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God of War Ragnarök G|OT|Y


It's actually very easy to forget to upgrade certain elements, due to how messy the menus are. I totally forgot I could upgrade Spartan's Rage. And I have to remind myself to upgrade my rune attacks.

How do I update spartan rage? Menus is bad indeed.

Overall enjoying myself 11 hours in, I do feel it could overall use some badass sauce. All this "there is no light or dark, it's just a matter of perspective" is not very original or interesting. Tyr being a big old pussy.. also not great. I'd rather have he would go with us and slaughter Odin's ass.

Overall good, but need more badass, no mercy, strike first, sweep the leg.

Animated GIF
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I almost can't believe how stupid this story is. I started the game late because I had no time, but now that I am halfway into it, I am completely flabbergasted.

They are heavily influenced by Naughty Dog and have increased dialogue by 400%, and are trying to cram two games into one.

Kratos is neutered with a soft morality system and feels completely useless, and they are trying to tell personal stories from the perspective of gods who want to be friends and deal with trauma while they cry and hug while commentating on destiny and fate in something that comes off as a parody of a sitcom. They sit around the dinner table telling jokes.

Half of the dialogue is exposition about lore and history that is completely useless, centered around underdeveloped places and people that have no bearing on anything. They can't slam enough companions in your face that need to speak on everything in fine detail, from what direction you need to look to where you need to throw your axe.

Atreus barely got any working facial animations. Freya looks like a dead horse trying to speak.

The over-the-shoulder camera is pointless. In 2018, they told little stories with the cinematography, here, they barely use it for anything worthwhile, I guess it's because that was Barlog's baby, and he's not directing.

The game is still great because of the production values and combat, I would even score it well over 90. But WHAT A FUCK is going on here, I have the same feeling as when playing Mass Effect Andromeda. How did they do from God of War 2018 to this mess? these two games have almost nothing in common when it comes to how they tell their stories. This game is the very definition of bloated expensive popcorn entertainment with no substance.

I am terrified of the stupid shit I am bound to run into as the story continues. At least there are some cool bosses.
Can't relate. I've had a great time with this game.

I also don't understand how some people have finished the game in 30 or less hours while I only finished it now with more then double the time needed.
Seems like some people just rush through everything. They have to mash buttons otherwise the game is boring. Which explains why they can't enjoy the storybits and dialogue scenes.


Can't relate. I've had a great time with this game.

I also don't understand how some people have finished the game in 30 or less hours while I only finished it now with more then double the time needed.
Seems like some people just rush through everything. They have to mash buttons otherwise the game is boring. Which explains why they can't enjoy the storybits and dialogue scenes.
I am always into the story and loved the story in the first game, but I can't possibly understand how anyone can enjoy the story in this. I am not gonna go into spoilers, but they are doing the worst portrayals of gods I have ever seen.

Atreus is written like a modern kid, and he will utter shit like "yikes" and "totally" and is a complete mismatch for the game and setting. I was sitting and shaking my head the entire time I played last night. Nothing makes sense.

The game is also anti old school God of War. If you enjoy those old games, this game is a nightmare. Kratos just follows everyone around. He makes friends! He apologizes! he's a comical relief figure this time around. And the voice actor's voice cracks half the time he raises his voice.

Again though, the game itself is good, I am just talking about the awful story here.

I am about 15-ish hours in, I have no idea how much I have left, I will be very surprised if it goes over 30 hours though, as a lot has happened and I am pretty sure I can figure out how this is gonna end. Depends on how much of the side stuff you do I suppose.
Been playing for roughly 35hrs on Give Me No Mercy difficulty and my thoughts are mixed. I’m something like 70% through the game. I want to preface my comments with a general sense of adoration for the franchise. The last entry in the series was my GOTG. I came into Ragnarok with nothing but positivity but have been left thus far extremely frustrated.

Straight up I want to say that the combat system is bad. There are so many poor design decisions that I’m unsure precisely where to begin. These are just some of the things I had a problem with…
  • Enemy chain attacks (2 - 4 hits) when successfully parried does not interrupt chain???
  • Due to size and attack range of certain enemies, combat roll doesn’t take you out of the range of attack (why no invincibility window?)
  • Block stagger animation (after being struck by a heavy attack) almost always results in damage during high intensity boss fights (unfair penalisation)
  • Target lock doesn’t adequately track certain fast moving enemy types; accidental target switching happens regularly I.e. reacts when attempting to orient camera
  • Runic attacks not staggering enemies when triggered in time to stop damage
  • Enemies using ranged attacks off camera during combat can’t be easily seen
  • Enemies moving out of combo at ease; attacks having no stagger ability against certain enemy types
  • No ability to block or defend when animation trapped
  • Low standard attack damage, low runic damage; only way to deal substantial damage is to charge weapon (L1 + Triangle to release). Charged weapon state takes too long to build up.
  • Combat roll requires 2 button presses (adds delay as it takes more time to press twice)
  • Takes too long to apply elemental status on enemies (most are dead before elemental status is applied)
  • Difficult to see enemy attacks at times due to camera position and enemy mobility
  • Evade is poor and continuously causes you to take damage
Further, I want to mention the bizarre difficulty spikes throughout the game. Mini bosses like the Berserkers are very difficult to defeat. I’m a decent player and I feel no shame in admitting that I have had to leave a few to come back to. In contrast, Sigrun was the only boss I had trouble with at all in the previous entry and I played on one of the harder difficulty settings.

Damage taken from enemies across the board is too high. I have been 1 shotted from full health at times. Frequently a red unblockable attack that lands deals 50% - 70% damage. Some regular mobs deal 30% - 40% damage from a standard attack. This wouldn’t be a problem if Kratos dealt high damage or if it was easy to heal without sacrificing Spartan Rage but that is not the case. Also, health drops infrequently and doesn’t restore enough hp to absorb even one standard enemy attack. I also find it strange that Kratos doesn’t regenerate health between encounters given his godly ability to heal himself when wounded.

I’m not sure if this is due to the difficulty setting I am playing on but the pacing has been terrible. Boss fights and mini bosses routinely take forever to defeat. As attacks deal so little damage and enemies deal so much the fights are incredibly drawn out. This applies to standard encounters also. I don’t say this lightly but I am tempted to drop the difficulty down to balanced if only to help with the pacing issues due to lengthy combat sections.

I really want to sing the praises of this game as there is a lot to admire. I have focused on the negatives here but there are many positives to be found. As I said earlier. Thus far my overall impression is mixed.
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This game is obviously very well made and the combat is great... But I don't feel the urge of paying and seeing the next story bit or setpieces like I did with 2018.

It's weird, I'm having fun, but I feel like I won't remember much of it a week after I'm done. Sonic Frontiers definitely left a bigger impression on me and kept me interested for far longer... Ragnarok is clearly more well made, but damn... Sonic had a lot more heart put into it and it all reflected on how I responded to it.
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Gold Member
This game is obviously very well made and the combat is great... But I don't feel the urge of paying and seeing the next story bit or setpieces like I did with 2018.

It's weird, I'm having fun, but I feel like I won't remember much of it a week after I'm done. Sonic Frontiers definitely left a bigger impression on me and kept me interested for far longer... Ragnarok is clearly more well made, but damn... Sonic had a lot more heart put into it and it all reflected on how I responded to it.
Cant Speak Nathan Fillion GIF


Gold Member
His loud ass breathing even doing a swift walking pace is really starting to annoy me....maybe its because im playing with headphones but i cant not hear it now


Flashless at the Golden Globes
  • Enemy chain attacks (2 - 4 hits) when successfully parried does not interrupt chain???
  • Due to size and attack range of certain enemies, combat roll doesn’t take you out of the range of attack (why no invincibility window?)
  • Block stagger animation (after being struck by a heavy attack) almost always results in damage during high intensity boss fights (unfair penalisation)
  • Target lock doesn’t adequately track certain fast moving enemy types; accidental target switching happens regularly I.e. reacts when attempting to orient camera
  • Runic attacks not staggering enemies when triggered in time to stop damage
  • Enemies using ranged attacks off camera during combat can’t be easily seen
  • Enemies moving out of combo at ease; attacks having no stagger ability against certain enemy types
  • No ability to block or defend when animation trapped
  • Low standard attack damage, low runic damage; only way to deal substantial damage is to charge weapon (L1 + Triangle to release). Charged weapon state takes too long to build up.
  • Combat roll requires 2 button presses (adds delay as it takes more time to press twice)
  • Takes too long to apply elemental status on enemies (most are dead before elemental status is applied)
  • Difficult to see enemy attacks at times due to camera position and enemy mobility
  • Evade is poor and continuously causes you to take damage
lol Amazing how I agree with every single bullet point here. This list needs to be sent in an email with like 1 million signatures to SSM offices. A fucking parry should interrupt an attack. Removing R1 from 99% of the chains really limits your options. Iframes are very inconsistent and need to be larger. Avoiding beserker range attacks is a crap shoot because the timing needs to be perfect only that i still have no idea when i need to dodge.

And this is coming from someone who likes the combat despite all of these things. I like Bayonetta's way of handling off screen enemies, they just dont target you, or at least very rarely do with bosses being an exception. they added a bunch of enemies with range attacks and then forget that they have the camera all the way up kratos' ass so you can exactly see anything.

I think just tweaking the health and making parrying rewarding again will fix a lot of the issues.

K' Dash

Been playing for roughly 35hrs on Give Me No Mercy difficulty and my thoughts are mixed. I’m something like 70% through the game. I want to preface my comments with a general sense of adoration for the franchise. The last entry in the series was my GOTG. I came into Ragnarok with nothing but positivity but have been left thus far extremely frustrated.

Straight up I want to say that the combat system is bad. There are so many poor design decisions that I’m unsure precisely where to begin. These are just some of the things I had a problem with…
  • Enemy chain attacks (2 - 4 hits) when successfully parried does not interrupt chain???
  • Due to size and attack range of certain enemies, combat roll doesn’t take you out of the range of attack (why no invincibility window?)
  • Block stagger animation (after being struck by a heavy attack) almost always results in damage during high intensity boss fights (unfair penalisation)
  • Target lock doesn’t adequately track certain fast moving enemy types; accidental target switching happens regularly I.e. reacts when attempting to orient camera
  • Runic attacks not staggering enemies when triggered in time to stop damage
  • Enemies using ranged attacks off camera during combat can’t be easily seen
  • Enemies moving out of combo at ease; attacks having no stagger ability against certain enemy types
  • No ability to block or defend when animation trapped
  • Low standard attack damage, low runic damage; only way to deal substantial damage is to charge weapon (L1 + Triangle to release). Charged weapon state takes too long to build up.
  • Combat roll requires 2 button presses (adds delay as it takes more time to press twice)
  • Takes too long to apply elemental status on enemies (most are dead before elemental status is applied)
  • Difficult to see enemy attacks at times due to camera position and enemy mobility
  • Evade is poor and continuously causes you to take damage
Further, I want to mention the bizarre difficulty spikes throughout the game. Mini bosses like the Berserkers are very difficult to defeat. I’m a decent player and I feel no shame in admitting that I have had to leave a few to come back to. In contrast, Sigrun was the only boss I had trouble with at all in the previous entry and I played on one of the harder difficulty settings.

Damage taken from enemies across the board is too high. I have been 1 shotted from full health at times. Frequently a red unblockable attack that lands deals 50% - 70% damage. Some regular mobs deal 30% - 40% damage from a standard attack. This wouldn’t be a problem if Kratos dealt high damage or if it was easy to heal without sacrificing Spartan Rage but that is not the case. Also, health drops infrequently and doesn’t restore enough hp to absorb even one standard enemy attack. I also find it strange that Kratos doesn’t regenerate health between encounters given his godly ability to heal himself when wounded.

I’m not sure if this is due to the difficulty setting I am playing on but the pacing has been terrible. Boss fights and mini bosses routinely take forever to defeat. As attacks deal so little damage and enemies deal so much the fights are incredibly drawn out. This applies to standard encounters also. I don’t say this lightly but I am tempted to drop the difficulty down to balanced if only to help with the pacing issues due to lengthy combat sections.

I really want to sing the praises of this game as there is a lot to admire. I have focused on the negatives here but there are many positives to be found. As I said earlier. Thus far my overall impression is mixed.

it's like I wrote this, I agree with every single one of your points.


Im stuck at the
odin fight right after the thor fight, I didnt have issues with thor but this old cunt keeps kicking my butt

Any strategy to get past?


Been playing for roughly 35hrs on Give Me No Mercy difficulty and my thoughts are mixed. I’m something like 70% through the game. I want to preface my comments with a general sense of adoration for the franchise. The last entry in the series was my GOTG. I came into Ragnarok with nothing but positivity but have been left thus far extremely frustrated.

Straight up I want to say that the combat system is bad. There are so many poor design decisions that I’m unsure precisely where to begin. These are just some of the things I had a problem with…
  • Enemy chain attacks (2 - 4 hits) when successfully parried does not interrupt chain???
  • Due to size and attack range of certain enemies, combat roll doesn’t take you out of the range of attack (why no invincibility window?)
  • Block stagger animation (after being struck by a heavy attack) almost always results in damage during high intensity boss fights (unfair penalisation)
  • Target lock doesn’t adequately track certain fast moving enemy types; accidental target switching happens regularly I.e. reacts when attempting to orient camera
  • Runic attacks not staggering enemies when triggered in time to stop damage
  • Enemies using ranged attacks off camera during combat can’t be easily seen
  • Enemies moving out of combo at ease; attacks having no stagger ability against certain enemy types
  • No ability to block or defend when animation trapped
  • Low standard attack damage, low runic damage; only way to deal substantial damage is to charge weapon (L1 + Triangle to release). Charged weapon state takes too long to build up.
  • Combat roll requires 2 button presses (adds delay as it takes more time to press twice)
  • Takes too long to apply elemental status on enemies (most are dead before elemental status is applied)
  • Difficult to see enemy attacks at times due to camera position and enemy mobility
  • Evade is poor and continuously causes you to take damage
Further, I want to mention the bizarre difficulty spikes throughout the game. Mini bosses like the Berserkers are very difficult to defeat. I’m a decent player and I feel no shame in admitting that I have had to leave a few to come back to. In contrast, Sigrun was the only boss I had trouble with at all in the previous entry and I played on one of the harder difficulty settings.

Damage taken from enemies across the board is too high. I have been 1 shotted from full health at times. Frequently a red unblockable attack that lands deals 50% - 70% damage. Some regular mobs deal 30% - 40% damage from a standard attack. This wouldn’t be a problem if Kratos dealt high damage or if it was easy to heal without sacrificing Spartan Rage but that is not the case. Also, health drops infrequently and doesn’t restore enough hp to absorb even one standard enemy attack. I also find it strange that Kratos doesn’t regenerate health between encounters given his godly ability to heal himself when wounded.

I’m not sure if this is due to the difficulty setting I am playing on but the pacing has been terrible. Boss fights and mini bosses routinely take forever to defeat. As attacks deal so little damage and enemies deal so much the fights are incredibly drawn out. This applies to standard encounters also. I don’t say this lightly but I am tempted to drop the difficulty down to balanced if only to help with the pacing issues due to lengthy combat sections.

I really want to sing the praises of this game as there is a lot to admire. I have focused on the negatives here but there are many positives to be found. As I said earlier. Thus far my overall impression is mixed.
If I were going to write an impressions thread, this is exactly what I would have written as well. I agree with every single point you've made.

Combat feels like it's really taken a slight step back over GoW2018 and I think it comes down to iframes, inconsistent input lag, inconsistent movement, and inconsistent hit boxes. I've pretty much given up on the Berzerkers because I just don't care about the trophy enough to endure constant frustration of getting my timing right and still getting pummeled into the ground.

Also agree wholeheartedly with the pacing comment. The general tone of the game didn't feel fluid at all. I blame the Atreus sections, to be honest. They felt forced and were so bad, and they slowed the game's progress to a crawl.

If I were to add anything else, it's that I got very burned out on the checklist collect-a-thon this time around. I didn't mind it so much in GoW2018 as the game was a new reimagining of the franchise but they doubled down on the sheer amount of crap to run around and gather... and after a while I just got tired of it, optimized my gear, and pushed through the story and favors. The grocery list of things on each map was nearly as bad as an Ubisoft game -- except instead of icons littering the map, it's a literal checklist.

I'd give the story a 9, combat an 8, and the collect-a-thon content padding a 4.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Just finished it 10 min ago and what a fucking great game, my GOTG so far. Loved it from the start to finish and man its just feels soo good on PS5. I was a little letdown when i first saw the trailers and how close it looked to GOW 2018, but it was really nice to play it at 60fps at a high resolution while also looking better. There where parts where the game looked insane and the art was on point. Only complaint i have about the graphics is the FOV, its just too low. Atleast they should give us a option or something, because i died many times because i couldn't see the enemy. Yes i know there are indicators but there is soo much happening on the screen with all the particles and other stuff that you can't even see the them properly. So it would really help to give us a wider FOV. Im sad that its over but im also happy with how it ended. Definitely gonna replay the story when they add game mode plus and photomode.

BTW i have taken soo many screenshots that it filled my SSD lol.


Gold Member
This game is lasting me more than an open world game somehow...
The fact that i'm 40 hours in and i have no idea of what you people are talking about in the last 2 pages is nothing short of impressive...

I think i reached the infamous library (i guess is the one you explore forca sidequest in the desert zone (can't remember the name of the realms to save my dick), i'm level 4 i think, if i defeated

that combo you find in the same place of a fat giant lizard behind the door and 2 overlevelled brigant chiefs that comes from those black matter things at mid air and kill you in one hit
am i ready for the super hard boss in the library?
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Gold Member
lol Amazing how I agree with every single bullet point here. This list needs to be sent in an email with like 1 million signatures to SSM offices. A fucking parry should interrupt an attack. Removing R1 from 99% of the chains really limits your options. Iframes are very inconsistent and need to be larger. Avoiding beserker range attacks is a crap shoot because the timing needs to be perfect only that i still have no idea when i need to dodge.

And this is coming from someone who likes the combat despite all of these things. I like Bayonetta's way of handling off screen enemies, they just dont target you, or at least very rarely do with bosses being an exception. they added a bunch of enemies with range attacks and then forget that they have the camera all the way up kratos' ass so you can exactly see anything.

I think just tweaking the health and making parrying rewarding again will fix a lot of the issues.
What do you mean with removing r1 from the chains?
This game is lasting me more than an open world game somehow...
The fact that i'm 40 hours in and i have no idea of what you people are talking about in the last 2 pages is nothing short of impressive...

I think i reached the infamous library (i guess is the one you explore forca sidequest in the desert zone (can't remember the name of the realms to save my dick), i'm level 4 i think, if i defeated

that combo you find in the same place of a fat giant lizard behind the door and 2 overlevelled brigant chiefs that comes from those black matter things at mid air and kill you in one hit
am i ready for the super hard boss in the library?
On give me no mercy I thought it wasn't that bad. You have to nail your parries, and guard break and dodge nothing you haven't done before if you beat the valkeryries on the previous game. I really enjoyed the fight actually.

Maybe just make another save to be sure!


Gold Member
On give me no mercy I thought it wasn't that bad. You have to nail your parries, and guard break and dodge nothing you haven't done before if you beat the valkeryries on the previous game. I really enjoyed the fight actually.

Maybe just make another save to be sure!
Well shit, i'm gonna try when i return at home from work.

40 hours in and i don't even have the new weapon (if there is one) or even close to get it story wise, fucking lol.


This is the most fun I've had with a game in a long time.

30 hours in now (and seems like plenty to go) and I think it's surpassed Elden Ring for me.

Really don't understand the complaints but as always opinions are different. There does seems to be a special level of nitpicking that is reserved for big exclusives though.


Can't relate. I've had a great time with this game.

I also don't understand how some people have finished the game in 30 or less hours while I only finished it now with more then double the time needed.
Seems like some people just rush through everything. They have to mash buttons otherwise the game is boring. Which explains why they can't enjoy the storybits and dialogue scenes.
What story, where?

Kratos who goes into chicken mode with Mimir and asks for forgiveness and THANKS people for shit? Sony must fire quality control. 4+ years and we get a half assed shitty game from one of the best studios on Earth???

Ssm and sony is spitting/pissing in your face and people embrace it.

If this execution makes you erect you havent experienced any good shit in your life.
Well shit, i'm gonna try when i return at home from work.

40 hours in and i don't even have the new weapon (if there is one) or even close to get it story wise, fucking lol.
Lol I ve pushed on the story( I really want to find out what happens next)I think I at 45 hours but I think you've done way more side content than I have. You've mentioned stuff I haven't seen yet lol game certainly is huge.

Honestly I ve had way tougher fights later. The one in the library is really good. Very clear telegraps etc you will know exactly what you need to do.


Can't relate. I've had a great time with this game.

I also don't understand how some people have finished the game in 30 or less hours while I only finished it now with more then double the time needed.
Seems like some people just rush through everything. They have to mash buttons otherwise the game is boring. Which explains why they can't enjoy the storybits and dialogue scenes.
Same its one of those rare special titles that you get to play every 3-5 years, thats so good its hard to put down. It took me 35 hours total, for the main story and side missions. Didn't complete the all the
trials or kill all the Champions, nor bothered getting all the Ravens (got maybe 39/48)
though I did play on normal. I did do the side stuff with the main story so didn't need to backtrack, nor did I want to go back to them after finishing the game.

Can't see it being as replayable as the first seeing the length of the game and certain parts, a little dragged out. Other than that its a astonishingly great game.
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What story, where?

Kratos who goes into chicken mode with Mimir and asks for forgiveness and THANKS people for shit? Sony must fire quality control. 4+ years and we get a half assed shitty game from one of the best studios on Earth???

Ssm and sony is spitting/pissing in your face and people embrace it.

If this execution makes you erect you havent experienced any good shit in your life.

So your complaining about character growth, are you implying people or gods can't change?

It should have been clear to anyone after GoW2018 that Kratos would change. And I don't see the issue here.

Hes trying to teach his son as much as he can while fighting yet another "fate/prophecy". He doesn't want his son to continue the path he and his father Zeus had taken by killing their own fathers.

Btw. did anyone find a map with all red pots in the game/ open world for post game? I'm missing like 6 pots.
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So your complaining about character growth, are you implying people or gods can't change?

It should have been clear to anyone after GoW2018 that Kratos would change. And I don't see the issue here.

Hes trying to teach his son as much as he can while fighting yet another "fate/prophecy". He doesn't want his son to continue the path he and his father Zeus had taken by killing their own fathers.

Btw. did anyone find a map with all red pots in the game/ open world for post game? I'm missing like 6 pots.
Red pots? What is the mission? I think it's easier to just look up on youtube though.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Can you make an example because i'm not following you (my fault).

Sometimes my english comprehension is shit and i don't get simple stuff...
The shield in the first game let you press R1 and R2 after a parry to do a follow up attack with the shield. That attack would then break the enemy combo. In this game only the guardian shield lets you do that.
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i dont share the sentiment towards berserkers for give me no mercy difficulty. ,i managed to slay two with 4 lvl gear and another one with 5 lvl gear. i dont even know what their lvl was supposed to be.

it took me 7 8 attempts for the last berserker i slayed, and i almost did no hit. this is on a base ps4 with atrocious input lag

obviously i will put in spoiler tag its around midgame (after brok and svartelheim adventure)

i do agree combat has taken a general stepback however.
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Gold Member
Finished the game last night. Overall, it is fantastic. Enjoyed the story, the gameplay, the characters.....really everything was so well done. I've already pointed at the annoyances in this thread like the overzealous hints and horrible UI, but the negatives are massively overwhelmed by the positives. That final stretch of the game was amazing and the ending was extremely satisfying.

Now I'm diving right back in to clean up remaining trophies and get that Platinum.
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Finished the game last night. Overall, it is fantastic. Enjoyed the story, the gameplay, the characters.....really everything was so well done. I've already pointed at the annoyances in this thread like the overzealous hints and horrible UI, but the negatives are massively overwhelmed by the positives. That final stretch of the game was amazing and the ending was extremely satisfying.

Now I'm diving right back in to clean up remaining trophies and get that Platinum.

I'm really jealous. Going to wait a while before I pick up my copy since I have a lot of work to do. Should be great to play it through Xmas. Then there's the Callisto Protocol which I hope is good.


Vanaheim is one of the best video game levels ever. So fucking good. Absolute master class.
I couldn't agree more, like it so much I finished all the sidequest there before moving on with main story. This game is indeed a masterclass and there's always this lingering feeling you don't want it to end because of how good it is.

Now I understand why it been receiving universal acclaim.
thats the only time they do that. probably because it was the first puzzle in the game. the rest of the game, especially the optional puzzles are not like this.
I can assure you its not. This goes on and on. Also NPC telling me they found something which I already solved or used etc.

Btw. My ingame menu is also showing that I have a new item in the weapons section, which isn't the case i've scrolled through every itemclass and there is no new weapon. This is bothering me 😭
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Yellow bar is same level as you if I'm not mistaken. Beat that librarians a**. Completed every side quest that was available. Not really caring too much about favors. Beat one berserker in Dwarven realm. It was a tough fight.. took alot of time. But I enjoyed it. Mostly interested in completing Odin's Ravens as many as I can.

I feel I'm nearing the end at around 34 hours. The enemies have doubled, facing two mini bosses at the same time but it's nothing too bad.

The combat has definitely gotten wayyy more interesting and fun than the starting hours. Loving the new weapon and mixing different things up. First game I only used Axe even after I got the blades. Here I'm using everything which keeps things interesting.

I have visited all 9 realms now. Most favorite is definitely Vanaheim, second favorite is Alfheim, third best is the elven realm for me.

I love how I'm still as interested in the story as the first few hours. They have managed to keep me engaged and interested in the main plot while also fleshing out the universe with Mimir/companion stories.

Gotta say Tyr has turned out to be the biggest disappointment in the game. It's one thing to be peaceful and another to be a dumbass. Mother Teresa would have been more help. All he does is whine.

Kinda late Story spoilers
Hellhound battle was pretty epic. That was VERY god of war. I liked how Kratos referred to it as "my way". Also loved that it turned into Fenrir.

Another great moment was with Skol and Hati but I wish they didn't spoil it in the trailers.
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