No, not really. Even if Godzilla him(her?)self could live 100% of absorbed radiation that didn't need to be ripped up and chewed, having teeth could be A. a genetic remnant from when Godzilla WASN'T able to survive without eating, or B. a defensive adaptation against other titans. Plenty of animals have weaponry (teeth, horns, claws) that they don't really need to food, but serve as protection or mobility.
Still, Godzilla having forward facing eyes, giving it binocular vision and improved depth perception at the cost of lateral vision, STRONGLY suggests Godzilla is a PREDATOR, and likely is a carnivore, rather than being some sort of massive prey animal/peaceful 'grazing' species (like a Blue Whale or something).
Not that anyone really thinks about this stuff, have we ever seen the wolf or mammoth (and tiger?) titans from the....2014 Godzilla film (I think, they blur together). The 'lore', such as it is, even from the Legendary films alone, is a terrific mess.
Edit:^^^^^^^what he said