Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I've been in but can't comment on much since I don't use the integration of other clients (yet). It's about as functional as before with a slightly different layout I'm not yet too fond of. The library view can be pretty hard on the PC when the covers are made to be of a relatively small size so a lot of them fit within a single page view and it's overall quite sluggish there regardless. There seem to be a nice amount of options (like have it auto-exit the other clients when you quit their games) but I don't see a way to access the community tab which on the old client took you to the forums view...
Before you ask, I haven't tried to launch the in-game overlay either. I like the option to have it show the last page you were on when you launch it rather than one of the few allowed preset selections for a default view. I'd like a "small mode" like Steam's existing convenient one for the games list...

Before you ask, I haven't tried to launch the in-game overlay either. I like the option to have it show the last page you were on when you launch it rather than one of the few allowed preset selections for a default view. I'd like a "small mode" like Steam's existing convenient one for the games list...
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