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God Of War - Ghost of Sparta |OT| of TC Carson yelling


Ok, I'm stuck on a bug, and need help. I'm in
Atlantis for the second time
. I've just put a
into a machine and made
the second statue move
. I've gotten through the
smashing walls underwater section
and a little further and I've dropped into
an arena with four flying harpies and then two electrical dudes with giant electrical balls (followed by a third dude, at least)
. I have not been able to get past the third one, because I die ... a lot. The
are easy enough, just jump and circle to slice 'em up.

But man, the
electrical dudes
are too much.

The bug is that after I die a few times, I go back to the ledge before you drop in, and suddenly I'm at half the health I started with! I even reloaded the game from my last save point ... waaaay back before the stuff I described above, just to make sure I wasn't crazy. There is even a chest right before you drop in, so I KNOW I was at full health before starting the battle. It's a bug, plain and simple.

So, I need some strategies for this part. One
electrical dude
is easy enough. But two is a bit much, especially when there is a third coming right behind it.

I have
blades, fire blades
maxed out and I can max out one of
arms of sparta or the black-hole-magic
before this battle, if that helps.

I'm really regretting starting on spartan difficulty. Guess I got too cocky ... also, this game doesn't ever appear to ask if you want to drop down a difficulty level after you get your butt kicked a bunch of times.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
jvm said:
I'm really regretting starting on spartan difficulty. Guess I got too cocky ... also, this game doesn't ever appear to ask if you want to drop down a difficulty level after you get your butt kicked a bunch of times.

It does ask you, I got that question after dying for the nth time on those
underwater crushing walls of death
. As for what to max out, max out
the Scourge of Erinys, as it gives you health orbs when used


alright, i'm currently in
. Looking at the graphics this game is really the new benchmark of the psp system. but in terms of gameplay... it's really nothing new (so far). sometimes it feels like i've seen the exact same area in one of the other god of war games :lol

all in all it's a fantastic handheld game. i like it!


jvm said:
Ok, I'm stuck on a bug, and need help. I'm in
Atlantis for the second time
. I've just put a
into a machine and made
the second statue move
. I've gotten through the
smashing walls underwater section
and a little further and I've dropped into
an arena with four flying harpies and then two electrical dudes with giant electrical balls (followed by a third dude, at least)
. I have not been able to get past the third one, because I die ... a lot. The
are easy enough, just jump and circle to slice 'em up.

But man, the
electrical dudes
are too much.

The bug is that after I die a few times, I go back to the ledge before you drop in, and suddenly I'm at half the health I started with! I even reloaded the game from my last save point ... waaaay back before the stuff I described above, just to make sure I wasn't crazy. There is even a chest right before you drop in, so I KNOW I was at full health before starting the battle. It's a bug, plain and simple.

So, I need some strategies for this part. One
electrical dude
is easy enough. But two is a bit much, especially when there is a third coming right behind it.

I have
blades, fire blades
maxed out and I can max out one of
arms of sparta or the black-hole-magic
before this battle, if that helps.

I'm really regretting starting on spartan difficulty. Guess I got too cocky ... also, this game doesn't ever appear to ask if you want to drop down a difficulty level after you get your butt kicked a bunch of times.

I'd recommend not maxing out the Scourge of Erinys, as I believe it'll just increase the damage and mana cost, but not give you much more health. You're better off I believe keeping it at a lower level.

The fight can be a pain, especially if all the Shockers get out of sync (so diff timing on the teleport move).

Things to remember:

While you're doing Lighting magic, you're invulnerable -- it also does good damage. Try to use it as a damage shield to avoid the teleport moves or just to get out of bad situations.

Harpy's die quick to grab moves (wings pulled off) it can be beneficial to kill them all first.

Sticky bombs as we call them (Fire blade + finishing move) on the Shockers really helps disrupt them. One of the fastest ways to place a stick bomb is doing the launch move (hold triangle I believe).

Doing a combination of sticky bombs and lightning magic should prevail while using Scourge of Erinys if you get low on health.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Just started playing this.
Arrived to Sparta. Fucked 8 whores simultaneously. Now going back to Atlantis.

Is it wrong I'm liking this more than GOWIII?
TTP said:
Just started playing this.
Arrived to Sparta. Fucked 8 whores simultaneously. Now going back to Atlantis.

Is it wrong I'm liking this more than GOWIII?

Not wrong at all. I also prefer it to 3.

It's just feels better and has more... I have no idea but more *blank*. Hard to describe. :lol


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
TTP said:
Just started playing this.
Arrived to Sparta. Fucked 8 whores simultaneously. Now going back to Atlantis.

Is it wrong I'm liking this more than GOWIII?

No, it's not wrong. I'm still undecided whether I like this or GoW III most, but it's definitely one of the three best GoW games.


Ridley327 said:
GoS is a better game than GoW3 because you can skip the fucking cutscenes.

And has New Game +! What were Santa Monica thinking when they removed that feature from GoWIII?


Dave1988 said:
And has New Game +! What were Santa Monica thinking when they removed that feature from GoWIII?
Maybe they figured the combat arena glitch that maxes out all of your weapons at the start of a new game counted. :lol


Ridley327 said:
Maybe they figured the combat arena glitch that maxes out all of your weapons at the start of a new game counted. :lol

Too bad they "fixed" it with the 1.03 patch :/


AranhaHunter said:
What did you expect?

i don't know... maybe i'm just a bit burnt out on it

i wish they mixed it up a bit more though. it's still the same old bullshit of fighting fodder, walking, puzzle, fighting fodder. with occasional boss or stong enemy thrown in

and the controls seem worse than chains of olympus somehow


Finished it today, clocked in at about 7:20.. That last boss fight was epic! The game was over way too fast. :(
So their claim of 25% longer rang true for me; COO took me around 5 hours, and this was around 6 hours 15 minutes. Overall I really liked it, but there wasn't anything particularly impressive other than the graphics...there weren't too many memorable parts, and the bosses were lame other than one cool one in the middle of the game. I wasn't a fan of the "bounce against the invisible walls in the city of fucking and not much else" either. Good pacing, great graphics, ok story, kinda uninspired gameplay. God of War is becoming the series where you know exactly what you're going to get, which is nice that you know you're going to have a good time, but I think they could challenge themselves to be more creative with the actual "game" side of things.


jvm said:
Ok, I'm stuck on a bug, and need help. I'm in
Atlantis for the second time
. I've just put a
into a machine and made
the second statue move
. I've gotten through the
smashing walls underwater section
and a little further and I've dropped into
an arena with four flying harpies and then two electrical dudes with giant electrical balls (followed by a third dude, at least)
. I have not been able to get past the third one, because I die ... a lot. The
are easy enough, just jump and circle to slice 'em up.

But man, the
electrical dudes
are too much.

The bug is that after I die a few times, I go back to the ledge before you drop in, and suddenly I'm at half the health I started with! I even reloaded the game from my last save point ... waaaay back before the stuff I described above, just to make sure I wasn't crazy. There is even a chest right before you drop in, so I KNOW I was at full health before starting the battle. It's a bug, plain and simple.

So, I need some strategies for this part. One
electrical dude
is easy enough. But two is a bit much, especially when there is a third coming right behind it.

I have
blades, fire blades
maxed out and I can max out one of
arms of sparta or the black-hole-magic
before this battle, if that helps.

I'm really regretting starting on spartan difficulty. Guess I got too cocky ... also, this game doesn't ever appear to ask if you want to drop down a difficulty level after you get your butt kicked a bunch of times.
I was at the same exact situation, till a moment ago!:D
So, here are my tips: do NOT kill all the harpies. Kill just the first two, by grabbing them with the O button: this way only one of those dudes will spawn. Secondly...you have to keep at least one of the harpies alive. I managed to kill two electrical dudes while there still was one of those birds alive: just ROLL when you see them making circles in the air, otherwise they'll grab you(and you will end killing 'em).
It's pretty hard to pull off, though.


g.r.e. said:
I was at the same exact situation, till a moment ago!:D
Thanks, g.r.e. and thanks very much to Jaradakar as well!

When I got home and could sit down for a bit, I started from my save game and worked up to this battle. After losing several times (and restarting at the last checkpoint with full health), the bug struck and I had only half health. I decided this was the best way to hone my skills and plowed ahead. The tip not to kill the
immediately was pure gold. I eventually got to the final
electric dude
with over 1/4 health, and just waxed him with the system I'd developed.

The tip from Jaradakar to hold triangle was perfect. The
electric dudes
have two attacks, but you can avoid both of them with this system: hold triangle, plant bomb, while up in the air whack away with square/triangle, when you land the bomb will go off and you get a moment to plant another one. Repeat.

Combined with Atlantis attacks to wear them down and get my bearings, it was fine. Now I'm at
the domain of death
and ready to move on.



Just managed to beat it. I enjoyed the story a lot more than 3 and it has some great set pieces that I didn't know could be pulled off on the PSP.


Anyone preorder this game from best buy and never got their dlc preorder voucher code?

I'm so pissed right now. Day before release idiot employee told me I didn't have to preorder since it was probably like Medal of Honor LE ver... I still did online. Then I went to pick it up since it was backordered online and the douch cashier didn't know anything about preorder code. Told me it should be on an email.

I did get it....asking me about a quick survey on my recent "pick up". Fuuuuuuuuu.

Never again, BB.
Wasn't too overly keen on it at the start but a few hours in and I'm really enjoying it now. Loved the visit to
and one of the boss fights was great. I don't get on too well with the controls sadly which lets the game down, but that's a fault of the hardware. Graphically though it's outstanding. I'm just over 4 hours in and I know there's little left of the game now but it's a fun ride so far.

It aint a patch on GoWIII and I'm not sure where'd I'd put it yet in the series.


How... how did Ready at Dawn get such outstanding facial animation on the PSP. Even MGS didn't go down that route on the system. The cutscene
with Kratos' mother was out-bloody-standing


Have a fun! Enjoy!
V_Ben said:
How... how did Ready at Dawn get such outstanding facial animation on the PSP. Even MGS didn't go down that route on the system. The cutscene
with Kratos' mother was out-bloody-standing

Pretty sure that's all video recorded, with a beefed up game engine running at 10fps in real time. :D


TTP said:
Pretty sure that's all video recorded, with a beefed up game engine running at 10fps in real time. :D

Aww. I figured that it might be, with those transitions in the beginning. But thanks for ruining the magic man :p


Have a fun! Enjoy!
V_Ben said:
Aww. I figured that it might be, with those transitions in the beginning. But thanks for ruining the magic man :p


Reminds me when I was a kid drooling at FMV sequences on Amiga. Now I see them and I'm like "wtf FMV?!"


Finished it on hard mode last night, and really only had problems in a couple sections (and one freeze - which is odd on a PSP).

One area that stood out involve Birds and 5 or so of those banshees - I would basically be stun locked between the birds peck attack, the banshee's stab through the ground move, and the banshee grab.

The other area involved two armored cyclops and more of those banshee things - at one point I would be caught in a throw chain when a banshee would grab me with that pin you to the ground and slash your face move, followed up straight into the cyclops grab move.
The boss fights themselves were actually fairly easy though.
Finished it last night. Really enjoyed it. Last boss fight was good though easy. Gotta say it has the worst weapons/abilities of the series, the spear wasn't great. Length wise it was better than CoO by about 2 hours (finished this in 6 hrs) and a much more acceptable length. Was it me or did they not really try to hide the "hidden" chests very well in this game?



Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
One thing that annoyed me in the first PSP GoW was that when you failed a QTE against a normal enemy, if you initiated it again it would be a completely differente button sequence for no reason. Can someone tell me if they're still like this in Ghost of Sparta?


That's not a PSP-exclusive quirk; every game in the series has had that. It's a lot easier to manage in GoS because they adopted the QTE format from GoW3 and now have each button flashing on the side of the screen that corresponds with their position on the system.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Ridley327 said:
That's not a PSP-exclusive quirk; every game in the series has had that. It's a lot easier to manage in GoS because they adopted the QTE format from GoW3 and now have each button flashing on the side of the screen that corresponds with their position on the system.
Weird that I wrongly remember GoW 1 and 2 not being like that (probably because the QTEs didn't annoy me in those games like they did in Chains of Olympus). Thanks for the info.
TTP said:
Just started playing this.
Arrived to Sparta. Fucked 8 whores simultaneously. Now going back to Atlantis.

Is it wrong I'm liking this more than GOWIII?

Nothing wrong with that. I find the story more interesting than the one in GOWIII. I don't know I just feel a bit more connected to Kratos than just AAAAAAAAARRRGGGGG ZEUS I'M GONNA GED J00 MOTHERFUCKAAAAAH!!!!

And I loved GOWIII to bits :lol
Just beat it. Overall I enjoyed it a lot more than CoO, and perhaps even GoW3. I love how they used many of the best elements from the other games while adding a bit more to the formula.

There was only one part at the very end where I felt that things were a bit cheap, but other than that the combat was fantastic. I kept hoping for a PSN (PS3) release while I was playing.

There seems to be a lot of additional content to keep me interested in the game, so this will probably be my PSP game for the next little while.

All in all I thing RaD had done a remarkable job with the game and the franchise. Though people could very well be burnt out by this point in the series (2 GoWs in one year), this is a worthy entry and a great sequel to the original game.
I'm picking this up soon - are there any elements that hint at a possible direction for God of War 4, or is this just about filling in the existing gaps?
badcrumble said:
I'm picking this up soon - are there any elements that hint at a possible direction for God of War 4, or is this just about filling in the existing gaps?

I'm thinking GOW4 will star Deimos instead of Kratos.


EekTheKat said:
One area that stood out involve Birds and 5 or so of those banshees - I would basically be stun locked between the birds peck attack, the banshee's stab through the ground move, and the banshee grab.
I think I know which part you're talking about, and I have a strategy.

I also had a tough time with this (on Spartan difficulty) and the bug I mentioned previously (lose several times, then after a point you restart with half health) came back. It has happened in several places now, and I'm guessing either is a game bug or a bug in my save file.

Anyway, here's the deal. You can just hold down block and none of the enemies in that area (banshees, birds) can hurt you. Also, a single use of the horn (freezing) will destroy the birds around you. So guard, wait until all three birds are around you, then freeze them, go back to guarding. Repeat until birds are all gone.

The next part is to deal with the banshees. They are quite easy once I figured out I could block their dash attack (where they start from underground). Just plant a sticky bomb on one or both of them (preferably one at a time, for safety's sake), wait for the dash, block, and then retaliate which will plant another bomb. Repeat, end of battle.

Once I did this, even starting with just half health, I finished it in Spartan difficulty with about 1/4 health.
Dave1988 said:
And has New Game +! What were Santa Monica thinking when they removed that feature from GoWIII?

The way the levels were structured in GoW 3 wouldn't of worked with a new game+ mode.
For instance, at the start of the game on the titan, once you drop down into the chest, what would stop the player from destroying the crystals surrounds its heart and killing it (now having the gauntlets right from the start.) Yes, they could of went through and canceled out all those weapon trigger effects till later in the game, but that is time they probably didn't have.


jvm said:
I think I know which part you're talking about, and I have a strategy.

I also had a tough time with this (on Spartan difficulty) and the bug I mentioned previously (lose several times, then after a point you restart with half health) came back. It has happened in several places now, and I'm guessing either is a game bug or a bug in my save file.

Anyway, here's the deal. You can just hold down block and none of the enemies in that area (banshees, birds) can hurt you. Also, a single use of the horn (freezing) will destroy the birds around you. So guard, wait until all three birds are around you, then freeze them, go back to guarding. Repeat until birds are all gone.

The next part is to deal with the banshees. They are quite easy once I figured out I could block their dash attack (where they start from underground). Just plant a sticky bomb on one or both of them (preferably one at a time, for safety's sake), wait for the dash, block, and then retaliate which will plant another bomb. Repeat, end of battle.

Once I did this, even starting with just half health, I finished it in Spartan difficulty with about 1/4 health.

I think I fell in love with the parry and wound up trying to parry everything towards the end of the game. Ultimately though I did beat that part through some very liberal use of the spear which when powered up does quite a bit more damage than the default swords and can kill like 3 or 4 birds in one combo due to the sweeping motion of some of the moves.
Got the game and played a little bit...so good!

I do have a problem, I'd like to try the Deimos skin but my GoWIII is from the US and the code I got is certainly for the Euro version, is there somebody who can trade with me? If no one can that's alright too.

Anyway I'm going to play more!


jvm said:
I think I know which part you're talking about, and I have a strategy.

I also had a tough time with this (on Spartan difficulty) and the bug I mentioned previously (lose several times, then after a point you restart with half health) came back. It has happened in several places now, and I'm guessing either is a game bug or a bug in my save file.

Anyway, here's the deal. You can just hold down block and none of the enemies in that area (banshees, birds) can hurt you. Also, a single use of the horn (freezing) will destroy the birds around you. So guard, wait until all three birds are around you, then freeze them, go back to guarding. Repeat until birds are all gone.

The next part is to deal with the banshees. They are quite easy once I figured out I could block their dash attack (where they start from underground). Just plant a sticky bomb on one or both of them (preferably one at a time, for safety's sake), wait for the dash, block, and then retaliate which will plant another bomb. Repeat, end of battle.

Once I did this, even starting with just half health, I finished it in Spartan difficulty with about 1/4 health.

What do you mean by 'sticky bomb'...?

And is there any guide yet for all the godly possessions, didn't find all of them in my 2 playthroughs.

What do you guys find of the challenges? Tried them already?


Mesijs said:
What do you mean by 'sticky bomb'...?

And is there any guide yet for all the godly possessions, didn't find all of them in my 2 playthroughs.

What do you guys find of the challenges? Tried them already?
Holding down R trigger while doing a finishing move with the blades (or parrying), plants a glowing, sparking bomb in an enemy which subsequently explodes and usually stuns the enemy.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I'm thinking GOW4 will star Deimos instead of Kratos.

But Deimos
was imprisoned in the Underworld from childhood until Kratos freed him, and he died at the end of Ghost of Sparta.
So I don't see how they could make a GoW 4 starring Deimos.

Kuran said:
Is Chains of Olympus worth playing if I enjoyed Ghost of Sparta? Or is it too much of a downgrade?

CoO is an OK game, but arguably the worst of the GoW games, besides GoW: Betrayal. The story is great though.
Kuran said:
Is Chains of Olympus worth playing if I enjoyed Ghost of Sparta? Or is it too much of a downgrade?

Hell yes it's worth playing, just the sheer scope of the game that really showcased what the PSP could do with the extra MHz is amazing. Definitely play this game.

Def Jukie

Mesijs said:
And is there any guide yet for all the godly possessions, didn't find all of them in my 2 playthroughs.

You are probably missing two I'm guessing. There is one
for unlocking everything in the temple of zeus
and one
for completing the sex (orgy) scene three times.
Combichristoffersen said:
But Deimos
was imprisoned in the Underworld from childhood until Kratos freed him, and he died at the end of Ghost of Sparta.
So I don't see how they could make a GoW 4 starring Deimos.

True but you know they could always find a loophole if they wanted to. my money is still on Deimos having his own full-fledged game.
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