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Godzilla X Kong New Trailer.


I thought you lot wanted more monster fights, less human story?

There is a way to do it.

And then there is this.

Final wars is not a cinematic gem, but it’s at least fan service that’s fun.

I am personally good either way, I like all iterations of G story telling. But there is definitely a way to do more monster and less human and still make a cohesive film, heck KotM did it well enough.


Can't wait, have tickets for 4pm today. I've grown up with Godzilla freaking love him. I would watch the Japanese movies all the time.



60% with 73 reviews.
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Have a feeling I know how this is going to go down. Not sure if I want to see it in the theater, but it does look fun.


Gold Member
Went after work to see it but I didn’t get much sleep last night and kept dozing off during the movie. liked what I saw but I missed the ending gotta see it again


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
What do Godzilla, Kong and the other titans eat? What sort of damage does it do to the ecosystem when these titans empty their bowels?

Serious questions as well.


Gold Member
What do Godzilla, Kong and the other titans eat? What sort of damage does it do to the ecosystem when these titans empty their bowels?

Serious questions as well.
I feel like there should be guys in rad suits with kead lined bins waiting for godzilla to poop, that shit is probably better than enriched uranium!

Could have a while subplot of Iranian spies trying to get it while the CIA stops them.


Gold Member

It's braindead schlock but if you're in the mood for that you're gonna have a good time, I guess.


Rodent Whores
No, not really.

Seems a bit pointless him having teeth then. What was the evolutionary purpose of those if he just "eats" radiation?

Huge plot hole there.

Since the titans look like large versions of already existing animals, one could assume that they all evolved to eat, just like any other animal, but then later acquired some kind of trait that allows them to absorb and metabolize radiation. Over the course of millions of years, they wouldn't necessarily lose features like teeth, either because teeth don't cause the titans to become unfit (i.e. they become a vestigial organ), or because the teeth still confer an evolutionary fitness advantage, such as defense.

Additionally, they still probably need to eat, but unlike the rest of us who need to eat for both protein and energy, the titans just need to eat to give themselves all the protein and macronutrients they need to maintain cell growth and bodily functions, while the radiation takes care of the energy. That would be kind of like a plant, which "eats" in two different ways. One way is to "eat" solar radiation for energy, while the other way is to "eat" nitrogen through its roots for protein synthesis.
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Gold Member
No, not really.

Seems a bit pointless him having teeth then. What was the evolutionary purpose of those if he just "eats" radiation?

Huge plot hole there.
No, not really. Even if Godzilla him(her?)self could live 100% of absorbed radiation that didn't need to be ripped up and chewed, having teeth could be A. a genetic remnant from when Godzilla WASN'T able to survive without eating, or B. a defensive adaptation against other titans. Plenty of animals have weaponry (teeth, horns, claws) that they don't really need to food, but serve as protection or mobility.

Still, Godzilla having forward facing eyes, giving it binocular vision and improved depth perception at the cost of lateral vision, STRONGLY suggests Godzilla is a PREDATOR, and likely is a carnivore, rather than being some sort of massive prey animal/peaceful 'grazing' species (like a Blue Whale or something).

Not that anyone really thinks about this stuff, have we ever seen the wolf or mammoth (and tiger?) titans from the....2014 Godzilla film (I think, they blur together). The 'lore', such as it is, even from the Legendary films alone, is a terrific mess.

Edit:^^^^^^^what he said
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Since the titans look like large versions of already existing animals, one could assume that they all evolved to eat, just like any other animal, but then later acquired some kind of trait that allows them to absorb and metabolize radiation. Over the course of millions of years, they wouldn't necessarily lose features like teeth, either because teeth don't cause the titans to become unfit (i.e. they become a vestigial organ), or because the teeth still confer an evolutionary fitness advantage, such as defense.

Additionally, they still probably need to eat, but unlike the rest of us who need to eat for both protein and energy, the titans just need to eat to give themselves all the protein and macronutrients they need to maintain cell growth and bodily functions, while the radiation takes care of the energy. That would be kind of like a plant, which "eats" in two different ways. One way is to "eat" solar radiation for energy, while the other way is to "eat" nitrogen through its roots for protein synthesis.

No, not really. Even if Godzilla him(her?)self could live 100% of absorbed radiation that didn't need to be ripped up and chewed, having teeth could be A. a genetic remnant from when Godzilla WASN'T able to survive without eating, or B. a defensive adaptation against other titans. Plenty of animals have weaponry (teeth, horns, claws) that they don't really need to food, but serve as protection or mobility.

Still, Godzilla having forward facing eyes, giving it binocular vision and improved depth perception at the cost of lateral vision, STRONGLY suggests Godzilla is a PREDATOR, and likely is a carnivore, rather than being some sort of massive prey animal/peaceful 'grazing' species (like a Blue Whale or something).

Not that anyone really thinks about this stuff, have we ever seen the wolf or mammoth (and tiger?) titans from the....2014 Godzilla film (I think, they blur together). The 'lore', such as it is, even from the Legendary films alone, is a terrific mess.

Edit:^^^^^^^what he said

Absorbing radiation is lame. Godzilla should be eating whales and whole schools of fish, either that or just eating humans because why not.

Godzilla should also absorb radiation, but just to power up his atomic breath.

There. That's one plot hole filled in.

Legendary should also think about how these titans reproduce and show that in the next film.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I find it a lot easier to enjoy these movies in a world where Minus One exists. I don't have to worry about what I'm not getting, I can just take it on its own terms.

And so this series has gotten very knowingly campy and silly. I laughed out loud at how ridiculous it was, and I enjoyed the spectacle of the fights which almost reminded me of the rubber suit wrestling of the old movies. Kong was totally the main character, the humans were just there for exposition and framing.


This was a lot of fun especially if you're a fan of the Showa movies. There's a bunch of things that could have been improved but it definitely does what it sets out to do, do a kaiju-centered story with a lot of monster pro-wrestling.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
This was a lot of fun especially if you're a fan of the Showa movies. There's a bunch of things that could have been improved but it definitely does what it sets out to do, do a kaiju-centered story with a lot of monster pro-wrestling.
Yeah it was definitely that, although I do feel like Godzilla is getting sidelined more and more. This didn't feel like a Godzilla movie to me at all, it was a Kong movie with Godzilla and Mothra in it.
Movie was boring as fuck, almost every epic fight starts, then cuts to something else (usually the humans doing boring shit) then jumps straight back to the fight just to show the victor, kong holding a severed head or Godzilla roaring, there is very little actual fighting until the final act. The psychic girl plot line was also just stupid and didn't add anything to the movie, when the main characters (the monsters) can't communicate, why the fuck would they introduce a mute human.

Sound FX was on point, the Kong CGI was pretty expressive and better than say, the Marvel CGI fodder they churn out, but honestly wouldn't recommend the film just for those.


I liked the movie but I agree that Godzilla is taking a backseat too much. With that said, however, I did enjoy
Kong using the baby as a fucking club right after they met. Lol. Also, I didn't think scar king was as menacing as he should have been. They'll need to bring destroyah in for the next one, don't think anything could stand up to a shimo, Kong, Godzilla brawl besides him or a space Godzilla.


Simps for Amouranth
Watched this with the wee lad yesterday, it was hmmmmm..... I don't want to say utterly shite but I was glad the CGI fest was over, how do they go from a movie as fucking great as Kong Skull Island to this fast and furious type shite, shoulda just kept the human characters out it, they where forgettable af


This movie just had some dumb fun moments but nothing really amazing. I kind of felt like it should have been two movies instead of the just one since it kind of feels rushed. They could have ended it around after scaling the steps. It also was a little too goofy at times. I'd give this movie a rating of B- just because it felt like a quality movie but I really want to give a rating of C but that feels too low. The Ghost busters movie is a better movie. Now onto the monkey man movie.

edit: That suplex was ridiculous.
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Gold Member
I'll go see it if I can get someone dumb enough to tag along with me, if not I'll wait until it's available to rent.
just came back from a Sunday morning showing in IMAX. it's definitely dumb monster fun. as long as you accept it for what it is and don't think about all the physics, logic and logistics stuff, oh and all the possible human casualty, then it's a great film. I do agree that the Scar King can be a little more menacing and powerful, but I'm happy with the final product over all.

haha, I was thinking the exact same thing. that's the most blatantly obvious product placement ever. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Just saw this movie. Son loved it, my daughter was Not impressed. Fun movie, especially if you go in there not taking it serious , and looking for plot. The fight were really entertaining. I wonder how they going to make a bigger bad guy now.
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I was thinking of making the hour+ drive to make this my first 4DX movie. From the impressions in this thread, it sounds like big stupid action, so it sounds perfect for that kind of experience.
The movie monsters were fun, just don't like any of the people in it. I just want a monster movie with no people in it.

Japan Sunglasses GIF


For a dumb Kaiju movie, it was.... okay, I guess. I found the human characters to be the weakest part. Skar and Shimo are pretty lame for villains. Skar is just an evil version of Kong and Shimo is just a pet version of Godzilla who has ice breath instead of atomic breath. Do Americans suck at creating original kaijus? Anyway, seeing Kong throwing around a child did bring a smile to my face.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This was my first cinema experience after a long-ass while and it was well worth it.

A thoroughly dumb yet extremely fun film.


I'm a huge Godzilla fan and I like Kong well enough. I really enjoyed the movie s lot. My only complaint really is this was basically a Kong movie and Godzilla was more of a side character that didn't get much screen time imo. I'll grab the 4k when it releases


I saw it in a foreign language but was able to still understand what was going on the whole time. I always think the worst parts of these movies are when they cut to the people doing boring human shit.

That all being said, I couldn't stop laughing. The movie was hilariously fun, the fights were fun. I had a total blast. Didn't really feel much like a Godzilla movie though, he's barely in it. Much more of a Kong movie. I could do without the humans but otherwise thoroughly enjoyed it.

Godzilla does a fucking WWE Suplex on Kong.

This movie is amazing.
Best part of the movie lmao
Fun movie. Enjoyed it for what it was. I just hate that the scale of these monsters changes from scene to scene. Other than that, its an entertaining action movie.


For the record, the plot was shit, the acting was the worst I’ve seen in years, and the fights were short.

My kids however loved the movie.


Biggest Trails Stan
Shame Pacific Rim 2 tanked outside of China. Well, and most of the movie sucking. That was the gateway to big budget mecha and it seems to be firmly closed for now.

There's a Hollywood Live Action Adaptation of Gundam coming. I'm cautiously optimistic since a good director is attached and he seems to be a fan of Nerd and Anime stuff
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