Damn, that website is terribly designed.
Scroll through presenters, last one:
A Primal soul and shamanic speaker of madness in service to the community with a passion for teaching.
It's everything I expected.
This sounds like Guaranteed Gonnorhea.
But, uh, have fun.
i had no idea neogaf had such a large bdsm userbase, what an odd combination of interests
Surprising amount of weebs in therehttp://darkodyssey.com/fusion/presenters/
Some of the presenters. Some are very attractive... justsaying.
It seems like an interesting event. I aint got the money for it though.
No signs greet me as I drive deep into a wooded area, my Tesla wheels rolling across gravel. A few volunteers appear in front of a very packed parking lot, telling me I need to register and get my badge before continuing with my journey. I sign the necessary paperwork, and opt out of giving permission to have my photo taken. Perhaps next year I'll be ambitious enough to be seen on their website, but not this year.
Upon walking into the camp grounds, the horizon is littered with hundreds of tents, decorating the landscape with their varied colours. I am pleasantly surprised to see some people walking alone, as I won't be the only lone Wolf out prowling tonight.
Navigating through the assortment of tents and camp buildings, I see a threesome going on in the distance. The woman grunts as her partner takes her from behind, with another partner laying underneath. Further down a heavy black couple are under a pavilion, making love on top of several pillows.
As I continue to meander through the devilry, I spy an older lady topless, with a strapped on dildo. I smile meekly at her as I pass by, not wanting to invite any conversation with her. Plenty of nude people are scattered about; an older hippie man with his pants down just under his genitals, a rather attractive blonde wearing nothing but a flimsy jacket. I survey her body, imagining seeing her at the orgy later.
I then go into the dining hall and ask an attractive girl where the bathrooms are. Upon entering one, I see they are gender neutral, with an older lady standing inside, making idle conversation with a young gentleman.
Currently to my right there is a mixer going on, I was never too good at jumping in a group conversation, but I'll head into there for a bit and try to work my courage.
No signs greet me as I drive deep into a wooded area, my Tesla wheels rolling across gravel. A few volunteers appear in front of a very packed parking lot, telling me I need to register and get my badge before continuing with my journey. I sign the necessary paperwork, and opt out of giving permission to have my photo taken. Perhaps next year I'll be ambitious enough to be seen on their website, but not this year.
Upon walking into the camp grounds, the horizon is littered with hundreds of tents, decorating the landscape with their varied colours. I am pleasantly surprised to see some people walking alone, as I won't be the only lone Wolf out prowling tonight.
Navigating through the assortment of tents and camp buildings, I see a threesome going on in the distance. The woman grunts as her partner takes her from behind, with another partner laying underneath. Further down a heavy black couple are under a pavilion, making love on top of several pillows.
As I continue to meander through the devilry, I spy an older lady topless, with a strapped on dildo. I smile meekly at her as I pass by, not wanting to invite any conversation with her. Plenty of nude people are scattered about; an older hippie man with his pants down just under his genitals, a rather attractive blonde wearing nothing but a flimsy jacket. I survey her body, imagining seeing her at the orgy later.
I then go into the dining hall and ask an attractive girl where the bathrooms are. Upon entering one, I see they are gender neutral, with an older lady standing inside, making idle conversation with a young gentleman.
Currently to my right there is a mixer going on, I was never too good at jumping in a group conversation, but I'll head into there for a bit and try to work my courage.
We have a BDSM OT thread and a fetlife group, though I haven't been in the latter in like a year.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=426001 <- HERE
NEATWe have a BDSM OT thread and a fetlife group, though I haven't been in the latter in like a year.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=426001 <- HERE
Wait, is the Tesla a rental or your own? If it's a rental, which "class" did you pick to get it?
I'm more interested in that part TBF
I own it
What are the food options like?
I think it's this outdated idea that kinky means no inhibitions means fuck the first stranger you see. I know that's a kink so it's not like it's impossible, but I feel like I cannot emphasize how protective people are.
& let's be real, people are especially protective of subs/bottoms... and women.
YMMV but generally speaking, I would say communities tend to be great. You have to find one first.
If not, be the change you want to be.
So when you make a profile on this fet thing can you specify "spanking ok; no whips plz" or is that just gonna not have much takersA lot more folks into BDSM than you'd think.
ohh myyyyyOh, cool. I'm going too, OP. PM and maybe we can go together.
Oh, cool. I'm going too, OP. PM and maybe we can go together.
So when you make a profile on this fet thing can you specify "spanking ok; no whips plz" or is that just gonna not have much takers
Are you an attractive, young woman?
OP probably ain't interested if you aren't.
I'm hoping it won't be 100% old people and larger women . . . I mean surely some younger hot chicks have to have some fetishes, and/or want to have sex with strangers, right?
You'd be extremely surprised as to who Goes to these, especially as close to D.C. as this is.Wonder if any politicians are into bdsm
Younger people do go there. I'm from Baltimore. But, the overwhelming majority are in their 40's to 50's.
I.... don't quite get this.So its less fresh crab just caught to Red Lobster under the heat lamp for a few hours.
OP gonna bust once and immediately want to leaveWelp...this gonna be my entertainment for the weekend!
You can do exactly that, and explaining preferences like that is extremely common. If you're actually being serious about this though I should say that you're probably not gonna get too much mileage out of it as a site unless you're actually going out to events and meeting people. It's a primarily a social networking site, not a dating or porn one and a lot of usersonly use it to keep in touch with people they've actually met.
This is a lot more insightful than I think my jokey comment deserved, and I am extremely grateful 👍 👍 👍You can, and SHOULD, specify exactly what your soft and hard limits are.
Again, I can not emphasize this enough, but kink is about SSC - safe, sane, and consensual. That last part is extremely, extremely important.
If you say, no whips are a hard limits, then that is it. If ANYONE tries to pressure you, they are disgusting sniveling little shitfaces not worthy of your time, energy, and attention.
You will find someone who likes what you like. Just be true and honest about your preferences, and keep an open mind!
Wonder if any politicians are into bdsm