeah... that's a bug left over from chains that we were unable to stomp :-(

But after you restart, hit select and then restart from check point. You'll start back with full life I believe.


Jaradakar said:
yeah... that's a bug left over from chains that we were unable to stomp :-(

But after you restart, hit select and then restart from check point. You'll start back with full life I believe.
This would have been good to know. :p Ah well, done with it now.

Amusing that it's a bug from CoO that I never encountered. And I've played that at least four times the whole way through. Even on the hardest difficulty once, as I recall.


MYE said:
Why? Its like console gaming is considered a "step-up" from the portable scene for some of you :lol

We need more talented devs working on portables. PSP more than any other.
Yes, I do consider console gaming a "step-up".

I played a little GoW2 and I think I do still think it's the better game, but it's very close, and this is certainly second for me if not equal first.


Rise from your grave, Ghost of Sparta OT!

That being said, completed the game a few days ago. I liked this one more than Chains of Olympus, feels a little more polished; sometimes it would feel uncomfortable because there's no doubt that playing with a PS2 (or PS3) controller is a lot better for GoW games.

Difficulty is pretty much OK, beat it on Very Hard without much trouble
(except maybe for a couple fights later in the game, Wraiths + armored Cyclops)
but the only aspect that I think lacked a little this time: Challenge of the Gods, a nice amount indeed (5 from Ares, 7 I think? from Athena) but they all were easy.

Overall: a great game and a must-have if you are a fan of the GoW series.
Jaradakar said:
yeah... that's a bug left over from chains that we were unable to stomp :-(

But after you restart, hit select and then restart from check point. You'll start back with full life I believe.

Whoa.. I was curious about this as it happened to me. Months later I finally find out. ><

Only 6 pages GAF? Terrible! Shameless bump.


this was a great game on its own merits, a fantastic entry in the god of war series, and a real technical wonder on the psp, but i think everyone is just sort of 'god of war'ed out at this point, thus so little hype and attention for this installment.


diddles said:
but i think everyone is just sort of 'god of war'ed out at this point, thus so little hype and attention for this installment.

Not really, it's just the general disinterest america has for the PSP at this point
I was finally able to buy/pass it and I was left pretty disappointed.

The reviews I read said it was a long game 8+ hours and that it had a great story. Neither of those things are true. The story is not great at all. I feel like not enough story was even given. The story is definitely better than GOW 3's but even a story about a dog taking a shit is a better story than GOW 3's. I also passed the game in about 5 and a half hours. Very disappointing. After killing Thanatos all I could say was "that's it?".

Even so, the game was pretty good. The game play was some of the best of the series. Overall good game, especially for 30 bucks from Amazon.

I'd say 1 > 2 > COO > 3 > GOS
Finally got the game and have put an hour into it. Like an idiot I can't believe I waited so long. The games amazing. From the visuals to the streamlined gameplay. Ready at Dawn are the masters.


This game is on sale today on the EU store, I'm thinking about picking it up.

God of War: Chains of Olympus – (was – £14.99/€19.99 now – £7.99/€9.99)
God of War Ghost of Sparta – (was – £19.99/€24.99 now – £11.99/€16.99)
Yeah, I can't believe how good this game looks in some stages...its far more consistant than GoW3 aesthetically...sure the highs in GoW3>>>>>>this, but the lows were the worst in the series...this game is consistantly good looking throughout, and well captures the aesthetic of the third, with lesser detail
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