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Going Scorched earth. Rest of Democrats breaking away from Senators?

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Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Lol, david brock of all people pretending to be some moral authority high grounder? He's as much a corp stooge as any of the GOP senators.

You can either be someone who fights for the people on issues pertinent to them, or you can be a partisan hack who only fights for things when they are on 'my team' and then give no fucks afterward. There is no either or.

A majority of these democrats pretending they are some 'resistance' against trump are just trying to gain false authority and brownie points. They are cowards.


I agree with this in certain ways. I actually think at the government level we should be a persistent thorn but when it comes to being appealing to Republican voters I would prefer some lessons learned about why the people who were flipped compared to their voting patterns in 08 and 12 are taken into account and we do better in being appealing in swing states.

Fuck the GOP and try to win back those we lost in 16.
No doubt democrats need to take a good long look at themselves, and I'm definitely one of them that needs to do that. Also, no doubt we need to be a thorn in their side. Slow their destruction of our social services and try to stop their reduction of people's rights. Be united and filibuster the shit that is obviously unacceptable.

But that doesn't mean we need to take our toy and go home. We're better than that.

The tea party was voted in because they promised to basically go against anything Obama. They did just that. They wouldn't even approve paying for shit that was already bought and forced a government shutdown. They did exactly what voters wanted them to do. They are an excellent example; Do what the people who voted you into office want you to do. I don't think Democrats are selfish or stupid enough to want a government shutdown like the opposition but they do not have to give any leeway on any other issue. They can not give the thumbs up on any supreme court candidate for four years as far as I'm concerned.
Again, why are you looking to the tea party as a role model? They're fucking awful. And they only worked to get republicans in the whitehouse. It's pretty obvious they're going to destruct once they have power and no one to blame, as these movements often do.

Again, block the awful shit. I don't think anyone is arguing that. But there's no reason to act like children if something moderate is put forward.


FINALLY. I hope the marchers last weekend helped them realize that they have support in going obstructionist.
My hope is that act of outward public defiance gave them the courage to find their own backbones and follow suit. They need to be fighting their own battles if the public is going to have any faith in them mounting a resistance. They can't expect the media and Hollywood to fight their battles for them because they can't play on the same battleground. Federal Democrats need to make their own stand... and resist.
It actually means a lot. It's important to remember not to become what we hate, even when we're under duress.

Block Trump's shitty measures. I don't think anyone is going to argue against that. But obstructing for the sake of it is counterproductive and will really fuck over America even more. Democrats not acting like 5 year olds is the only thing keeping this country together, and I'd hate to see that go away.

It's hard to say. But I know for certain there are other ways to fight prejudice other than bring the obstinate assholes we hated for the last 8 years.

You're sadly mistaken if you think this is still a good fight against things like prejudice and corporate cronyism. I think it's becoming clearer each new day that this is pretty much a fight for survival, and morality takes a back seat where that is concerned. Fuck the GOP and every person who thinks they are owed anything conciliatory at this point.


No doubt democrats need to take a good long look at themselves, and I'm definitely one of them that needs to do that. Also, no doubt we need to be a thorn in their side. Slow their destruction of our social services and try to stop their reduction of people's rights. Be united and filibuster the shit that is obviously unacceptable.

But that doesn't mean we need to take our toy and go home. We're better than that.

If what you were saying was a new strat for Dems I'd agree, but we've tried this so many times. At what point do you have to realize that everytime we try to be the better person we just get stepped on?


Dunno. I mean even if the dems were to play nice, it doesnt seem like that would make a difference as to whether the republicans would do so in the future. And certainly as things stand now it will be very difficult for the democrats to ever gain the kind of control that republicans will enjoy in the coming years.

Every election is important, but 2018 and 2020 seem like they're gonna' be do-or-die for the Democrats and liberal causes in general. If Republicans get uncontested control of government for four full years and follow it up for another four, they'll control redistricting so they'll have a good shot at total control through 2030, and control of the Supreme Court for decades.


No doubt democrats need to take a good long look at themselves, and I'm definitely one of them that needs to do that. Also, no doubt we need to be a thorn in their side. Slow their destruction of our social services and try to stop their reduction of people's rights. Be united and filibuster the shit that is obviously unacceptable.

But that doesn't mean we need to take our toy and go home. We're better than that.

by working with the nazis we prove we're better than them

maybe some records of our nobility and bravery will survive the coming holocaust


What, exactly, can they even do without the White House, Senate, or House? They can oppose whatever they want, but it'll still pass.

The federal government isn't the end all or be all. Remember how when Obama passed the ACA governors and mayors in red states obstructed it and forced new revisions on the ACA?

That's why the rest of the Dems are going scorched earth. They are going to withhold their support that is needed to make federal laws practical at the state and city level.


There are also concerns about the dangers of appearing overly obstructionist, and the possible blowback it could create for party officeholders up and down the ballot in 2018.

Golly. I can't imagine what would happen if a party was deliberately obstructionist throughout an opposing president's term.
I'm truly worried about how voter restrictions and gerrymandering could put a block on any sort of effort to retake the WH.

Wisconsin is at least doing it right. Today it was ruled that Wisconsin's Legislature must create a new Assembly district map to replace the one that was ruled unconstitutional by Nov. 1. It must be done and passed for the 2018 elections.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
You're sadly mistaken if you think this is still a good fight against things like prejudice and corporate cronyism. I think it's becoming clearer each new day that this is pretty much a fight for survival, and morality takes a back seat where that is concerned. Fuck the GOP and every person who thinks they are owed anything conciliatory at this point.

You could technically say that for any of the democrats in power who have voted with the GOP lock step since the election which is about...half of the democrats left.

Wouldn't the first thought be to publicly shame and humiliate those who won't lead by example?


No doubt democrats need to take a good long look at themselves, and I'm definitely one of them that needs to do that. Also, no doubt we need to be a thorn in their side. Slow their destruction of our social services and try to stop their reduction of people's rights. Be united and filibuster the shit that is obviously unacceptable.

But that doesn't mean we need to take our toy and go home. We're better than that.

And where has that gotten us? What you're proposing isn't exactly a new idea.
David Brock is absolutely desperate for this to be true:
“I predict the coming divide in the Democratic Party won’t be ideological so much as it will be between those who resist and oppose and those who accommodate and appease,”

I.e. appear as intransigent to the GOP for political reasons so you don't have to give up ground on ideological positions.

Sorry, but the protests in the streets are ideological. We want a better system. We want reforms. And we're going to take them.


No doubt democrats need to take a good long look at themselves, and I'm definitely one of them that needs to do that. Also, no doubt we need to be a thorn in their side. Slow their destruction of our social services and try to stop their reduction of people's rights. Be united and filibuster the shit that is obviously unacceptable.

But that doesn't mean we need to take our toy and go home. We're better than that.

Again, why are you looking to the tea party as a role model? They're fucking awful. And they only worked to get republicans in the whitehouse. It's pretty obvious they're going to destruct once they have power and no one to blame, as these movements often do.

Again, block the awful shit. I don't think anyone is arguing that. But there's no reason to act like children if something moderate is put forward.
Are you missing the part where I point out democrats are more level headed? All I'm saying is elected officials should do what they are voted in office to do. To represent the ideals of those that voted them into office. The tea party candidates, stupid as they may be, did just that.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
David Brock is absolutely desperate for this to be true:

I.e. appear as intransigent to the GOP for political reasons so you don't have to give up ground on ideological positions.

Sorry, but the protests in the streets are ideological. We want a better system. We want reforms. And we're going to take them.

I have to agree with this as well. You can see a lot of these tools trying to posture politically just to get some points when they appear to be siding against the 'enemy' even though any other day they would be as morally bankrupt as the GOP except on the democratic side.

We need to take back the dem party as much as we need to fight the reds and Trump


If what you were saying was a new strat for Dems I'd agree, but we've tried this so many times. At what point do you have to realize that everytime we try to be the better person we just get stepped on?
Take the ACA. There was no reason for republicans to act like they did about that. It was a republican plan and democrats tried their damn hardest to get bi-partisan cooperation. But republicans were so goddamn hellbent on being fucks they vowed on Obama's inaguration to block everything by him, no matter what.

There's no reason the democrats can't fight, and be obstinate when it matters, and continue every day to try to make the lives of people better. But I don't want them acting like republicans did during Obama's term. I don't want another ACA like situation to happen, and democrats being the dicks this time because of their blind hatred. Be the better person. It doesn't mean you have to be perfect, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to be pushed around, it just means you'll get a little bloodied in the fight for a better tomorrow, and sometimes you'll have to sacrifice the good of the party for the good of the country.

Edit: I should add I doubt an ACA like situation is likely to happen, given the nature of the current GOP. I just think we should come to the conclusion something is a bad idea because of facts and evidence, rather than just blind hatred.
And where has that gotten us? What you're proposing isn't exactly a new idea.
More votes than the GOP for starters. I'm not saying there's a ton of work to do, but the idea that the GOP "won" because they were monsters is silly.
at least we'll have our dignity when trump sweeps us into internment camps

The people who don't see this as a realistic possibility for Muslims and Lations are being willfully blind. An idiotic narcissist who wants to be best friends with the world's most powerful strongman is our president.


What I hope is that 2018 and 2020 we get the presidency and majority back and then basically give no inch to the right. Trying the reach across the aisle has fucked Dems more times than naught. I mean look at Comey.

I hope when that when we finally get the Presidency back, the loopholes in this broken system that allowed for Trump to become President are forever closed. There can never again be another period of Republican rule, this party has proven itself beyond incompetent, it is pure unadulterated evil and needs to be systematically eradicated through education and increasingly shifting demographics.


I love how they worry what it will do if they look like they're being obstructionists. As proven by republicans it won't do a goddamn thing to them.


Republicans aren't interested in bipartisanship and so neither should we.

One side is already treating this like a war, it's time for the other side to realize that.
"Give him a chance" is apart of the political process of setting up at least the ability to say you tried. But it took Trump less then a week to screw it up, as expected. I mean, just about 80% of the country is against him. Just wait until congress starts their bullshit.


The best they can ever hope for is to convince other Republicans to vote with them.

As I mentioned earlier at the state and city level democrats can simply choose not to enforce the federal laws or only do the bare minimum so they don't get arrested.

Additionally in that article they pointed out that they are prepping to do more and more lawsuits as more of TRump's bullshits is announced and authorized by the Republican party.


I'm not a fan of becoming more like republicans. I vote for democrats because they have a conciense, and at least try to have a dialogue before voting. I'm surprised people are in support of being obstructionist for the sake of it. I thought we were better than this.

The absolute last thing I want is for democrats to become like the GOP with regards to voting. Fuck Trump, and block any shitty stuff he proposes, absolutely. But if the only way for democrats to win I to become extreme to the point of hyperbole, America is already doomed.

You're using the tea party as a good example, really?

How did losing feel?

Not great. Nobody gives a shit about losers, no matter how morally right they might be.
“I predict the coming divide in the Democratic Party won’t be ideological so much as it will be between those who resist and oppose and those who accommodate and appease,” strategist David Brock told roughly 120 donors gathered in Florida over the weekend to plot a path forward.

Oh, yeah, fuck this guy. "Gathered in Florida" having a schmoozer for rich people and writing blank checks to this spineless greaseball while the rest of the country is getting fucked over.
Republicans aren't interested in bipartisanship and so neither should we.

One side is already treating this like a war, it's time for the other side to realize that.

The evangelical movement which owns a huge part of the GOP has been at war with secularism and education for decades. They now have their own person in charge of the Department of Education.
I disagree. This is advocating obstructionism because most of the time, when we give the Republicans an inch, they took a hundred kilometers. It is not possible to reason when the opponent does not respect you or treat you like an adult. Their reward at the end of the tunnel is fulfillment of their goals. Wealth enrichment at the cost of everyone else including their base.

Time for talk and compromise is over. We're going for a knuckle-down drag-out fight to resist this.

Exactly. Every time Democrats tried being reasonable or taking the high road by extending an olive branch, GOP spat in their faces.

Now they have all the power and they're stepping on our throats. Democrats insistent use of comprising with the GOP, while full knowing they weren't play fair, has led to this point.
You could technically say that for any of the democrats in power who have voted with the GOP lock step since the election which is about...half of the democrats left.

Wouldn't the first thought be to publicly shame and humiliate those who won't lead by example?

You think shame and humiliation is enough for those fucking wastes of skin? No, they need to be ousted out of their positions and replaced with people who will not capitulate, nor collaborate with a party that is almost nothing but criminals and hatemongers who lie with every breathe and every word.


Exactly. Every time Democrats tried being reasonable or taking the high road by extending an olive branch, GOP spat in their faces.

Now they have all the power and they're stepping on our throats. Democrats insistent use of comprising with the GOP, while full knowing they weren't play fair, has led to this point.
Exactly. The high road shit shit didn't work and won't. It is a war. It's time to start using the republican playbook and treat it as the war it is.


Oh, yeah, fuck this guy. "Gathered in Florida" having a schmoozer for rich people and writing blank checks to this spineless greaseball while the rest of the country is getting fucked over.

it's a classic david brock move, he's an entirely unprincipled opportunistic snake who's done nothing but fail upward like most of the losers in the clinton orbit


Last week I would have said to oppose things where you can make the most noise and cause the most disruptions, but don't waste energy on battles you can't even make a dent in.

After the last 5 days. Fuck them all and burn it to the ground, we need to start over


The evangelical movement which owns a huge part of the GOP has been at war with secularism and education for decades. They now have their own person in charge of the Department of Education.
Any Dem that votes for DeVos deserves to be primary'd against and lose their seat.


I'm with our misguided Jill Stein-voting friends for once in this thread:

No quarter, and no quarter to dems that capitulate either. It's now or never.

...by the way, this includes Bernie saying he would be happy to collaborate with Trump on trade-related issues.

We don't get to have it both ways.

It's either no compromise or some compromise. I say no compromise, full stop.

Game Guru

The tea party almost ruined the GOP. They just got really lucky with Trump wooing the WWC in the Rust Belt.

Ruined the GOP?! The GOP has the most power it's had since the 1920s! That is all due to the Tea Party's rise in 2010! You want to know why the Tea Party worked? Because they protested, they voted in Republican primaries for the people who were most ideologically like them, and they seized control of the Republican Party from the bottom-up. At some point, one has to admit that the tactics of the Tea Party and the Republican Party against Obama actually worked, and to adopt those sorts of tactics. Especially if you are going to consider the Republicans to be the enemies of all that live. To compromise with a party led by Donald Trump is to normalize Donald Trump.


How did losing feel?

Not great. Nobody gives a shit about losers, no matter how morally right they might be.

Winners write the history books.
Neither of these things are true. One just has to look at the post war south to see how much the loosers can affect things. Nobody likes loosing, but it happens. You deal with it and don't act like a five year old going crying off to mommy like republicans did. Fight what you need to fight. Do what you need to do to win, but don't act like republicans did. Beleive it or not, that shit backfires, as I'm sure we're going to see in the next few years.
The problem is, ethical questions aside, I don't think pragmatically the Dems can play the same game the Tea Party did and actually come out ahead.

I suppose we'll see come 2018 whether or not I'm right, because the Tea Party crushed midterms and if the Dems lose again there I don't see them having a hope or a prayer in the near future of recovering.

It might make gains for the presidency, but it will continue to hurt them in the House and Senate. If we want to push towards a Republican dominated Constitutional Convention, this is probably the route to get us there.

Head back to 2000, and the Senate Dem lead was from ... South Dakota. and the other senator from South Dakota.... Democrat.

South Dakota Democrats today are performing at their lowest level in 52 years. The abandonment of blue dog democrats, and the terrible DNC support is what has caused this shift.

There is more concern now about SD because of a referendum that a judge has ruled violates the SD Constitution, than there was for the elections, where 1/3 of SD seats went uncontested, the 2010 US Senate seat went uncontested, and the 2016 US Senate seat had a random person run against the incumbent.

I like to think of this example:

During Obama's administration we had the mass slaying of small children, blacks, church-goers, gays, random people at a theater, and people at a political gathering, and demographics that both parties care about, and in the NE, the SE, the MW, and the SW. Our president cried in grief, anger, and anguish publicly. There wasn't enough political capital to to make even small adjustments to background checks. Should Democrats campaign on this issue, where it puts them at odds with rural voters, and even rural Democrats?

The bathroom bills. The Democrats take the ethically sound road on this, but it's still representing an obscurely small demographic with an ultimate policy change of benefiting... nearly no one. While a valid issue, should this be as large of an issue for either party as it is? It doesn't even have that great of traction with Republicans.

Are we really wanting Democrats to oppose infrastructure spending? Why didn't Democrats pounce on that more in rural... oh that's right, we didn't even want to try. Sure, Democrats should stand on principles where it really counts: but oh my goodness please help improve the country in some way, shape, or form.
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