Right. In a rational world, compromise is a constructive thing. But the world we live in today politically is no longer rational. We must hold the line. We must go back to the fundamentals of what the party stands for: the interests of the average man, woman, and child living in ordinary circumstances, whether they be poor, working class, or middle class. If you can't even uphold your most fundamental tenets by being unified behind them and having an actionable plan to make changes for the better, then you've already failed in times like these.
Corporate Democrats have already contributed significantly towards undermining the working people and poor of this country, hollowing out their wealth, earning capacity, and political capital, all on top of burdening them with massive amounts of debt just in order to even have a chance at a decent education and standard of living. This is not working. Democrats are less to blame, but ultimately do share the blame.
Trump hijacked Bernie's economic populism message but added toxic fascist, isolationist, sexist, and racist/xenophobic elements as well. The aim should be for inclusivity in our domestic workforce and to enforce fair trade principles abroad (I.e., US standards for labor and environment upheld abroad or else conditional tariffs, etc. levied). On top of that, we need a return of labor unions, pensions, and work/life balance, as well as universal access to higher education and healthcare, whether it be "free" (paid for via taxes, of course) or heavily subsidized.