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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


Any showa movie should be good

Also if you want some turtle power 90's Gamera flicks are awesome

I would avoid everything between Godzilla vs Mothra and Godzilla vs Hedorah. Ghirdorah movies are all terrible from every era and those few truly kiddie movies are brutal. All of the Heisei movies except Godzilla vs King Ghidorah are pretty good. Even that has some charm as it is as ridiculous and confusing story (even by the standards of the series) and straight up tries to (poorly) rip off Alien/Aliens/Terminator.
Chaotic Century >>>>>>>. New Century Zero
pretime skip Chaotic Century is good, not a fan of the second half. I don't need my anime about mecha-animals to be so fucking serious. The lighter tone of New Century is right on the mark.
I saw it in 2D and didn't have any problems seeing the battles. Maybe the screening that person went too wasn't calibrated right and it was too dark?
my second showing was really washed out, it was a lot more difficult to see the little details in the night scenes. First viewing was perfect, so I do think it can be a theater issue
Also LOL at the early interviews where Edwards and the writers were saying they had a new, relevant thematic take on Godzilla where he represents man's struggle against nature.

The only moment where they half heartedly try and show this 'theme' in the movie is Watanabe's line from the trailer. That's it. Do you know what Godzilla actually represents in this movie?
A big fucking monster

I guess the humans trying to
contain the MUTO
in the beginning relates to that theme as well...but one scene and a throwaway line do not make a theme.
Godzilla the monster was just a monster, sure. Godzilla the movie about giant monsters coming like a force of nature that humankind couldn't defend against stuck to that theme pretty well. Hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes come and go and we are powerless. Same deal with giant monsters. But because they are physical, "the arrogance of man" thought they could control it.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Also LOL at the early interviews where Edwards and the writers were saying they had a new, relevant thematic take on Godzilla where he represents man's struggle against nature.

The only moment where they half heartedly try and show this 'theme' in the movie is Watanabe's line from the trailer. That's it. Do you know what Godzilla actually represents in this movie?
A big fucking monster

I guess the humans trying to
contain the MUTO
in the beginning relates to that theme as well...but one scene and a throwaway line do not make a theme.

did you just miss out the military being powerless to stop the monsters and the kaijuus messing around like it was nothing?


If we replaced Aaron Taylor Johnson with Channing Tatum, would people have enjoyed it more?

Maybe. I probably would have enjoyed it more. Tatum at least has more charisma than Kick Ass, even if he's not a good actor. I enjoyed Tatum a lot more in White House Down than I did Kick Ass in Godzilla.


If we replaced Aaron Taylor Johnson with Channing Tatum, would people have enjoyed it more?

His was the only acting in the film that at times felt forced and lacking emotional depth. They should have just gone with someone like JGL for the part instead.

Maybe. I probably would have enjoyed it more. Tatum at least has more charisma than Kick Ass, even if he's not a good actor. I enjoyed Tatum a lot more in White House Down than I did Kick Ass in Godzilla.

Man, this makes me realise this movie would've been a lot better with Tom F***** Cruise. At least, the scene with him running away from the muto would've been tremendous.



Man, this makes me realise this movie would've been a lot better with Tom F***** Cruise. At least, the scene with him running away from the muto would've been tremendous.


Most definitely. I had that thought when the preview for his next movie (that looks terrible) came up. Dude can run like no other. Is he going to stick to terrible looking sci-fi action movies from now it? It feels like that and Mission Impossible movies are all he's done in the last 6-8 years.
he's had a pretty boring ass filmography for a long time now but i think edge of tomorrow is his most interesting looking film since war of the worlds

...holy shit that was 2005. since then it's just been wack big budget flicks. boring career.


I marked out hard in the theater when that happened, since I honestly didn't think they'd include it.

I don't understand this at all. I've seen a lot of people say that. Why on earth would you NOT expect that in the movie? It's a Godzilla movie. Has there been a single Godzilla movie without some kind of version of it? The 1998 is the closest I can think of, but it had a kind of/sort of version.
did you just miss out the military being powerless to stop the monsters and the kaijuus messing around like it was nothing?

I did not. But that's a pretty lazy justification for the theme considering every kaiju movie ever made has the same thing happen. If they were gonna take a serious approach to the movie I expected a serious screenplay, not a totally half-assed one.


Question about near final scene

Was that actually Big G at the end who kills the last MUTO? He seems smaller and Big G was knocked the fuck out earlier and I'm pretty sure he stayed knocked the fuck out in the same spot when he woke back up later. Idk :l Was thinking it could have been Jr. Would actually fit the moment as well.


Question about near final scene

Was that actually Big G at the end who kills the last MUTO? He seems smaller and Big G was knocked the fuck out earlier and I'm pretty sure he stayed knocked the fuck out in the same spot when he woke back up later. Idk :l Was thinking it could have been Jr. Would actually fit the moment as well.

I feel like you may have been high when you watched the movie.


Question about near final scene

Was that actually Big G at the end who kills the last MUTO? He seems smaller and Big G was knocked the fuck out earlier and I'm pretty sure he stayed knocked the fuck out in the same spot when he woke back up later. Idk :l Was thinking it could have been Jr. Would actually fit the moment as well.

Yes, it was Godzilla. the only Godzilla in the movie.
He was knocked the fuck out AFTER that scene. Although he did have a similar scene before that.


Yes, it was Godzilla. the only Godzilla in the movie.
He was knocked the fuck out AFTER that scene. Although he did have a similar scene before that.
Ah ok, kind of weird for them to have him go back into the city just to knock out. Seeing how he lives in water lol

I feel like you may have been high when you watched the movie.

My back was hurting insanely bad so this isn't far from the truth. I don't remember the ending all that clearly outside of the blasting part xD


I don't understand this at all. I've seen a lot of people say that. Why on earth would you NOT expect that in the movie? It's a Godzilla movie. Has there been a single Godzilla movie without some kind of version of it? The 1998 is the closest I can think of, but it had a kind of/sort of version.

After the 1998 movie, I honestly wasn't expecting even that much done correctly.


Fun movie. Human element wasn't all that great but can't saw that ever mattered in any of the other ones.

edit: I'd agree the characters in 1998 were much better.


Question about near final scene

Was that actually Big G at the end who kills the last MUTO? He seems smaller and Big G was knocked the fuck out earlier and I'm pretty sure he stayed knocked the fuck out in the same spot when he woke back up later. Idk :l Was thinking it could have been Jr. Would actually fit the moment as well.

Godzilla kills the last Muto by holding it's mouth open, shooting his atomic ray into it, and ripping the head off. I'm pretty sure Godzilla killed it. It was probably one of the coolest kills in the series.

Mikey Jr.

You speak as if people talking is an inherently boring thing….Depends entirely on the subject matter being discussed, and how it all progresses the narrative.

I found the first half of the movie as entertaining as the latter half. I was in no rush to see non stop monotonous giant monster battling, and wanted it to count when it finally did arrive, and it did.

Too many movies these days go the Man on Steel route where it's just an unnecessary and inconsequential amount of action and fighting that makes something that should be riveting and impactful turn in to something mundane.

You probably missed a bit of the fan service and little nods to the Toho films.

The Toho films also include talking and people and dialogue and human. I mean isn't that what makes a movie?

Did you really want 123 minutes of all monster action? That's not what makes Godzilla a great franchise.

There needed to be more. They saved everything for the end, rather than splicing it into the movie.

I didn't find the human element very interesting at all either. It should be there, not arguing that. But it made up 4/5 of the movie.

Dunno, I just wasn't engaged. I just kept looking at my watch, wondering when it would be over. At least it ended with a pretty cool fight at the end. But I did leave with a sour taste.

Will not buy the bluray, and I'll probably read user impressions before I see the sequel rather than going in blind like I did.


Junior Member

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– Annoying woman who wants to be a reporter
– Dr. Nick Statopoulos ("It's Tatopoulos!")


Still better than Ken Watanabe with his mouth perenially agape delivering horrible one liners and expressionless aaron taylor johnson. That dialogue regarding the sex of the MUTO was one of the most embarrassingly acted scenes I have ever seen in a movie. In the 1998 version I was laughing even though the movie did not intend it. In this version I could not even laugh at the bad acting. It was that terrible.
Still better than Ken Watanabe with his mouth perenially agape delivering horrible one liners and expressionless aaron taylor johnson. That dialogue regarding the sex of the MUTO was one of the most embarrassingly acted scenes I have ever seen in a movie.

Uh huh. Anymore than this?

"He's pregnant."
"Well, whatever – we'll continue calling him a 'he'."

I find this new appreciation for Godzilla 1998 weird.


Wait, some people genuinely prefer the 1998 version? Wut. That's like preferring Batman and Robin to Batman Begins...


Wait, some people genuinely prefer the 1998 version? Wut. That's like preferring Batman and Robin to Batman Begins...

Batman Begins actually had good actors though. No offense to Bryan Cranston,
Why they offed so early makes no sense to me. Scheduling issues? Of well.


Memorably annoying, sure.

Let's not forget the non-joke joke, "That's a lot of fish."

Anyway you want to define it. The characters in this film sans one, made me feel nothing.

Creature wise no contest. This was the correct/superior rendition.

edit: Also my friend wanted to see the 3D version, but you could tell it wasn't true 3D. Oh well.
If I could get a 27x40 poster of (ending spoilers)
Godzilla looking away from the camera with the Muto's head in one hand
I would be very, very happy.

What an insanely badass moment.


I don't think the '98 Godzilla is any better than this one, but I also don't think this one really blows it away either. I think there are a good 10 or so Toho Godzillas that top this movie for me.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Watanabe didn't bother me much. He came across as the befuddled scientist stereotype. Regardless, he should have been much more expert at his subject matter given at least 15 yrs experience with it, but he also doesn't get in the way of the story moving forward so I don't really care either.

The writer and director clearly appreciate the need for some expert testimony, as evidenced by Cranston's role, so it seems fairly deliberate that they wanted to portray Watanabe's character as the type of intellectual who gets lost in his own thoughts too much.


Watanabe didn't bother me much. He came across as the befuddled scientist stereotype. Regardless, he should have been much more expert at his subject matter given at least 15 yrs experience with it, but he also doesn't get in the way of the story moving forward so I don't really care either.

The writer and director clearly appreciate the need for some expert testimony, as evidenced by Cranston's role, so it seems fairly deliberate that they wanted to portray Watanabe's character as the type of intellectual who gets lost in his own thoughts too much.

He looked lost alright. Like I said it was fine none of the movies have ever been good for the characters.

I think my expectations that this would be some monster movie with A+ drama was a mistake.
I don't think the '98 Godzilla is any better than this one, but I also don't think this one really blows it away either. I think there are a good 10 or so Toho Godzillas that top this movie for me.

I'm sorry that is so crazy to me. Say what you will about the acting and how much it bothered you but every scene involving Godzilla is superior in every possible way.

Revisionist. Next thing they are gonna tell us Godzilla (98) did well and had lots of positive reviews!

I've had people actually argue the merits of Transformers 2 in a more convincing manner than any of this 98 insanity.
Despite my numerous complaints with the film, I think this is one that would be more enjoyable on a second watch as it wouldn't suffer the burden of expectations. I could just tune out during the human scenes and admire the pretty visuals, and then enjoy the action set pieces without worrying about how god-awful everything leading up to them was.

I'm sorry that is so crazy to me. Say what you will about the acting and how much it bothered you but every scene involving Godzilla is superior in every possible

The problem being that Godzilla accounts for such a tiny fraction of the movie's run time. But yeah, the Godzilla parts were awesome.


Despite my numerous complaints with the film, I think this is one that would be more enjoyable on a second watch as it wouldn't suffer the burden of expectations. I could just tune out during the human scenes and admire the pretty visuals, and then enjoy the action set pieces without worrying about how god-awful everything leading up to them was.

Yeah. I think I expected something like what Ridley Scott did with Alien. Redefining a whole genre.

My fault for thinking that.
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